
gòng xìng
  • commonality;generality;universality;similarity;general character
共性 [gòng xìng]
  • [general character;generality] 一般、普遍、概括的性质或状态;统统适用,完全的可应用性

  • 语言的共性

  • 矛盾的普遍性和矛盾的特殊性的关系,就是矛盾的共性和个性的关系。--毛泽东《矛盾论》

共性[gòng xìng]
  1. 远程教育与传统教育的共性与差异

    The Similarity and Differences Between Distance Education and Traditional Education

  2. 两党共识政治的主要特征是政策的共性与差异性并存,其中,差异不是根本性的,共性是共识政治的主要方面。

    In consensus , similarity is fundamental and difference is not the main aspect .

  3. 体制之间有着多得惊人的共性。

    There are an amazing number of commonalities between systems .

  4. 不要满足于普通的共性。

    Be not content with the commonplace in character .

  5. 当然,养育孩子有的时候还是有共性的。

    Children were not always raised so differently .

  6. 共性潜意识得到满足与否,产生的审美接受体验就有共性

    If common subconsciousness is satisfied , aesthetic perception is of general charactor .

  7. 讨论了成套电器施工CAD系统的一些共性技术问题。

    Some common technical problems about electrical equipment construction CAD system were discussed .

  8. 对基于Web服务技术的服务中间件层进行设计,分为数据共性服务、数据资源封装服务和森林资源数据应用服务三类。

    The services middleware layer has data common services , data resources packaging services and forest resources data applications services .

  9. 酸碱滴定曲线方程的共性与CAT软件

    Research on the Ubiquity of Acid Base Titration Curve Equation and the Development of its CAT Program

  10. 两种RS触发器的共性

    General Characters of 2 RS Triggers

  11. 该系统从当前基于Web界面的应用系统设计共性出发,在系统架构,电信级并发处理,内容分发和安全四个方面进行了一定的研究。

    This paper focused on four aspects : system construction , telecommunication level concurrent processing , content distribution and the safety based on general character of the Web contact surface application system design .

  12. 植物的PCD和动物的PCD有许多共性,包括细胞形态和DNA降解等变化。

    Some features of PCD in plants , including the changes in cell morphology and DNA degradation , are similar to those in animals .

  13. 定制型CRM系统,除具有一般CRM系统的共性以外,在软件开发质量、交期、成本控制和系统实施等方面相对具有更大的风险。

    Besides the commonness of general CRM system , custom-built CRM system relatively faces more challenge in development quality , time of delivery , cost control and system actualization .

  14. 本文在对GIS和AM/FM/GIS对比分析的基础上,指出了AM/FM/GIS与一般传统的GIS的共性与个性,特别指出了当前AM/FM/GIS存在的不足。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of GIS and AM / FM / GIS , the authors indicate their commonness and individuality , point out the shortage of AM / FM / GIS in particular .

  15. 色彩的存在并不因地理或国度而产生差异,这是不同语言中都存在着色彩词的共性条件(universals);

    The existance of color is not limited to the geography and country , which is because of universals of the color in different languages .

  16. 于是笔者尽己所能搜集相关的资料与文献,以期总结出FOB术语下卖方所存在风险的共性以及相应的应对措施和预防手段。

    So I do my best to gather relevant data and literature , to conclude that the common risk of the seller under FOB and corresponding response measures and means of prevention .

  17. 材料及工艺促进工程学会(SAMPE)今年在美国加州召开的第42届年会及在该学会的欧洲分会召开的复合材料会议上,研讨了一个共性问题,即如何降低复合材料的总成本。

    A common issue is discussed in International SAMPE conference held in California USA and its European SAMPE Chapter conference .

  18. 在用一种新的观点&基于数据交织技术阐述目前几种主要的混合编码MDC的共性之后,着重研究实现简单、效果良好的基于象素交织的MDC。

    After explaining current known MDC of hybrid coder from a new point of view – data interleaving based technique , the study is concentrated on the simple and effective MDC that use pixel interleaving .

  19. 第四,研究了高阻抗的共形PBG结构在共形微带天线中的应用,应用这种结构抑制了表面波、减小了表面曲率对共性微带天线的影响,提高了共形微带天线的增益。

    Fourthly , we researched its applications in the conformal microstrip antenna . The PBG structure can control the propagation of the surface wave , minish the influence of the surface curvature , and increase the gain of the conformal microstrip antenna .

  20. 通过对OO语言的共性的研究及引入面向对象形式化逻辑分析的结果,本文给出了一套不同层次上(类层次上和系统层次上)的、可操作性好的面向对象系统度量集。

    By the study of general feature of Object-Oriented technology and the reference of the result of Object-Oriented formal logic analysis , we give a set of Object-Oriented metric standards , which are performed well and in different level ( Class level and System level ) .

  21. 共性技术可以作为政府的一种重要创新工具,其主要合作研发方式是研发联合体(RJV)。

    The general technique can be used as the creative tool for the government , and its main cooperation development method is the Research Joint Venture ( RJV ) .

  22. 方法采用美国著名的生命质量测量表FACT-B(共性模块)和专门针对乳腺癌的附加关注部分FACT-G(特异性模块)分别对60例患者进行问卷调查。

    Methods The American life quality survey form FACT B and the mammary cancer supplementary part showing FACT G were applied , and questionnaire investigation was conducted in 60 cases .

  23. 自从Rubin率先描述了英语学习成功者的共性特点之后,人们逐渐认识到:教学方法只是学习的外部因素,而在很大程度上起决定作用的是学习者的内部因素。

    Ever since Rubin firstly described the common characteristics of good language learners , people have come to realize that no single method of language teaching would lead learners to success and they have begun to see the importance of individual variation in language learning .

  24. 然后,按照开发方法,本文使用面向特征的领域分析方法(FODA)对人力资源外包服务领域进行了上下文分析和领域建模,提取出该领域的共性和可变性。

    Then we proposes a method to develop the platform . Secondly , common features and variability of information system are identified after analyzing HR outsourcing service domain using domain engineering method Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis ( FODA ) .

  25. 通过该算法得到的旋转不变性特征描述符VD2能够提供同类模型的共性特征,也能提供差异化的类间特征。

    From this algorithm , a rotation-invariant descriptor called VD2 , which can simultaneously provide common features among models in the same class and differential features among models in different classes , is generated .

  26. 不同行业的企业形象要素体系的共性与个性

    The Common and Individual Factors of Corporate Image of Different Industries

  27. 该章又具体从两大法系相关制度与司法实践的共性,差异与特色加以比较研究。

    This chapter compared from the two different related legal systems .

  28. 人性是人的普遍共性,具有高度的抽象性。

    Humanity is common in humans , and is highly abstracted .

  29. 各种语言之间除了差异以外,还有共性,这种共性就是各种不同语言之间所存在的共核。

    Besides differences , there is also something common among all languages .

  30. 对日本、美国和英国的教师入职教育实践进行比较研究,分析其共性和个性及成败得失。

    A comparative study of teachers ' inductive education practice is made .