
gòng míng
  • resonance;resonate;echo;vibration;sympathy;acoustic resonance;sympathetic response;consonance
共鸣 [gòng míng]
  • (1) [acoustic resonance;sympathetic response]

  • (2) 物体因共振而发声的现象

  • (3) 思想上或感情上的相互感染而产生的情绪

  • 诗中的激情引起我们内心的强烈共鸣

共鸣[gòng míng]
  1. F~空间中的共鸣定理与算子空间

    The Resonance Theorem and Operator Space in F ~ Spaces

  2. 本文在较弱的三角t模条件下给出MPN空间上线性算子在概率有界、概率半有界意义上的几种形式的共鸣定理。

    Under weaker t-norm condition , some resonance theorems dealing with probabilistic bounded sets and probabilistic semi-bounded sets for linear operators in M-PN spaces are given .

  3. 作者显然想使读者能与主人公产生共鸣。

    The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character .

  4. 这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。

    The speech found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience .

  5. 政治攻击只有在选民中引起共鸣才会有作用。

    Political attacks work only if they find an echo with voters .

  6. 詹金斯先生关于稳定的论点引起了欧洲两位最有影响的政治家的共鸣。

    Mr Jenkins ' arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe 's two most powerful politicians

  7. 人们发现儿童会模仿他们所崇拜或有共鸣感的人。

    Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire or identify with

  8. 由于从小生活在儿童院,我对小家伙们产生了强烈的共鸣。

    Having begun my life in a children 's home I have great empathy with the little ones .

  9. 如果你站在舞台上,分享自己对世界的看法,人们会与你产生共鸣的。

    If you stand on stage and share your view of the world , people will connect with you .

  10. 如果用竖琴演奏D音符,其他八度音阶所有相应的D弦都将发出共鸣。

    If the note of D is sounded on a harp , all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate .

  11. 这首诗引起了读者的共鸣。

    This poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers .

  12. 读这本书的时候,我们会对主人公产生共鸣。

    Reading this book , we can identify with the main character .

  13. 这本书确实引起了我的共鸣。

    That book really knocks me out .

  14. 对巴勒斯坦解放组织的支持更多地出于对约旦的长期阴谋,而不是同巴勒斯坦人在政治上的共鸣。

    Backing of the PLO stemmed more from long-held designs on Jordan than political affinity with palestinians .

  15. 接着,我测量天线的长度,试图查明共鸣的方法。

    Next I measured the length of the aerial to try to gauge the way it resonated .

  16. 这本书会启发你读更多的书吗?读完这些书,你可能会产生共鸣。

    Does the book inspire you , and make you want to read more ? With some books , you may feel a connection right away .

  17. 7.Thisisthesimilarcasewith/when这恰如;正如;也会(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。

    This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke6 a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration7 despiteour disability to understand the score of Mozart ’ s musical pieces .

  18. 我们的心灵会自动地与能量和象徵语言共鸣调音

    Our psyches are naturally attuned to energetic codes and symbolic language .

  19. 88%的人说他们对使用表情符号的人更容易产生共鸣。

    And 88 % said they feel more empathetic toward people who use emojis .

  20. 这种系统能产生共鸣

    This system can set up acoustical resonances .

  21. 他的评论与上周微软放弃收购时、雅虎一些大股东的愤怒反应形成共鸣,其中包括CapitalGroup的戈登•克劳福德(GordonCrawford)。

    His comments echoed the angry response last week from some big Yahoo shareholders , including Gordon Crawford of Capital Group , when Microsoft abandoned its bid .

  22. TatianaMaslany:这对于他们每个人来说都产生了共鸣。

    Tatiana Maslany : It resonates differently for each of them .

  23. 目的:通过对内镜鼻窦手术(ESS)前后鼻音及鼻腔阻力的客观检测,探讨ESS后鼻腔鼻窦共鸣特性的改变及鼻腔阻力的变化特点。

    Objective : The purpose of this study was to describe the changes of resonance characteristics of the nasal cavity ( including nasal sinuses ) and nasal airway resistance ( NAR ) after endoscopic sinus surgery ( ESS ), through objective measurement of nasality and NAR before and after ESS .

  24. 让众多粉丝翘首以盼的Netflix公司热播剧《纸牌屋》第三季终于在上周开播,而不论是华盛顿、硅谷,还是其他地方的当权派,肯定会与主角弗兰克o安德伍德产生一定程度的共鸣。

    As many of us start binge watching the third season of Netflix 's House of Cards , which aired last week , it 's clear that top dogs from Washington to Silicon Valley and everywhere in between can identify , at least to some extent , with the main character , Frank Underwood .

  25. 球共鸣声学法气体音速的测量原理及实验系统研究

    Experimental study of the speed-of-sound in gases with a spherical resonator

  26. 好的设计一定能引起共鸣,无论痛感、快感

    Good design can certainly cause resonate , regardless of pain , pleasure

  27. 大型热风炉换热器共鸣现象的分析

    The Analysis on the Resonance Phenomenon in Large Air Heat-Exchangers

  28. 所以,无伴奏合唱非常容易与人产生共鸣。

    Therefore , a cappella is very easy to resonate with people .

  29. 这些是我作出最强烈共鸣的作品。

    These are the works I respond to most strongly .

  30. 这种策略观引起了许多女性的共鸣。

    It 's a view of strategy that resonates with many women .