
yīn jiē
  • scale;musical scale;gamut
音阶 [yīn jiē]
  • [musical scale] 分出高低的一系列乐调,按指定的音程图式升降音高,并按在八音音阶中的音调数而有不同的音高排列和音程大小

音阶[yīn jiē]
  1. 论钢琴教学中的音阶与琶音练习

    On the Practice of Gamut and Arpeggio in Piano Teaching

  2. 犯罪这个乐器的全部音阶,有四分之三的音符谁若是触响了都会被处死。

    The sounders of three-fourths of the notes in the whole gamut of Grime , were put to Death .

  3. 五线谱以C大音阶构成,每一个线和间代表这个音阶的音符。

    Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale .

  4. 欧洲音乐凑巧采用了八音音阶,“八度”一词就由此而来。

    European music happens to use a scale of eight notes , hence the use of the term octave

  5. 如果用竖琴演奏D音符,其他八度音阶所有相应的D弦都将发出共鸣。

    If the note of D is sounded on a harp , all the corresponding D strings of other octaves will likewise resonate .

  6. 她叫我练c调音阶。

    She told me to practise the scale of C.

  7. 他演奏f调音阶。

    He play in the scale of F.

  8. 那正是C调下的八度音阶。更值得注意的事实是所有的蓝鲸都能用相同的音高唱歌,它们的音高总是完全相同。

    That 's about four octaves below middle C. Even more remarkable than the fact that all the whales sing certain notes at the same pitch , is how perfectly on pitch they always are .

  9. 大约有三分之一的爵士乐采用蓝调形式,一首歌有12小节,使用“蓝音”,即把第三、五、七个音阶降半音(如C大调的E、G、B)。

    About one third of jazz is in blues form with twelve measures in a song and uses --- blue notes , " the flatted third , fifth , and seventh notes of the musical scale .

  10. 基于GOERTZEL算法的音阶频率分析

    Analysis of Music Pitch Based on Goertzel Algorithm

  11. 本文基于GOERTZEL算法,给出一种音阶频率分析的方法。

    A method based on Goertzel algorithm for analysis of music note frequencies is presented in this paper .

  12. 测试是否BMP4的确是一个生长调停者,他们用了对大音阶的第三音-快递BMP4和它的拮抗物的来自基因治疗和蛋白质的技术递送。

    To test whether or not BMP4 is indeed a growth mediator , they used techniques from gene therapy and protein delivery to mis-express BMP4 and its antagonist .

  13. 本文的分析将为实际应用中CQT算法参数的选取、寻找音阶频率估计误差的修正方法等提供重要参考依据。

    Analysis of this paper can provide an important reference for deciding the parameter values of CQT and for finding an approach of compensating estimation errors .

  14. 论甘美兰音阶的结构形态与调音模式

    Software Pattern Reuse On Structure and Tonal Mode of Gamelan Scale

  15. 我总是以音阶与练习曲开始我的练声训练。

    I always start my singing practice with scales and exercises .

  16. 八音音阶&传统与非传统因素的糅合

    Eight Note Scale & A Mixture of Traditional and non-Traditional Elements

  17. 一种包括所有八度音阶半程音的12乐音音阶。

    A 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave .

  18. (音乐中)全音阶中的第一个音符。

    ( music ) the first note of a diatonic scale .

  19. 彼德,你一定要用平行音阶修改这曲子。

    Petya , you must adapt it , using parallel octaves .

  20. 传统音阶在中国钢琴作品中的利用

    The Adoption of Chinese Traditional Scales in Chinese Piano Music

  21. 与半音音阶有关的或为基础的。

    Of , relating to , or based on the chromatic scale .

  22. 音阶,调性,调号,五度循环,等等。

    Scales , keys , key signatures , circle of fifths , etc.

  23. “正声音阶”的由来及其无穷的贻患

    The origin and countless trouble caused by " zheng Sheng scale "

  24. 缺乏一种基调;可作为全音阶系统另一选择。

    The absence of a key ; alternative to the diatonic system .

  25. 它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围。

    It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.

  26. 唱名语中自然音阶的第三个音。

    The third tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio .

  27. 唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音。

    The seventh tone in the diatonic scale in solfeggio .

  28. (音乐)基于有12个半音组成的音阶。

    ( music ) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones .

  29. 音阶练习在钢琴教学中的重要性

    The importance of the scale exercise in the pianos teaching

  30. 松果体音阶技术对每个个体是不同的。

    The Pineal Toning Technique is different for each individual .