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bǎi xì
  • acrobatics
百戏 [bǎi xì]
  • [acrobatics] 古代杂技的总称

百戏[bǎi xì]
  1. 第二节唐代散乐之乐队组合,主要探讨演奏百戏、歌舞戏、俳优戏等俗乐为主的教坊乐队组合形式。

    Section two The form of composition of the orchestra of the palace of Tang Dynasty , Probe into , play acrobatics , song and dance play with , Pai excellent folk music of playing with etc. for to teach workshop composition of the orchestra form main fact mainly .

  2. 高跷本属中国古代百戏之一种,早在春秋时已经出现。

    Stilt walking is one of the various shows in ancient China ;

  3. 有贵族宴饮,百戏,摔跤,舞蹈等丰富内容。

    A noble banquet , 100 plays , wrestling , dance , and other rich content .

  4. 而本文则选取了乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画和雕塑作为研究对象。

    This paper will only research the music , dance , calligraphy , painting , sculpture and acrobatics .

  5. 内容上主要有日常生活、音乐、舞蹈、百戏、建筑艺术和神话传说。

    In content , there are daily life , music , dance , variety shows , architecture and mythology .

  6. 昆曲,是我国现存最古老的戏曲艺术形式,被誉为百戏之师。

    Kunqu Opera , as the current most ancient drama form , is called " The Master of All Operas " .

  7. 这一时期出现了一些新的表演形式,如著名的角抵百戏、相和大曲;

    Some new forms of performances appeared in this period , such as the famous wrestling dance , " xiang " and " daqu " .

  8. 随着乐舞百戏的发展和社会的开放,唐代出现了常设的比较固定的戏场,广场演出也有进一步扩大的趋势。

    With the development of dance with accompaniment as well as opening of society , permanent theatres came into existence in Tang Dynasty and perfomances became more frequent .

  9. 明清两代的灯市上除有灯谜与百戏歌舞之外,又增设了戏曲表演的内容。

    Ming and Qing dynasties of lights Shangyuan addition to riddles , singing and dancing outside the theater with the100 , but also added the contents of opera performances .

  10. 它是在古代百戏的基础上发展形成的,与中国戏曲的形成、发展、繁荣几乎同时。

    It is in the ancient " origin " on the basis of the development of Chinese traditional operas , and the formation , development , prosperity and almost at the same time .

  11. 种类繁多的百戏技艺、高度发展的传统武艺、民间瓦舍的日渐兴盛以及风俗体育活动的丰富多彩都印证出宋代社会文化整体的高水平。

    A wide range of per-play skills , highly developed traditional martial arts , folk " Vacherie " growing prosperity as well as customs and sports activities the rich have confirmed the overall high level of social culture .

  12. 本文从以下几部分进行研究说明:1.秦汉舞蹈图像史料的分类研究包括百戏俗舞和宫廷舞蹈两方面。

    The elaboration of this paper can be divided into the following parts : 1 . The classification of the dance pictures of the Qin and Han Dynasties was studied , including the traditional acrobatic dance and the court dance .

  13. 其中,百戏俗舞包括巾袖舞、道具舞、情节舞和舞像四个方面进行说明;宫廷舞蹈从即兴舞和以舞相属两方面进行论述。

    The traditional acrobatic dance was elaborated from the four aspects , including the sleeve dance , the prop dance , the plot dance and the image dance . The court dance was elaborated from the two aspects : the impromptu dance and the social dance . 2 .