
mó xiě
  • copy;imitate the calligraphy of;describe;depict
摹写 [mó xiě]
  • (1) [copy]∶ 照原作誊写或临摹

  • (2) [describe;depict]∶泛指用文字描述;描写

  • 摹写人物情状

摹写[mó xiě]
  1. 她刚开始学习书法,只能使用仿纸进行摹写。

    She has just begun to learn calligraphy and can only use the practice paper to copy model characters .

  2. 因此,经验的事实成为原始完全自主之思维活动的说明和摹写。

    The fact as experienced thus becomes an illustration and a copy of the original and completely self-supporting activity of thought .

  3. 作家试图摹写落日的光彩。

    The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset .

  4. 你既可以打印黑白的也可打印彩色的,你甚至还可以去买夜光的摹写纸。

    You can print black or colours or even buy " glow-in-the-dark " Transfer Paper .

  5. 主要实验有二:一是选择同一实物的三维和二维两类模型让被试摹写;

    The two main tasks were : copy the three and two-dimensional stimuli of the same model .

  6. 再现是文化模式中的客观摹写,它与艺术家、艺术风格有关;

    Reproduction is the objective imitation in culture model , and it is related to artist and artistic style .

  7. 她手握毛笔,正在练习仿影摹写。斯宾塞,模仿古人不用语言写作

    She is copying model characters to practice calligraphy . Spenser , in affecting the ancients , writ no language

  8. 《三国演义》中摹写的各类隐士使这部英雄史诗式的长篇历史演义小说折射出悠远的隐士文化色彩。

    In Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms , all sorts of hermits make this novel reflect the remote traditional hermit-culture .

  9. 作为主体对对象的语词&符号说明或摹写,任何描述都必须以相应的规定为前提。

    As a verbal symbolic account or portrayal of objects , a description must take some corresponding stipulation as its premise .

  10. 商代鸟装饰青铜器主要摹写鸮鸟和凤,多见鸟形卣和尊:卣通常是双鸮背立,尊为单个鸮鸟形象,以中轴对称。

    Bird decorated bronze wares in Shang dynasty mainly imitate owl and phoenix , owl You and Zun were usually to see .

  11. 由此认为,武侠小说中有关对远古神话的摹写达到了与人类原始思维的高度融合。

    From this point of view , chivalrous novels referring to the description of ancient myth reach the high mergence with the people primitive thoughts .

  12. 由于该书在字形摹写方面存在一些问题,为更好的发挥该书的价值和作用,现据有关文献资料,对该书正编部分所收字形做出校订。

    In order to better play the role and the value of the book , it is must to revise them according to related literatures .

  13. 她较早自觉避开对特定自然地域风情的表层摹写,而致力于发现属于个人的独立艺术世界及其后的精神空间。

    Instead of imitative description of certain particular nature and regional customs , she concentrates on her own artistic world and the spiritual space behind it .

  14. 概念对客观对象的认识是通过摹写现实和规范现实的双重作用实现的。其次,从绝对运动的角度考察概念的内在矛盾运动。

    In addition , it can depict the reality and regulate reality . Secondly , introduce the concept of inner contradictions from the perspective of absolute motion .

  15. 它是对生活真实的艺术反映,而不是对北宋东京外城上那座上善门的机械摹写。

    It is an artistic reflection to authentic life , not mechanical copy to the Shangshan ( means the kindest , name of the city gatetower ) Gate .

  16. 从原型模型论观点看,客观物质世界和精神世界是原型,语言和言语都是摹写和反映客观世界的模型。

    In line with this theory , the objective material world and spiritual world are prototypes , while speech and language are models that describe and reflect the world .

  17. 另者,这里的所谓“女性艺术”,特指由女性艺术家创作的带女性自我摹写特征的美术作品,强调女性作为主体对自我、对存在的一种叙述。

    In addition , the said " woman art " particularly means woman artists'self representations , which emphasize woman as the main subject to deliver self image and self existence .

  18. 同时,通过对平民生活的摹写,展示平凡住居中的超凡智慧,为开发宜居城镇提供思路。

    At the same time , it shows perfect wisdom in common residence through description of plebeian life , and finally provides a train of thought to develop livable cities and towns .

