
  • 网络Homophonic;close pronunciation
  1. 由于它们音同形同且所处语言环境相似,因而容易引起理解和分析的错位。

    Because they have the same sound and form and appear in similar language environment , they often cause difficulties in understanding and analysis .

  2. 而豆腐音同“头福”,被视为能够为新年带来福气的好食材。

    Tofu is homophonic with " Toufu ( first fortune of the year ) , " so it is considered as a good food which brings happiness .

  3. 副词的条目分立基本上遵循了其凡例所定的“形同音同但意义不同”则分立条目的原则。

    Separation of entry of adverbs basically keeps to the principle made by foreword , 'same form and same tone but meaning different , then separates entry .

  4. 本实验结果表明,被试识别音同、义同、形近三类成语材料有不同的效果。

    The experiment shows that the results of cognition vary with the 3 different kinds of Chinese idiomatic phrases & homonyns , synonyms and phrases similar in form .

  5. “头冲脚惜(音同),二冲茶叶”主人冲茶时,头冲必须冲后倒掉不可喝。

    " Unfortunately , the first red feet ( with sound ) and red tea " masters of the Series , the first red can not be washed after draining a drink .

  6. 演奏有吟、揉、绰、注、泛音、和音(同度、五度、八度)等手法。

    The fingering techniques are known as recital , rubbing , plucking , concentration , floating notes and harmonious notes ( same measure , five measure and octave ) .

  7. 审音与勘同之法在蒙元史等研究领域内的运用然而,从那时起,国内外的人对这个政策一直发表不同的看法。

    The Exercise of Checking and Comparing Pronunciations in the Research of the Mongolian History and Yuan Dynasty ; Yet ever since then , people at home and abroad have voiced different opinions about it .

  8. 文白异读的本质是不同系统音类在同一系统内的叠置,异隐含着语言发展的时间层次与地域层次。

    The basic nature of literary and colloquial readings is the reduplication of the same type of source sounds of different systems , and the differences in literary and colloquial readings conceal the time layers of language development .

  9. 它指两个音从不出现在同一语音环境里的状况。

    When two sounds never occur in the same environment , they are in " complementary distribution " .

  10. 勋伯格的作品影响很广,十二音序列成了同时期作曲家竞相尝试的作曲技法,一些新生派作曲家更是在勋伯格十二音序列的基础上发展出了其他无调性的作曲方法。

    Schoenberg works effect is very wide , twelve pitches serial composing technique became the same period composer global-positioning try composing technique , some freshmen pie composer is in schoenberg twelve pitches serial develops on the basis of out of the other without the tonal composition techniques .

  11. 例举典型句子和有趣故事,从音形义的角度对英、汉双关语作了比较探析,并将其分为三类:同音同形双关、同音异形双关和异音同形双关。

    With typical sentences and funny stories , this paper compared English and Chinese puns in point of form ( pronunciation or spelling ) and meaning , classifying the puns as homonym , homophone and homograph .