
  1. 我最喜的是世博会祯祥物-海宝。

    My favorite is the mascot of World Expo-Hai Bao .

  2. 你过去一年中你度过的书中你最喜喜欢的是什么,为什么?

    What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why ?

  3. 她选择了她最喜败的睡前故事书。

    She chose her favourite book of bedtime stories .

  4. 雍正皇帝最喜泛舟。

    Boating was Emperor yongzheng 's favourite pastime .

  5. 这是我最喜次的小说之一。

    It is one of my favorite novels .

  6. 就如你所说,最喜采访我们欣赏的艺术家时。

    I hear you when you say that it 's exciting to interview our favorite artists .

  7. 你最喜的食物是什么?

    What is your favorite food ?

  8. 我平生最喜游览新境,考察种种异地人物及其风习。

    I was always fond of visiting new scenes , and observing strange characters and manners .

  9. 从这一天起,直到她死的日子,她成了全家最喜乐的一个人。

    From that day to the close of her life she was the most cheerful and happy member of the household .

  10. 我最喜悲少乡,果为我知讲一句陈腐的中国格止-没有到少乡非俊杰。

    I like the Great Wall best because I know an old Chinese saying-he who doesn 't reach the Great Wall is not a true man .

  11. 体育消息也令人镇静,果为我能够了解战熟悉许多着名的运策划。而且我最喜悲挨篮球了。

    Sports news is very exciting because I can learn and know a lot of famous players . What 's more , I like playing basketball best .

  12. 6我若不记念你,若不看耶路撒冷过于我所最喜乐的,情愿我的舌头贴于上膛。

    If I do not remember thee , let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth ; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy .

  13. 诗43:4我就走到神的祭坛、我最喜乐的神那里.神阿、的神、要弹琴称赞你。

    Then I will go to the altar of God , To God my exceeding joy ; And upon the lyre I shall praise You , O God , my God .

  14. 当我们相信在全身圣灵大能运之内,代祷就成为我们整个事奉最喜乐而有能力的一部份了。

    As we believe in the power of the Spirit working in us in full measure , intercession will become to us the joy and the strength of all our service .

  15. 你就只是在这个能量流动中,当河流的转入下一弯延可能就会带你进入一个深度的冥想,进入人生中最喜乐的体验之一。

    You are being in the flow , and the next bend in the river might just take you to a meditation that is one of the most blissful experiences of your life .

  16. 这就是为何离婚被描述为最不受喜的合法行为的原因。

    That is why divorce is described as the most disliked of the permissible practices .

  17. 此时我才意识到,我不是赖爷的英语教师,也不是他的神学学生,而是这位老药师最简单纯粹的喜乐——我是他的同伴朋友。

    That 's when I realized that I am not Ketut Liyer 's English teacher , nor am I exactly his theological student , but I am the merest and simplest of pleasures for this old medicine man - I am his company .

  18. 作为一名经理,我很幸运在职业生涯中遇见了最有才华,最勤奋,最讨喜的下属。

    Ive been fortunate to have talented , hardworking , likable employees throughout my career as a manager .

  19. 每一个文化中都会有人体认到,帮助别人是生命中最伟大的美德之一,也是最甜美的喜乐之一。

    People in every culture recognize that being helpful is one of the greatest virtues in life , as well as one of the sweetest joys .