
  • 网络Travel time;driving time;Running time
  1. 本文提出了一种基于预测的到达间隔控制方法,并在Matlab环境下进行了大量的仿真研究,研究中考虑了卡车在道路上的行驶时间及电铲装车时间这两种主要的随机因素影响。

    An arrival time interval control method based on prediction is developed in this paper . Substantive simulation research is done in Matlab environment . The impact of two main random factors as the driving time of trucks and the loading time of excavators is considered in the research .

  2. 通过低匀速行驶时间与停车时间之间的关系,可以得到车辆发生拖延行为的条件。

    The occurrence condition for dragging behavior could be obtained according to the relationship between slow driving time and waiting time .

  3. 机动车尾气排放因子(emissionfactor)、路段行驶时间和交叉口等待时间等都是影响城市交通尾气总排放量的重要因素。

    The total emissions in congested urban transportation networks depend significantly on the emission factor , the road traveling time and the intersection delay .

  4. 并且,GPS导航系统对司机的出行具有现实意义,它能减少车辆的行驶时间。

    We also find that GPS navigation system is helpful to the drivers and it can reduce the traveling time .

  5. 运用计数器记录时间和路程,并在LED数码管上实时显示电动车行驶时间和路程,使得本设计更趋智能化,人性化。

    Using internal counter to record traveled time and distance , and on LED monitor real-time demonstration causes this design to hasten the intellectualization and the human nature .

  6. 最后,提出一智慧型路由方法,是根据预先排程的车辆数目来预测抵达目的路段之速度,并依各路段之行驶时间以Dijkstra最短路径演算法来决定路由。

    Finally , an intelligent routing method is based on the pre-scheduling number of vehicles to predict the speed when arrive at the target segment .

  7. 在此基础上,采用分层抽样技术和综合评价法,构建了基于车辆行驶时间(VHT)加权的分层次交通拥堵指数(TCI)模型。

    Then , a weighted vehicle-hours-traveled ( VHT ) based traffic congestion indices ( TCI ) model was developed by using stratified sampling and comprehensive evaluation method .

  8. 对于时段拥堵时长比指标,将不同等级道路的车辆行驶时间(VHT)作为权重,通过加权得到累积严重拥堵路段时长比,确定高峰和平峰的筛选比例参数为50%。

    For the index of congestion duration ratio , by using vehicle hour traveled ( VHT ) on different road classes as weights for calculation of the accumulated congested durations , it determined that the screening thresholds for peak and off-peak period are50 % .

  9. 多用户路段行驶时间函数建模和仿真

    Research on multiple user-classes link travel time model and simulation

  10. 公路行驶时间与交通流量预测的时间传递模型

    Time-Transmitted Model for Forecasting Highway Travelling Time and Traffic Volume

  11. 行驶时间估测及多点交通流数据融合

    Travel Time Estimation and Data Fusion Based On Multiple Traffic Measurement Spots

  12. 随机行驶时间车辆调度问题研究

    Research on Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel Time

  13. 车辆线路引导系统的行驶时间预测模型研究

    Study of the Travel Time Prediction Model in VRGS

  14. 可变行驶时间的动态车辆路径与调度

    Dynamic Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Variable Travel Time

  15. 以前的火车需要三个半个小时行驶时间并且是相当危险的。

    It used to take three and a half hours and it was quite dangerous .

  16. 基于实时数据的网状城市快速路行驶时间预测方法研究

    A study of route travel time forecast method based on real data of urban expressway network

  17. 将广义成本定义为行驶时间、道路拥挤度、路段可靠性三者的线性加权和。

    A Study on the Stochastic Road Network Design Method Based on the Travel Time Reliability ;

  18. 同时以随机效用理论为基础,建立了整个路网中交通个体在路网容量极限状态下的平均行驶时间模型。为了便于应用,结合模糊数学的相关知识给出了平均行驶时间的计算步骤和计算流程图。

    Then , stochastic theory is applied to make average traveling time model , under the ideal condition .

  19. 人工工资调整与行驶时间、行驶里程有关,与道路状况无关。

    The adjustment of labor wage is related to running time and mileage , but irrelevant to road conditions .

  20. 在模型基础上,本文设计了求解干扰管理模型的遗传算法,实现快速生成行驶时间延迟问题的干扰管理调整策略。

    Solve the disruption management model by the Genetic algorithm , and obtain the disruption adjustment scheme rapidly in real time .

  21. 以时间作为描述路段交通阻抗的表征参数,分别求得路段行驶时间、交叉口延误和交叉口转弯罚因子,三者加和作为阻抗值。

    City road impedance is decided by time , which is sum of road travel time , intersection delay and turning penalty .

  22. 63.11%的急救车行驶时间在15分钟之内,87.38%在30分钟之内。

    Travel time of 63.11 % of the emergency vehicle was no more than 15 minutes , 87.38 % was no more than 30 minutes .

  23. 它不仅反映了司机不舒适性、受阻、油耗和行驶时间损失,还反映了信号控制规划、设计的合理性。

    It reflects not only the drivers discomfort , restrain , oil consume , time lose , but also reflects the logical of signal control and design .

  24. 与传统模型相比,I/O模型考虑了车辆物理长度,将排队车辆的跟车行驶时间与排队延误两个概念进行了正确区分。

    Compared with the conventional model , the I / O model clarifies the difference between the delay at a bottleneck and the time spent in the queue .

  25. 以随机效用理论为基础,建立了整个路网中车辆在路网容量极限状态下的平均行驶时间模型。

    Based on the theory of random effectiveness and urban traffic network , a random model used for computing average travel time in a road network is established .

  26. 在每个子问题中,利用高维状态变量表示随机行驶时间信息,并采用价值函数的近似进行求解。

    In each-subproblem , high-dimensional state variable is used to denote the information of random travel times , and approximations of the value function are used to sol .

  27. 结果显示比不考虑实时行驶时间信息的模型,该模型能够得到更低的总成本。

    Results indicated that the total cost decreased by implanting the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model with real time travel time compared with that of the forecast model .

  28. 并针对上述存在的问题,在模型中结合了集散波理论,将路段行程时间分为自由段行驶时间以及排队延误时间两部分进行求解。

    For the above problem , this article combines Gather-disperse Theory in the model . The link ' travel time is divided into the free segment travel time and queuing time .

  29. 该算法将公交车辆到站时间划分为路段行驶时间、站台停留时间和道路交叉口停留时间三部分。

    The arrival time is divided into three parts , which are traveling time without stop on road , staying time on the station and residence time on the road intersection .

  30. 根据对实际交通状况的分析,将路段行程时间分为三个部分,即自由行驶时间、排队等待时间和通过交叉口时间。

    According to the analysis on the actual traffic status , the whole road travel time is divided into three parts ; free travel time , queue waiting time and passing intersection time .