
tiān zhǔ jiào tú
  • Catholic;Papist
  1. 她是个虔诚的天主教徒。

    She was a good Catholic girl .

  2. 他因受家庭熏陶,从小就是个天主教徒。

    He was a Catholic by upbringing .

  3. 我领洗成为天主教徒。

    I was baptized a Catholic .

  4. 他们是天主教徒。

    They 're Catholics .

  5. 墨西哥人至少有9/10是受洗的天主教徒。

    At least nine out of ten Mexicans are baptised Catholics .

  6. 我想你母亲受洗成了天主教徒。

    I think your mother was baptized a Catholic .

  7. 和她一样,玛丽亚也是天主教徒。

    Like her , Maria was a Roman Catholic .

  8. 他早年的经历使他能够消除苏格兰天主教徒和新教徒之间的隔阂。

    His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants .

  9. 天主教徒在1792年获得了解放。

    Catholics were emancipated in 1792

  10. 他们是天主教徒还是新教徒?

    Are they Catholic or protestant ?

  11. 贝尔法斯特市完全被处在天主教徒和新教徒的纷争之中。

    The city of Befast remains starkly divided between Catholics and Protestants .

  12. 她是一个虔诚地天主教徒

    She was a devoutly Catholic .

  13. 教廷说,这个任命使得这个城市的天主教徒不得不做出“非常棘手和困难的决定”。

    The vatican said the ordination places the city 's catholics in a " very delicate and difficult decision . "

  14. NC和情绪不稳定是影响青年天主教徒心理健康的两个最大因素。

    NC , scale N played the most important roles in mental health state of young Catholics .

  15. keith你是天主教徒吗?

    So , keith , you catholic ?

  16. 6.Hispanicadj.西班牙的,西班牙语的西班牙移民带来了更多的天主教徒。

    Hispanic immigration has brought more Catholics .

  17. 在16世纪宗教改革之前,普通人通常会称圣母玛利亚为“OurLady(圣母玛利亚)”,而罗马的天主教徒如今仍这么做。

    Before the 16th century Protestant Reformation , ordinary people would commonly have referred to the Blessed Virgin Mary as " Our Lady , " as Roman Catholics still do .

  18. 微软创立者比尔•盖茨排在第四位,领导全球12亿天主教徒的教皇本笃十六世排在第五位。Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格名列第25位。

    Microsoft founder Bill Gates was fourth , while Pope Benedict XVI , leader of the world 's 1.2 billion Catholics , ranked fifth . Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was 25th .

  19. 方法:采用特质应对问卷(TCSQ)、EPQ、SCL-90对37名青年天主教徒及对照组进行测评。

    Methods : 37 young Catholics as study group and37 members as control were investigated with TCSQ , EPQ and SCL-90 .

  20. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会最好将科学留给科学家处理。

    US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum , a Catholic and climate change sceptic , has said the Church would be better off leaving science to the scientists .

  21. 美国共和党总统候选人里克•桑托勒姆(RickSantorum)是一名天主教徒,也是一位气候变化怀疑论者。他说,教会“最好将科学留给科学家处理”。

    US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum , a Catholic and climate change sceptic , has said the Church would be " better off leaving science to the scientists . "

  22. 作为一名虔诚的天主教徒,GerritDeems为了目标,笃定信念,坚守梦想15年。

    It took him15 years of his life to earn his degree , but as a devout Catholic , he never lost faith that he would complete his goal .

  23. “天妇罗”(tempura)起源于葡语中“temporas”(意为“大斋节”)一词。这样便很容易理解了,每周五,天主教徒会吃鱼。许是因为食物一经油炸便更加美味,后来天主教徒就将鱼炸制后食用。

    The word " tempura " is actually thought to have derived from the Portuguese word " temporas " which means " Lent . " This makes sense , as the Catholic population would eat fish on Fridays and eventually decided to fry it - possibly because everything tastes better when it 's fried .

  24. 我是个天主教徒,年轻时也感受到了这一点。

    I felt it as a Catholic when I was young .

  25. 身份的重构:儒生天主教徒对十诫的诠释

    Identity Reconstruction : Interpretation of the Confucian Catholics to the Decalogue

  26. 到1714年,天主教徒仅拥有7%的土地。

    By 1714 Catholics owned only seven percent of the land .

  27. 天主教徒进教堂时都在胸前划十字。

    Roman Catholics usually cross themselves when they enter a church .

  28. 10个克罗地亚人中有九个说自己是天主教徒。

    About nine out of 10 Croats classify themselves as Catholics .

  29. 她是一个天主教徒,经常去教堂。

    She 's a Catholic and she goes to church regularly .

  30. 天主教徒一般要尝试真诚地接受其中的教导。

    Catholics are expected to try to sincerely embrace their teachings .