
bǎi huò gōng sī
  • SOGO;The Department Store
  1. 逛百货公司的其中一个优势是顾客可自行试穿衣服。

    One of the advantages of a department store is that you are left to yourself to try things on

  2. 在百货公司里,凡是已经兑换的礼券都会在上面盖上将其注销的商店的详细信息。

    In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it 's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it

  3. 玛莎百货公司的主席作的报告会透彻地讲明这一点。

    The report by Marks & Spencer 's chairman will ram this point home

  4. 能在爱丁堡一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己很幸运。

    She counted herself lucky to get a job in one of Edinburgh 's department stores

  5. 大百货公司里有许多部门分售各类商品。

    In a big department store , there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods .

  6. 布赖斯百货公司大约在1年前扩充了其家具部。

    Bryce 's department store enlarged its furniture department in the order of a year ago .

  7. 在百货公司,女性鞋子专区通常紧挨着女性化妆品专区:当店员寻找合适尺码的鞋子时,无聊的顾客可能会看看有没有她们稍后想试试的化妆品。

    In department stores , the women ’ s shoe section is generally next to the women 's cosmetics section : while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe , bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later .

  8. 哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦敦一景

    The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London .

  9. 塔吉特百货公司(Target)的政策是“家庭”卫生间足以满足目前的需要。

    The policy at Target is that " family " restrooms suffice for now .

  10. 她的确希望镇上能有塔吉特百货公司(Target)和电影院。

    She does wish there were a Target in town . And a movie theater .

  11. 你可能还记得,塔吉特百货公司(Target)在去年初曾深陷愤怒的舆论漩涡中心。

    Early last year , you might recall , target found itself at the center of a storm of outrage .

  12. 事实上,2000年,他就是从塔吉特百货公司(Target)跳槽到苹果的。

    In some ways , the move may not be all that surprising & Johnson actually came to apple from target back in 2000 .

  13. 佳佳乐百货公司战略管理基于CRM的张药集团连锁经营模式研究

    The Design of Curatorial Retailing Chain Based on CRM for Zhangjiakou Pharmaceutical Group

  14. 啊!今天ABC百货公司在特卖。

    Oh , ABC Supermarket is having a sale today .

  15. 一个相反的例子就是英国百货公司和连锁杂货店JohnLewisPartnership。

    A contrast is the John Lewis Partnership , the British department store and grocery chain .

  16. 沃尔顿称,甚至家庭美元百货公司(FamilyDollarStores)也已经认识到,作为零售商,价格战只能吸引一部分客户。

    Even Family Dollar Stores ( FDO ), Walden says , recognizes that price alone won 't draw all the customers a retailer needs .

  17. 同时,AlNassma公司正与英国哈罗德百货公司和旧金山的ChocolateCovered商谈产品销售事宜。

    Al Nassma is also in talks with British department store Harrods and San Francisco 's Chocolate Covered to sell its products .

  18. 英国百货公司JohnLewis董事总经理安迪斯特里特(AndyStreet)去年说:法国‘完蛋了’。

    France is ' finished ', said Andy Street , managing director of British department store John Lewis , last year .

  19. (最近他还参与了澳大利亚百货公司戴维•琼斯(DavidJones)的电视、印刷品和商品目录的策划工作。)

    ( He recently worked on a television , print and catalogue campaign for the Australian department store David Jones ) .

  20. 纽约的萨克斯第五大道百货公司的创始人DavidCampbell说道:“策略即记住什么是你想要的。”

    David Campbell , the founder of Saks Fifth Avenue , said ," Discipline is remembering what you want . "

  21. 举个例子,总部位于威斯康辛州的科尔百货公司(Kohl'sDepartmentStores)在纽约市的设计部门管理着13个设计师品牌,而它刚刚宣布将进行2007年以来的第三次扩张。

    The New York City design department of Wisconsin-based Kohl 's Department Stores , for instance , manages 13 designer brands and has just announced its third expansion since 2007 .

  22. 这家百货公司表示,之前,购买深V文胸、巴斯克衫、丁字裤、长筒袜和吊裤带等性感内衣的主要消费群体都是一些20岁出头的妙龄少女。

    Previously , the store said , the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras , basques , thongs , stockings and suspenders , have been women in their early 20s .

  23. 陈列vi.作炫耀行为百货公司将货物陈列在橱窗内。

    display Department stores display their goods in the windows .

  24. 老字号连锁百货公司JohnLewis今年增加了一系列毕业舞会服装。而男士晚礼服出租店也反映,今年这段时间小孩生意有所增加。

    Old-line department-store chain John Lewis added a line of prom dresses this year , and tuxedo-rental stores report a jump in business from kids this time of year .

  25. 格兰杰谈到了《时尚先生》与百货公司JCPenny新近成立的合资企业&一个名为Clad的男性时尚电子商务网站。

    Granger talked up a new venture between Esquire and JC penny , called clad , an e-commerce fashion site for men .

  26. 但2008年10月,JohnLewis百货公司(集团最大一块业务)的月销售额下降14%。

    But in October 2008 , the monthly sales figures for the John Lewis department stores ( the largest part of the business ) were down by 14 per cent .

  27. 哈洛德百货公司(Harrods)的一个商户买主就没有那么挑剔了。

    An enterprising buyer at Harrods was not so picky .

  28. 伦敦Liberty百货公司总经理艾德·伯斯戴尔(EdBurstell)说这个举动是“开明的”。

    Ed Burstell , the general manager of Liberty of London , called the move " enlightened . "

  29. 最近,一系列负面新闻被媒体曝光,谷歌此举正是为了平息余波。其中最引人注意的是《纽约时报》的一篇报道,其中称连锁百货公司J。

    The company is trying to address fallout from issues that have recently come to light , most notably in a New York Times report that showed how department store chain J.

  30. 伦敦高档百货公司哈罗德(harrods)表示,中国顾客在该店的平均消费为3500英镑。

    Luxury London department store Harrods says an average Chinese customer spends 3500 in the shop .