
  • 网络aesthetic need
  1. 人的总体需求包括审美需求,都是由这种基本生存方式决定的。

    The general needs of human being , including aesthetic need , are determined by this basic way of existence .

  2. 传统的苗族服饰的现代化导致其民族文化的内涵淡化,其变迁更加实用,符合现代人的审美需求。

    The modernization of the traditional Miao clothing has led to the desalting of the connotation of the Miao culture and the evolution is more applied and meets the aesthetic need of people today .

  3. 论消费审美需求影响下的日用瓷外观设计

    Domestic Porcelain Appearance Design under the Influence of Consumption Esthetic Demand

  4. 乡村景观构成多元,景观多样性高,可满足多种景观旅游审美需求;

    The diversity of rural landscape can meet various tourist aesthetic needs .

  5. 因此,现代服装装饰美感的研究,对于美化人民生活和满足人们的审美需求具有重要的指导意义。

    So it is important to study modern clothing decorative aesthetic feeling .

  6. 造型艺术中的审美需求和观念表达

    The Aesthetic Needs and Conception Expressions of Plastic Arts

  7. 服装是文化的表征,它不仅能够为人护体、御寒,还反映着人的审美需求和愿望,是一种文化品位的浓缩。

    Garment is a symbol and concentration of culture .

  8. 论当前社会审美需求的基本趋向

    The essential tendency of current society 's aesthetic requirement

  9. 传统筝已经逐渐地不能满足现代人的审美需求。

    Traditional zheng has gradually can not meet the aesthetic needs of modern people .

  10. 适应了时代的审美需求,其艺术价值是显而易见的。

    Meet the aesthetic needs of the times , its artistic value is obvious .

  11. 网络艺术与受众的审美需求

    Network Art and Audiences ' Esthetic Demand

  12. 新闻传播的内容和方式总与人们的审美需求联系在一起。

    The contents and method of news casting are always related to the peoples aesthetic attitude .

  13. 本文就艺术创作过程中的审美需求和观念表达的问题进行评析。

    In the article the author comments on aesthetic needs and conception expression in artistic creation .

  14. 消费者审美需求与包装设计

    Consumers'Aesthetic Requirements and Packing Design

  15. 该新产品满足建筑师、设计师及家俬制造业者之慧眼独到的审美需求。

    A new product to cater to the aesthetic-functional needs of architects , designers and furniture producers .

  16. 本文也探讨了在网络媒介里,受众的审美需求的实现方式。

    This article has also discussed in the network medium , audiences ' esthetic demand realization way .

  17. 禅僧草书体现了文人士大夫的审美需求。

    The cursive hand of zen monks embodied the aesthetic needs of the scholar bureaucrats and literators .

  18. 成功的电视广告不仅能传达商品信息,而且能满足人们的审美需求。

    Successful television advertising not only spreads out merchandise information , but also satisfies people ' taste demand .

  19. 漆壁画与建筑环境相融合,满足了人们的审美需求。

    When inosculated with building environment , lacquer-fresco paintings can satisfy greatly those aesthetic requirements of the people .

  20. 其次,三位诗人通过对力的张扬造就了新边塞诗强悍、粗犷、豪放的雄性美,实现了新时期文学对审美需求的拓展。

    To be a result , the new frontier poetry develop the aesthetic demand of the New Period Literature .

  21. 清式家具由于统治阶级的审美需求,数量和制作工艺相较明式家具还是有着发展和提高。

    Qing-style furniture improved in terms of quantity and production technology because of aesthetic needs of the ruling class .

  22. 当代人们的生活状态、价值观念、审美需求决定了壁画多元化的发展趋势。

    People 's attitudes towards life , value standards and demand for beauty have contributed to pluralism of murals .

  23. 在全球化语境下,寻求中外观众审美需求的契合点。

    Finally , to seek a corresponding point of the audiences from home and abroad under the globalizational context .

  24. 本文将以电视新闻发展的情况为主线,论由此引出的人类审美需求、消费心理等规律性特点。

    This essay , centring around the development of TV news , analyses two regular patternsaesthetic demand and consuming psychology .

  25. 在新的历史时期,民族民间舞蹈必须要与社会发展和人民大众日益提高的审美需求相适应。

    In the new era , the Chinese national folk dance must meet social development and the mass increasing requirements .

  26. 该场地还别出心裁用粉红和浅紫来装饰场地,以配合女性的审美需求。

    The lots are also decorated in pink and light purple to ensure that women 's aesthetic tastes are also met .

  27. 他的语言狂乱驳杂又大气磅礴,婉约清丽又深情款款,既保留了民间话语粗野淳朴的原始风貌,又满足了艺术语言的审美需求。

    It not only keeps the original features of folk language , but also meets the aesthetic demand of artistic language .

  28. 本文主要探讨了“新音乐”创新效果与受众审美需求失衡的症结。

    The thesis mostly discusses the sticking points and reasons of the imbalance of New Musics innovative results and audiences aesthetic demands .

  29. 虽然顾客们对尺寸、价格和适用年龄段的的审美需求各不相同,但每个人都想要买到一件时髦的服装。

    Customers'aesthetic requirements differ with every size , price , and age range , but everyone is looking for a stylish garment .

  30. 为了迎合观者的审美需求,众多标志设计作品不断变换设计理念并呈现出多样化的表现形式。

    In order to cater to these needs , many works of logo design vary their design concept and expression form continuously .