  19. 冯契认为,一切概念都有摹写现实与规范现实的双重作用,逻辑原则也体现着后验性与先验性的统一。

    FENG Qi claims that any concept has a dual function of describing and prescribing reality , and that those basic logical rules embody a unity of a posteriority and a priority .

  20. 上海曾经的繁华旧梦,当下的时尚新潮,她丰富独特的经历成为了都市文学史上不可忽略的摹写范式,独领风骚。

    Shanghai was once the bustling old dream , the moment the fashion trendy , her rich experience as a city unique in the history of literature can not be ignored depict paradigm , dominate .

  21. 因为人类具有主观能动性及独特的思维方式,模拟主体可以选择不同的语言表达形式来摹写和反映同一客观场景,例如常式句和倒装句。

    Owing to the subjective initiative and particular thinking pattern born by human beings , various modeling agents may adopt diverse expressions to depict the same scene , such as basic sentence pattern and inversion .

  22. 对偶是汉语语体系统和文体系统中的重要构成元素,是人们把对世界的认识摹写出来又渗透到高雅文化与民俗文化之中的一种语言表达式。

    Antithesis is an important element in Chinese stylistic system . It is a kind of linguistic expression which describes people 's cognition of the world and then saturates it into elegant culture and folk culture .

  23. 西湖小说主要从两个方面摹写了杭州地域人格特征:既有在发达商品经济影响下的浮华、诈伪,又有在优美湖山熏陶下的灵慧、高雅。

    West Lake Stories depicted the local personality of Hangzhou from two aspects : the show and hypocrisy influenced by the flourishing commodity grain , the brightness and elegance nurtured in the fine lake and mountains .

  24. 陈和西是今画坛上的一朵奇葩,他的作品不仰仗写生,不对自然做直接的摹写,在写生的同时注重意境的营造和勾勒。

    Chen Hexi is now a rare flower painting , his works do not rely on sketch , not natural to do direct depict , in the sketch also focus on creation of artistic conception and outline .

  25. 第二部分,生命体验的诗性传达,体现为小说抒情主体的感伤情怀、生命体味中的痛感摹写以及精神怀乡途中的伤怀之美。

    Secondly , the poetic convey of life experience is reflected in the main lyric of the sentimental sensation , the painful description of life understand and the beauty of sorrow during the return of positive spirit environment .

  26. 《青青河畔草》应为曹植所作,曹植后期的女性题材写作与古诗十九首相一致的特点是凝练、抒情,实现了由男子视角客观摹写到女性视角主观抒情的转型。

    The characteristics of both those female-themed poems by Cao Zhi and 19 ancient poems are concise and lyric , which realize the transfer from the objective depiction with a male perspective to the subjective depiction with a female perspective .

  27. 模式是对事物行为过程的摹写或可供模仿的模板,可持续发展社会模式是对人类社会可持续发展行为的摹写与确定的标准。

    Pattern is to draw event behavior process or supply a model of simulation . A pattern of sustainable development society draws the human being 's behavior of sustainable development society and / or gives a sets of behavior criterion .

  28. 它不是单纯地摹写自然,而是要体现自然的本质,融合自然与创作者的精神,是外向观察与内向体验的统一、具象与抽象的统一、再现与表现的统一。

    It is not a natural color for the color to copy , but to embody the essence of natural , natural and creative integration of the main display is outward observation and experience within the unity , and the performance is again unified .

  29. 理论思维是以概念来摹写和规范经验、以得自现实之道还治现实的,这就是接受总则,再加上形式逻辑的原则,共同构成了普遍有效的规律性知识之所以可能的条件。

    Theoretical thinking is to facsimile and specified the experience , and it is to treat the reality with what the reality give us . This is called accepted general principle , which constitutes the condition of universally valid knowledge together with formal logic .

  30. 这项技术似乎比绘画的写实主义更优越,使艺术家们放弃了摹写自然与真实的企图,西方绘画逐渐远离客观自然,走向个人表现,转向内心世界。

    This technology was as if more superior than drawing realism , causes the artists to give up the facsimile nature and the real attempt , the Western drawing is far away from the objective nature gradually , moved toward individual performance , changed the inner world .