
xínɡ zhènɡ mìnɡ lìnɡ
  • executive order;administrative order;executive command
  1. 如果一个行政命令得到一个法规的认可那么这个命令就是有效的。

    An administrative order is valid if authorized by a statute .

  2. 而这种行政命令在实践中却广泛的存在着。

    But administrative order as concrete administrative action exists widely in practice .

  3. 就是行政命令也要伴以说服教育。

    Even administrative regulations must be accompanied by persuasion and education .

  4. 这项行政命令置法律于不顾。

    The administrational order was disregard of the law .

  5. 这是我周五签署成立关于BP深海地平线石油泄漏和近海钻井的国家调查委员会的行政命令的原因。

    That is why , on Friday , I signed an executive order establishing the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling .

  6. 美国总统特别助理兼网络安全协调员迈克尔•丹尼尔(MichaelDaniel)表示,美国希望这项行政命令将鼓励其他国家考虑此类制裁。

    The US hopes the executive order will encourage other countries to consider such sanctions , said Michael Daniel , special assistant to the president and cyber security co-ordinator .

  7. 美国总统布什(georgew.bush)昨日撤销了一道禁止在美国海域勘探石油的行政命令,从而对美国国会增大压力,要求其批准终止针对海上钻探的28年禁令。

    George W. Bush lifted an executive order banning fresh oil exploration in US waters yesterday , ratcheting up pressure on Congress to give its consent to ending the 28-year moratorium on offshore drilling .

  8. 财政部还根据另一项总统行政命令宣布对叙利亚最大移动电话运营商叙利亚移动电话公司(Syriatel)实施制裁。

    It also announced sanctions against Syriatel , the largest mobile phone operator in Syria , under another presidential executive order .

  9. 在谈到布朗的行政命令,以及洛杉矶在降低水耗方面的成功时,该市市长埃里克·加希提(EricGarcetti)认为加州可以想出办法,应对一个供水减少的时代,并且同时保持繁荣昌盛。他声称自己很有信心。

    Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles , pointing to Brown 's executive order and his own city 's success in reducing water consumption , said he was confident that the state would find ways to deal with an era of reduced water supplies , in a way that would permit it to continue to grow and thrive .

  10. 决定政府政策和发布行政命令;

    To decide on government policies and to issue executive orders ;

  11. 总统也有权发布行政命令。

    The President also has the power to issue executive orders .

  12. 美国总统自1789年以来已经颁布行政命令。

    U.S president have been giving out executive orders since 1789 .

  13. 战后,行政命令被签署。

    After the war , an executive order was signed .

  14. 没有行政命令,电力公司是不会往节能领域投资的。

    Utilities will not invest in energy efficiency without regulation .

  15. 节水25%的行政命令不涵盖农场。

    The 25 percent reduction does not apply to farms .

  16. 中国一直尝试通过行政命令减少投资。

    Beijing has tried to moderate investment by administrative fiat .

  17. 他说行政命令是他的第二选择。

    He said that his executive orders are basically his second choice .

  18. 朝鲜矿业开发公司也被列入总统行政命令。

    KOMID was also listed in the presidential order .

  19. 事实上,行政命令这一术语并不在宪法当中。

    In fact , the term executive order isn 't in the Constitution .

  20. 城镇化不会借助行政命令或政策选择而实现。

    And urbanisation does not happen by administrative fiat or by policy choice .

  21. 对此,笔者将其定性为行政命令。

    So the author defines it as administrative order .

  22. 行政命令、制裁以及其他金融行动

    Executive Orders , Sanctions , and other Financial Actions

  23. 单靠行政命令,在许多情况下就行不通。

    In many cases regulations alone will not work .

  24. 行政命令是总统签名后随即生效的法律。

    And executive order is a law made instantly with the president 's signature .

  25. 鉴于行政命令,总统也能做些事情。

    There are something else the president could do though , given executive order .

  26. 第九节功效:这个行政命令将立即生效。

    Sec . 9 . Effectivity . - This executive order shall take effect immediately .

  27. 周四,我签署了一项行政命令,启动一项开创性的全新动议——“学徒计划”。

    On Thursday , I signed an Executive Order to launch a groundbreaking new Apprenticeship Initiative

  28. 政府靠行政命令行事,驱使着人们,从来没有想到过要征询人们的意见。

    Government went about imperatively and compelled men , without thought of consulting their wishes .

  29. 每一个行政命令,提议和签署的每一项法令,

    every executive action I have taken , every bill I have proposed and signed ,

  30. 根据美国国家档案馆称,连任两届的总统比尔·克林顿颁布了364条行政命令。

    According to the National Archives , two-term president Bill Clinton gave 364 executive orders .