
yīn xiǎnɡ xiào ɡuǒ
  • acoustics;sound effects;acoustic effect;noises off
  1. 音响效果不好,使演出大为减色。

    Poor acoustics spoilt the performance .

  2. 这个场子够大,可是音响效果不好,不适合用来开音乐会。

    The place is big enough , but the acoustics are no good for a concert .

  3. 磁带的音响效果极佳。

    The sound quality of the tapes was excellent .

  4. 下弦能够产生雄壮浑厚的音响效果。

    The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority .

  5. 这场演出中,拉特尔有交响乐大厅出色的音响效果做他的后盾。

    In this performance , Rattle had the acoustic of the Symphony Hall on his side .

  6. 这个会堂音响效果很差。

    The hall is bad in sound .

  7. DVD有着合乎标准的视频和音响效果。

    The DVD has the standard video and sound settings .

  8. 强非线性条件下Helmholtz共振器喉部声学特性研究高保真音响效果不仅与音响系统及音源有关,还与听音场所的声学特性有关。

    Investigation on the Acoustic Character of Helmholtz Resonator 's Throat in the Nonlinear Condition High fidelity acoustics are not only associated with acoustic system and sound source , but also with the acoustic character of the place .

  9. 你可以听到完美的立体环绕的音响效果。如果你没有iPod,这种基座提供了两个内置设备。同时还装有FM调频收音机,当然还备有遥控和充电功能。

    As you can hear its nice , mellow-rounded tunes , and there 's a couple of line-ins if you haven 't got an iPod in the back . It also get a FM radio and of course the dock comes with a remote control as well as the ability to charge if it 's plugged in .

  10. 在选择场地的时候,要考虑到音响效果。

    4 . When selecting a location take acoustics into account .

  11. 这房间的音响效果设计得颇具匠心。

    The acoustics of the room have been expertly planned .

  12. 光啊!启动那些音响效果吧!上啊!

    Lights ! Turn on the sound effects ! Action !

  13. 在滑稽角色的寻求过程中的音响效果是极好的。

    The sound effects in Joker 's Quest are excellent .

  14. 舞台音响效果的虚与实

    The Abstract and the Concrete in the Stage Sound Effect

  15. 节日大厅里的音响效果极好。

    The acoustics in the Festival Hall are extremely good .

  16. 巧妙的灯光和音响效果给这出戏注入了更强的现实主义色彩。

    Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play .

  17. 这音乐厅的音响效果很好。

    The acoustics is good in this music hall .

  18. 大气的配乐和激烈的武器音响效果关闭行动11。

    Atmospheric soundtrack and intense weapon sound effects turn the action up to11 .

  19. 使你的喉唱有更好的音响效果?

    Penny : Better acoustics for your throat singing ?

  20. 对房间音响效果的适应。

    They adapt to the acoustics of the room .

  21. 音响效果强而有力,人物配音实现良好。

    The sound effects are punchy and the voice acting is well implemented .

  22. 这戏院的音响效果非常好。

    The acoustics of the theatre are very good .

  23. 还有,谁能关掉这音响效果?

    And can somebody turn off those sound effects ?

  24. 而影片的背景音乐则轻缓悠扬、音响效果也出现低沉厚重等效果。

    While the music was melodious , and lighter sound effects also appeared .

  25. 新的音乐厅在音响效果上比旧的要好得多。

    The new concert hall is acoustically far superior to the old one .

  26. 酷的音响效果,迷人的新音乐!

    Cool sound effects and entrancing new music !

  27. 朝汉象声词语音及音响效果对比研究

    Contrastive Study on the Pronunciation and Sound Effect between Korean and Chinese Onomatopoetic Words

  28. 大多数标准的音响效果可以从制片厂音响资料库借来的磁带上转录。

    Most standard sound effects can be obtained on tape from film-studio sound libraries .

  29. 某全景画馆音响效果的微机控制

    Computer control of effect of a panoramic Gallery

  30. 这家剧院的音响效果非常棒。

    The acoustics of this theater are excellent .