
  • 网络shared document;share document
  1. Community数据通常在生产过程中被修改(例如共享文档或应用程序资源)。

    Community data are typically modified during production ( such as shared documents or application resource ) .

  2. 课堂实时直播用于采集教师机屏幕、教师授课视频信息,压缩后进行网络分发,教师的PPT在线模式的共享文档将课件在线展示给学生用户以供学习。

    Classroom teachers used to collect real-time broadcast on the screen , teachers , teaching video information , the network distribution of compressed , teachers PPT-line mode courseware online shared documents will be displayed to the user for the students to learn .

  3. StoreandShareLibrary是用来存储和共享文档、演示材料、书签以及内容集合的在线空间。

    The Store and Share Library is an online space for storing and sharing documents , presentations , bookmarks , and content collections .

  4. LotusDomino的基于文档的架构使它容易创建文档,并在内容创建器与编辑器之间共享文档。

    Lotus Domino 's document-based architecture makes it easy to create and share documents between content creators and editors .

  5. 通过这项windows功能,可以建立会话,与其他会话参与者共享文档、程序或桌面。

    This feature of Windows allows you to set up a session where you can share documents , programs , or your desktop with other session participants .

  6. LotusQuickr是团队协作软件,旨在转变共享文档和Web内容的方式,帮助用户高效地跨团队协作和工作。

    Lotus Quickr is team collaboration software designed to transform the way documents and Web content are shared , helping users to collaborate and work efficiently across teams .

  7. 协同编著系统是CSCW的最主要应用之一,它允许异地多个用户并发地浏览和编著一份共享文档,以最大限度地发挥群体的工作效率。

    : Cooperative Editing System is one of the most important applications of CSCW ( Computer Supported Cooperative Work ), it allows multi - user to scan and edit a shared document simultaneously in different sites , so work efficiency can be greatly improved .

  8. 在搜索算法上,GBSS基于当前P2P领域和复杂网络领域的基本研究结论,提出一种无描述的文件分组方法,在节点的分组之间按照搜索兴趣和共享文档关联建立朋友关系。

    With regard to search algorithm , GBSS presented a file grouping method without users ' description and constructs friend relations between nodes based on search interests and sharing files . The design idea came from some conclusions of P2P researches and complex network researches .

  9. 会议室有一个用来显示共享文档的展示屏。

    The conference rooms have a presentation screen for displaying shared documents .

  10. 协作并在您的公司内部网站上共享文档。

    Collaborate and share documents on your company 's internal Web site .

  11. 你可以直接查看收到的共享文档内容、参与评论。

    You can view the contents of shared documents received to participate in reviews .

  12. 共享文档文件夹和连接到这台计算机的打印机都已被共享。

    The Shared Documents folder and any printers connected to this computer have been shared .

  13. 对于该项目,用户将不能共享文档和跟踪问题。

    Users will not be able to share documents and track issues for that project .

  14. 可以从共享文档库附加文档并将附件保存到该库中。

    You can attach documents from a shared document library and save attachments to this library .

  15. 学科信息门户互操作是指“学科信息门户间交换和共享文档、查询和服务的能力”。

    The interoperability of SBIG means the capacity of exchanging and sharing the file , search and services .

  16. 通过创建从某个特定点起共享文档的分支,您还可以生成文档的多个版本。

    You can also do multiple versions of documents by creating branches that share a document from a specified point .

  17. 单击包含文件的库的名称,如“共享文档”,然后单击“打开”。

    Click the name of the library that contains the file , such as shared documents , and then click open .

  18. 您可以在白板上使用您的麦克风或摄像头,共享文档,共享您的屏幕或会议记录。

    You can use your microphone or webcam , share documents on a white board , share your screen or record meetings .

  19. 在为“共享文档”库设置正确的栏后,就可以使用工作流设计器了。

    After you set up the shared documents library with the correct column , you are ready to use the workflow designer .

  20. 网站附带了一些已经设置好的默认列表和库,包括“日历”、“任务”列表、“工作组讨论”和“共享文档”。

    Your site comes with some default lists and libraries already set up , including calendar , tasks list , team discussion , and shared documents .

  21. 文档库是为方便与别人共享文档的文件夹。每个库都将文档显示在一个可以筛选或排序的列表中。

    Document libraries are folders that make it easy to share documents with others . Each library displays documents in a list that can be filtered or sorted .

  22. 因此,一般说来,您可以看到,一个小的组织或者小的团队都会有一些他们共享文档的入口。

    So typically , you could see , you know , a small organization or a small team have some kind of a portal where they were sharing documents .

  23. 系统底层实现基于共享文档数据库及邮件传递技术,具有分布异构系统的互操作能力。

    The substrate support of the system is founded on the shareware document database and mails transfer technique , so the system has a interoperate ability to the distributed heterostructure environment .

  24. 它并不能解决共享文档协作编辑的所有问题(待会我们会看到),但它确实非常好的解决了这个问题。

    It doesn 't solve every problem with collaborative editing of a shared document ( as we will see in a moment ), but it does solve this problem very well .

  25. 个人站点可用于共享文档、列表、图片、日历及其他项目。创建个人站点可能需要30秒。

    A personal site can be used for sharing documents , lists , pictures , calendars , and other items . Creating a personal site may take up to 30 seconds .

  26. 若要测试工作流,请通过浏览找到“共享文档”库,创建新项目,并将“分配对象”栏设置为工作流中作为条件包含的用户。

    To test the workflow , browse to the shared documents library , create a new item , and set the assigned to column to a person included as a condition in the workflow .

  27. 一个存储库,例如关系数据库,可以为授权用户安全地共享XML文档和XML模式提供一个环境。

    A repository , such as a relational database , provides the environment to securely share XML documents and XML schemas with authorized users .

  28. 与传统的封闭源代码付费IP相比,开源硬件以共享设计文档和IP模块的方式为硬件设计的重用提供了更加彻底有效的解决办法。

    Open-source hardware provides a more thorough and effective way for design reusability than traditional charged closed-source IP by sharing its design documents and IP modules .

  29. 如果目标是与员工共享策略文档,那么内容可以发布到wiki。

    If the objective is to share policy documents with employees , the content can be posted to a wiki .

  30. LotusQuickr的库组件需要特别注意一下,因为它为团队共享的文档提供各种有用的特性。

    The library component of Lotus Quickr needs a special mention because it provides various useful features for documents shared by a team .