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  • musical;musical play;musical drama;musical comedy
  1. 这部20世纪30年代的音乐剧正在国家剧院重新上演。

    This 1930s musical is being revived at the National Theatre .

  2. 他获选在新的音乐剧中担任主角。

    He is slated to play the lead in the new musical .

  3. 她上一部音乐剧在百老汇连续上演了六个月。

    Her last musical ran for six months on Broadway .

  4. 她在一部百老汇音乐剧中一炮打响。

    She shot to stardom in a Broadway musical .

  5. 它们作为美国音乐剧舞台上的杰作流芳于世。

    They endure as masterworks of American musical theatre .

  6. 伯恩斯坦创作的乐曲涉及了从交响乐到音乐剧等音乐的各个方面。

    Bernstein 's compositions spanned all aspects of music , from symphonies to musicals .

  7. 其中一些与最近几部有着浓厚艺术气息的舞台音乐剧有关。

    Some of it has to do with recent stage musicals , which have been very , very stylised .

  8. 林曼纽尔·米兰达创作了这部关于亚历山大·汉密尔顿的音乐剧,在这部音乐剧中,美国的诞生被作为一个移民故事呈现出来。

    Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton , in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story .

  9. 1934年,当这首歌每晚在百老汇音乐剧中演唱时,希尔家的另一个姐姐杰西卡因为这首歌的版权问题而诉诸了法庭。

    In 1934 , when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical , another Hill sister , Jessica , went to court over the copyright problem of the song .

  10. 他们的新音乐剧受到热烈好评。

    Their new musical opened to glowing reviews .

  11. 网络漫画的风靡已经引起了整个娱乐界的关注,评价很高的一些网络漫画已经被成功改编成了电视剧、电影、网游,甚至音乐剧。

    Their popularity has drawn5 the attention of the wider entertainment industry , and top-rated webtoons have been successfully adapted into TV dramas , films , online games - even musicals .

  12. 带你走进录音室,戴上耳筒、面对话筒,录制一张属于自己的音乐剧EP大碟!

    Have a try to make your own special musical EP in a professional recording studio !

  13. 这部华特-迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.)出品的动画音乐剧不同寻常地拿下了第一名的位置。

    The animated musical from Walt Disney Co. DIS - 0.21 % was an unusual No.1 .

  14. 欧洲16世纪末、17世纪初,在佛罗伦萨诞生了划时代的新的音乐表演形式&早期的歌剧(抒情音乐剧MusicDrama)。

    Europe , late 16th century , early 17th century , Florence was born in an epoch-making new music performances & early opera ( lyric musical Music Drama ) .

  15. NickJonas与他的兄弟一起成为流行歌星之前曾经在百老汇音乐剧中出现。

    Nick Jonas appeared in Broadway musicals before he became a pop star with his brothers .

  16. LadyGaga因出演布莱德利·库珀翻拍的好莱坞音乐剧《一个明星的诞生》而广受好评。

    Lady Gaga is being praised for her performance in Bradley Cooper 's remake of Hollywood musical A Star Is Born .

  17. 习惯了抛头露面【早在高中时,就参演过音乐剧《理发师陶德》(SweeneyTodd)】。

    Comfortable on stage ( played Sweeney Todd in high school ) .

  18. 白凯蒂大使已经是一只忙碌的猫了为《时尚》日本版(voguejapan)拍摄时尚照片,在联合国扮演支持者角色,在北京演出一部炫丽的音乐剧。

    Ambassador white is already a busy Kitty , with fashion shoots for vogue Japan , a supportive role with the United Nations and a glitzy musical in Beijing .

  19. 目前,音乐剧《指环王》正在招募演员扮演英国作家J·R·R·托尔金笔下的穴居矮人,该剧取材于托尔金撰写的那部具有史诗风格的名著。

    Producers of a musical version of " The Lord of the Rings " are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic .

  20. 45岁的JK罗琳上奥普拉节目接受采访时透露:迈克尔杰克逊本来还想做一个哈利波特的音乐剧。

    The 45-year-old author JK Rowling told Oprah Winfrey : Michael Jackson wanted to do a musical .

  21. 如果电影成功了,我将尝试制作一部音乐剧,而且头号人选就是KatyPerry。

    If the movie works , I would try to make a musical and go to Katy Perry first .

  22. 你体会到VanessaHudgens的感受了吧(<高校音乐剧>的女主)round:轮blank:空子弹fire:开火难道这又是B和小J之间新一轮恶言大战?

    Girl : Now you know how Vanessa Hudgens feels . Is this just another round of blanks fired between B. And little J. ?

  23. 鲍伊亦参与创作了一部外百老汇音乐剧《拉撒路》(Lazarus),这是他1976年主演的影片《出卖地球的男人》(TheManWhoFelltoEarth)的续集,颇具超现实色彩。

    He had also collaborated on an Off Broadway musical , " Lazarus , " that was a surreal sequel to his definitive 1976 film role , " The Man Who Fell to Earth . "

  24. 而在Sutherland的高中时代,音乐剧每晚的演出即使是爆满,也只够塞进700人。

    Or my days at Sutherland High School performing in musicals each night for packed houses of700 .

  25. 我记得我那时二十二、三岁的样子,刚刚从研究生院提前毕业,正在完成我的首个专业音乐剧,叫做《赤裸》(Bare)。

    I remember being 22 or 23 and I had just graduated from graduate school a little early and I was doing my first professional production , a musical called bare .

  26. 上个月他才在好莱坞露天剧场出演了经典音乐剧《芝加哥》中的BillyFlynn。

    Just last month , he appeared in the Hollywood Bowl 's production of the equally iconic musical Chicago , playing Billy Flynn .

  27. 好莱坞记者新闻说这位前男孩组合成员被请来主持一个新的真人秀:ABC电视台的《高校音乐剧:暑期补习班》。

    The Hollywood Reporter says that the former boy-band member has been tapped to host what could be the next reality-television sensation : ABC 's High School Musical : Summer Session .

  28. 史蒂芬·桑德海姆(StephenSondheim)谈音乐剧

    Stephen Sondheim ON THE MUSICAL

  29. 在另一部音乐剧《妈妈咪呀!》(Mammamia!)中,阿什莉·帕克(AshleyPark)是合唱队的一员,同时候补饰演一个最好的朋友,这个角色通常是白人女演员饰演的。

    In another musical , Mamma Mia ! , Ashley Park is in the chorus and understudies the character of a best friend , usually played by white actress .

  30. 奥黛丽赫本主演的音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中,HenryHiggins教授就是用这样的方法来训练赫本饰演的卖花女的发音。

    The exercises are similar to those Professor Henry Higgins set for Eliza Doolittle , played by Audrey Hepburn , in the rags to riches film My Fair Lady .