
  • 网络Aesthetic evaluation
  1. 中等艺术学校美术欣赏教学与审美评价

    The Teaching of Art Appreciation and Aesthetic Evaluation in Secondary Art School

  2. 美术欣赏的教学与审美评价

    Teaching and aesthetic Evaluation on Appreciation of Fine Arts

  3. 高校美术欣赏教学中的审美评价

    Brief Analysis of Aesthetic Evaluation for Art Appreciation Teaching in Institute

  4. 而我们的审美评价又是主观的,它是对价值的主观体现。

    While we are subjective assessment of aesthetic value , it is subjective .

  5. 大学音乐欣赏教学中的理性认识与审美评价

    Views on rational cognition and aesthetic evaluation in teaching music appreciation in universities

  6. 审美评价是伴随着审美消费所发生的一种主体行为,是主体对对象所具有的审美价值的性质、高低、大小、真伪等等所作的判定、鉴别、批评、论说。

    It is along with consumption of aesthetic values that aesthetic evaluation occurs in the aesthetic subject .

  7. 音乐是声音的艺术,音乐欣赏是一种细腻的审美评价。

    The music is the sound , music appreciation is a kind of fine and smoot aesthetic appraisal .

  8. 文学表现的主题、审美评价的重心以及思维方式上都体现出各个时代的特点。

    The theme of literature , the center of aesthetic evaluation and considering ways all embody certain epoch characteristics .

  9. 在教学中对实际作品进行多维的和有效的审美评价,是达到这一宗旨的唯一途径。

    The conduction of multi-dimensional and effective aesthetic evaluation for the practical artwork in the teaching is the unique way to achieve the principle .

  10. 作家必须将语言典型化、艺术化,对丑的客体做出比较准确的审美评价。

    Literary workers should typify its language , make it artistic , as well as make aesthetic assessment on the ugly entity with comparative accuracy .

  11. 竞技健美运动审美评价包括对竞技健美运动员的体形、肌肉形态、动作造型、表现力及音乐等的评价。

    Aesthetic evaluation of competitive bodybuilding sports including competitive athletes , body aerobics , muscle morphology , motion design and music , such as expression evaluation .

  12. 它具有提高学生的文化艺术素养和审美评价能力,激发学生的创新意识和创造能力,发展学生和谐的社会交往能力的作用。

    It can improve students'culture art manners and the ability of appreciating beauty and evaluating , stimulate student 's creative consciousness and ability , develop the socialable ability .

  13. 文章力图对象征着奥尼尔艺术高峰的《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》进行道德判断和审美评价。

    His paper attempts to provide moral judgment and aesthetic evaluation to Long Day 's Journey Into Night , which is the summit of Eugene O'Neill 's work .

  14. 可信性抨击一般可分为若干大的范畴。审美评价标准是个历史性的范畴。

    Credibility attacks usually fall into several broad categories . However , aesthetic evaluation must occur on the basis of aesthetic consumption , whose criteria are of historicity .

  15. 这个命题是否成立,作为对辛弃疾词的审美评价有何涵蕴,在学理上应该还有进一步讨论的余地。

    This proposition is right or not ? It was used as the aesthetic meaning of Xin Qiji 's Ci , and still need further discussion on academic theory .

  16. 本文从客观现实的物质世界探析和发掘音色的多样性,并从人类社会的精神层面去感受音色、进行审美评价。

    The writing attempts to explore and dig out the diversity of music timbre s from the objective world and feel music timbre from the spiritual perspective of human society .

  17. 巴尔扎克对伏脱冷形象的审美评价,作为现实主义大潮涌动时的一股潜流,对于现代派美学原则的确立发挥了艺术实践方面的奠基作用。

    As an undercurrent of realism , the aesthetic evaluation made on Futaulen by Balzac played a fundamental role in the art practice to the establishment of modern school aesthetic principle .

  18. 说趣味&兼论审美评价的逻辑依据政策、民意、法律:建国初司法审判的依据

    Taste and logical basis for aesthetic review ; Policy , Public Opinion , the Law : The Basis for Judicial Trial in the Early Days after the Founding of New China

  19. 全文对城市小说的欲望与精神力求做出客观分析和审美评价,立体地思索新世纪小说的出路问题与精神救赎。

    The paper tries to analyze objectively and evaluate aesthetically the desire and spirits of city novels , ponders stereoscopically on how to develop the novels of the new century and to redeem its spirit .

  20. 但由于网络游戏运营商和游戏玩家之间缺乏沟通和理解,导致双方在对网络游戏行销设计的审美评价中产生了巨大的矛盾。

    But because of game players online game operator and the lack of communication and understanding between the parties in the Internet , resulting in the game in marketing design aesthetic evaluation made a huge contradictions .

  21. 本文从以下四个方面来认识翻译批评的性质:首先,翻译批评是一种审美评价活动;其次,它是一种较为完整的系统的学术研究活动;

    This thesis attempts to explore its nature from four points : First , translation criticism is a kind of activity of aesthetic evaluation in which the critics aesthetically comprehend the translated text , the translation phenomena , etc.

  22. 法律评价包括以下几个方面:法的形式评价、法的事实评价、法的价值评价、法的审美评价以及法的合法性、合理性评价等等。

    The legal evaluation consists several aspects below , such as the evaluation about the form of law , the fact of law , the value of law , the appreciation of beauty of law , legality and rationality .

  23. 舞蹈欣赏是观众通过舞蹈作品中的舞蹈形象,具体地认识它所反映的社会生活、人物的思想感情以及舞蹈作者对这种生活现象的审美评价。

    The dancing appreciation is the society life and sensation of the personality which audience understand concretely , and the dancing appreciation is also author 's evaluation of the taste toward this life phenomena through the dancing image in the production .

  24. 可以说,普遍的心理状况与个体心理差异,是环境设计能否被社会大众与个人所接受的先决条件之一,同时也是进行质量评估和审美评价的重要标准之一。

    It is well acknowledged that the difference of psychology between the group and the individual is one of the preconditions of whether an environmental design can be accepted by both social groups and individuals , and meanwhile one of the important criteria in quality and aesthetic assessment .

  25. 美与审美的评价论和语用学阐释

    Beauty : Its Evaluation and Pragmatic Interpretation

  26. 印象的批评是旨在强化批评家个性主体意识和主观情感评价功能、以主观的和印象的审美眼光评价文学的一种泛化批评形态。

    Impressional Criticism is a pan-critical shape to strengthen commenters ' individuality and sensibility , who can use subjective and impressional aesthetic insight to evaluate literature .

  27. 从崇高向古典的塌陷&建国初文学审美特征评价

    A Collapse from Nobleness to Classicness & An Evaluation on the Literary Aesthetic Characteristics of the Early Period of Founding of the People 's Republic of China

  28. 同时,众多学者的研究,主要是从社会性和思想性的角度来研究、肯定底层文学,而对底层文学的文学审美性评价却不是很高。

    At the same time , many scholars , mainly from the social and ideological point of view to study , certainly the underlying literature , and on the bottom of the literary aesthetic evaluation of literature is not very high .

  29. 可以说,中国古代书法自觉的审美与评价,是以尺牍交流的形式,由草书启蒙发凡的。

    It can be safely said that the aesthetic value and evaluation of the ancient Chinese handwriting started from the enlightenment of the zhang cao Script taking the form of the exchange of chi du , bamboo slips to write on .

  30. 运用BIB-LCJ审美评判法评价棕榈科植物景观

    The Application of BIB-LCJ in the Aesthetic Estimation of the Palm Plants Landscape