
  • 网络Music Museum
  1. 你每十年回来一次,建筑物就越来越多,其中比较明显的是在那头,法兰克·盖瑞为保罗·艾伦所建造的音乐体验博物馆,真的非常醒目,还有那座塔。

    You come back every decade and thereare more and more buildings , and noticeably Frank Gehry built the EMP Museumfor Paul Allen over there , which really stands out , and the tower .

  2. 但是如果它不是你的菜,你可以在瓜达拉哈拉的历史中心品尝美食,听听音乐,逛逛博物馆——看看墨西哥旧城最美的地方。

    But if that 's not your thing , stay in the historic center of Guadalajara for some great food , music and museums - Old Mexico at its finest .

  3. 这里的音乐、剧院和博物馆很棒;

    The music , theatres and museums are great ;

  4. 乐器中的音乐史:英国音乐博物馆叙事

    Making Musical History Through Instruments , the Story of Musical Museums in the UK

  5. 自此,在政府、专业音乐学者和广大音乐文化爱好者的多方努力下,我国的音乐博物馆、乐器博物馆相继建立并蓬勃发展起来。

    Since then , under the combined efforts of government , professional music scholars and the vast majority of music culture lovers , music museums and musical instruments museums have been established and flourished in China .