
  • 网络The Last Judgment;The Last Judgement;final judgement
  1. 你不必等最后的审判,因为最后审判每天都在发生。&加缪

    Do not wait for the last judgement . It takes place every day . & Camus

  2. 凯莉祈求在接受最后的审判时能得到上帝的怜悯。

    Kelly prayed that God would judge her with mercy .

  3. 在我们离开物质世界时,就是最后的审判到来的时刻了!

    The final judgment comes when we leave this physical plane .

  4. 被告在最后的审判中被判定有罪。

    The defendant was found guilty in the final trial .

  5. 会有一个最后的审判和复活。

    There will be a final resurrection and judgment .

  6. 与前千禧年论的主张相反的,基督降临时,就会有立即和最后的审判,并建立永恒的国度;

    Against premillennialism , Christ 's coming demands an immediate and final judgment and establishment of the eternal state .

  7. 这里有一个清晰的宗教类比。画中画描绘的是最后的审判,在平衡着神的司法的天平。

    There is an articulated religious analogy : the painting-within-a-painting depicts the Last Judgment , balancing the scales of divine justice .

  8. 耶稣基督将要在末日他二次再来的时候实行这个宏伟的、最后的审判。

    B.Jesus Christ will carry out this great , final judgment in conjunction with His Second Coming on the Last Day .

  9. 他们会知道他们要学会爱别人因为总有一天我们都会面对最后的审判日。

    They will know they should learn to love others because someday we all are going to the face the Judgment day .

  10. 因为并不是所有偿还都给予这种生命,最后的审判是必需的,完全地使之恢复知觉。

    Because not all requital is meted out in this life , a final judgment is necessary to bring it to completion .

  11. 教皇克莱蒙特七世在去世前不久曾与米开朗基罗订立合约,让他在西斯廷教堂的墙壁上创作一幅画《最后的审判》。

    Not long before he died , Pope Clement VII contracted Michelangelo to create a painting of the Last Judgment on the walls of the Sistine Chapel .

  12. 可,因最后的审判还没到,我们相信我们的祷告和我们对亡者的爱会传达至上帝,且上帝也会因而给予亡者的灵魂一些安慰。

    Yes , because the final judgment did not come yet , and we believe the prayer and our love for the dead , counts to god , besides gives some comfort to the soul .

  13. 地狱是火湖文圣经称地狱是火湖,是人死后经过最后的审判时不合格的灵魂被烧毁的地方。

    Hell is a Lake of Fire The Bible refers to Hell as a lake of fire , it 's a place burning up those souls or spirits that have not passed the final judgment .