
  • 网络Dance Performance;dance show
  1. 谈新疆少数民族舞蹈表演舞蹈教学中技巧的运用

    On Application of Techniques in Xinjiang Ethnic Dance Performance and Teaching

  2. 网球是一项激烈的体育活动;非常激烈的舞蹈表演。

    Tennis is an active sport ; a very physical dance performance .

  3. 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。

    It 's really an amazing dance . It just always brings the house down .

  4. 一些人学习弹手风琴,为他们社区里的舞蹈表演进行伴奏,而其他人则上音乐课。

    Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their community , others took music lessons

  5. 我的学校将举行一场舞蹈表演,但男孩子们认为我动作慢,他们都不想当我的舞伴。

    There 'll be a dancing performance in my school , but the boys think I 'm slow , and none of them wants to be my partner .

  6. 太好了。希望你也能去看那场舞蹈表演。

    Awsome ! I hope you could see that nautch too .

  7. 伴随着民歌的旋律开始了舞蹈表演。

    The dancing performance started to the strains of a folk song .

  8. 一种舞蹈表演时穿着木底鞋。

    A dance performed while wearing clogs ; has heavy stamping steps .

  9. 壮观的烟火和大规模编排的舞蹈表演。

    Spectacular fireworks and large scale choreography ringed the occasion .

  10. 舞台上的舞蹈表演可以有丰富的形态和生命。

    The dance performances on the stage can have rich forms and life .

  11. 高等职业教育舞蹈表演专业课程设置问题研究

    A Study of Curriculum Setting in Dance Performance Major in Higher Vocational Education

  12. 剧团的舞蹈表演很好地为交响乐团的音乐节目锦上添花。

    The troupe 's dance performance nicely complemented the symphony 's musical program .

  13. 你们错过了晚餐和舞蹈表演

    You missed dinner and the dancers . Shoot !

  14. 在舞蹈表演会上我观看了姐姐的舞姿。

    I watched my sister at the dancing display .

  15. 一出简短的舞蹈表演能为任何节目增添美感和激情。

    A brief choreographic presentation can add beauty and excitement to any show .

  16. 浅议民族民间舞蹈表演中的继承与发展

    On Inheritance and Development of Performing Art in Chinese Ethnic and Folk Dance

  17. 这几乎就像设计一场舞蹈表演一样。

    It is almost like planning a dance performance .

  18. 你在你女儿的舞蹈表演会上。

    You were at your daughter 's dance recital .

  19. 一年要举行两到三次戏剧和舞蹈表演。

    Dramatic entertainments and dances were given two or three times a year .

  20. 在&些餐厅还会有特别的非传统生日歌去和舞蹈表演。

    In some restaurants will have special birthday song to non-traditional and dance performances .

  21. 体验世界各地的灵性仪规和壮丽的音乐和舞蹈表演。

    Experience spiritual observances and spectacular music and dance performances from around the world .

  22. 舞蹈表演得很高明。

    The dance was performed with great skill .

  23. 这场舞蹈表演真是奇怪。

    This dance show is very strange indeed .

  24. 那舞蹈表演非常令人兴奋;我们已经看过很多次了。

    The dance show was a real turn-on ; we went back several times .

  25. 没有音乐会,没有舞蹈表演。

    No concert , no stage presentations .

  26. 李大维估计他在一周里看到了10场机器人舞蹈表演。

    He estimated that he had seen 10 dancing robot shows in a single week .

  27. 让我们欣赏现在这种娴熟的消防舞蹈表演令人惊叹的摄影镜头部分。

    Let view now some of this stunning photography shots of skillful fire dance performers .

  28. 户外的舞蹈表演与国际摇滚明星的音乐会也为这个庆典锦上添花。

    There are also outdoor dancing shows and a concert given by international rock stars .

  29. 村里即将发生的大事,就是招待学校的孩子们和舞蹈表演。

    Coming events in the village include a dance-show and a treat for the school children .

  30. 作为维吾尔族舞蹈表演艺术家、教育家,她在新疆现当代舞蹈史上居于首要地位。

    Therefore she takes a capital position in Xinjiang history of modern and contemporary dancing development .