
  • 网络aesthetic psychology
  1. 大学生审美心理偏差及其调试

    Deviation and Adjustment of College Students ' Aesthetic Psychology Mentality dessert

  2. 简析化学科学美与审美心理

    A brief Analysis of Scientific Beauty of Chemistry and Aesthetic Psychology

  3. 谈月与传统审美心理的适应

    The Adaptation of Talking about the Moon and Traditional Aesthetic Sentiment

  4. 环境·时尚:学生审美心理的个性形成

    Surrounding and Popularity as the Factors of Personality-shaping of Students'Aesthetic Psychology

  5. 情感是审美心理结构中的核心要素。

    Emotion is the main point of aesthetic mentality structure .

  6. 刍议中华民族音乐审美心理形成的基本条件

    A Rustic Opinion of the Postulate of Forming Chinese Musical Aesthetic Psychology

  7. 复调写作技法与音乐审美心理

    Polyphonic Techniques and Aesthetic Psychology of Music Talking about " Writing "

  8. 审美心理是人的心理的高级形式;

    Aesthetic mentality is the high level of human psychology .

  9. 从审美心理角度解读农业旅游示范区旅游设施建设

    Analyses of facility construction of agritourism demonstration zone based on aesthetic psychology

  10. 创作动机与审美心理结构有着密切的关系。

    Inditing motives and tasting psychological structure are closely related .

  11. 论民众审美心理对中国近代设计艺术的影响

    The Influence of Pop Aesthetic Mentality on Modern Chinese Design

  12. 怀旧的审美心理指向是感伤之美和彼岸之美。

    Nostalgia implies beauty of sorrow and beauty of the transcendent world .

  13. 由此可以引出审美心理的特征乃是超功利与非逻辑。

    Thus , characteristic of aesthetic psychology is exceeding utility and non-logic .

  14. 略论冼星海的音乐审美心理特征

    On the features of XIAN Xing-hai 's musical aesthetic psychology

  15. 音乐欣赏审美心理与音乐欣赏教学

    Aesthetic Psychology of Music Appreciation and Teaching of Music Appreciation

  16. 文化安全建构中的艺术审美心理介入

    Art Aesthetic Psychological Intervention in Construction of Cultural Safety

  17. 但在它不断发展的同时,漆画艺术相对稳定的审美心理定势在不同的历史条件下发生着变化。

    However , the relatively stable aesthetic psychology varied in different history conditions .

  18. 文学作品的深度解读需有完满的审美心理的参与。

    Deep comprehension of literature requires perfect psychological participation .

  19. 从儿童画看其审美心理

    A Perception of its Esthetic Psychology from Child Picture

  20. 论记忆型审美心理形成规律

    On the Formation of Memory - oriented Aesthetic Mentality

  21. 当代大学生审美心理发展分析与对策研究

    Analysis and Countermeasure Study of the Mental Taste Development of Contemporary College Students

  22. 黑色幽默的审美心理机制新探

    New Probe into Aesthetic Mental Mechanism of Black Humour

  23. 当代中国农民审美心理特点及审美文化研究

    Study on Aesthetic Psychological Characteristics and Aesthetic Culture of Farmer in Contemporary China

  24. 人种进化对原始人类审美心理的奠基

    Human Evolution as the Foundation of the Aesthetic Psychology of the Primitive Men

  25. 体育摄影作品的赏析过程与审美心理初探

    An Analysis on the Appreciation Process and Aesthetic Mentality of Sports Photography Works

  26. 可见,审美心理结构对创作动机起着决定作用。

    Thus , tasting psychological structure determines inditing motives .

  27. 文学解读流程中的审美心理机制

    Psychological Mechanism of the Appreciation of the Beauty in the Process of Literature Comprehension

  28. 文学译者理解过程审美心理结构研究

    A Research on a Literary Translator 's Aesthetic Psychological Structure in the Understanding Process

  29. 前者是一种审美心理,具体来讲是一种审悲快感;

    The former is a psychological reaction , and specifically , an aesthetic pleasure .

  30. 广告语翻译的审美心理认知

    The Esthetic Psychological Cognition of Advertisement Language Translation