
pēn shuǐ chí
  • fountain;spray pond
喷水池 [pēn shuǐ chí]
  • [fountain] 人造的喷射水柱的池

  1. 森林中央有一座喷水池。

    In the middle of the forest there was a fountain .

  2. 花园中央砌造了一个漂亮的石头喷水池。

    A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden .

  3. 喷水池电气安全设计要点

    Key points of safety design of electrical installation of fountains

  4. 但喷水池的声音出奇的让我平静。

    But the sounds of the fountains were surprising calming .

  5. 她赌气跳进了喷水池。

    She jumped in the fountain for a bet .

  6. 他们显然给踢下了喷水池。

    They apparently get drop-kicked into water fountains .

  7. 圆形喷水池混凝土结构快速施工

    Rapid construction of concrete structure for rounded foundation

  8. 它掉到喷水池里去了。

    It has fallen into the fountain .

  9. 窗户上有丝质的窗帘,花园里则盖了一座大喷水池。

    There were silk curtains in its windows and a big fountain in its garden .

  10. 我们花园里有一个喷水池,而他们却有一条没有尽头的小河。

    We have a fountain in the garden and they have a stream that has no end .

  11. 喷水池照明及控制

    Lighting and Control of Fountain

  12. 贝尼尼的建筑、雕刻和喷水池作品给巴洛克风格一个鲜明的特色。

    The architecture , sculpture and fountains of Bernini ( 1598 – 1680 ) give highly-charged characteristics of Baroque style .

  13. 我下了飞机,却找不到那个喷水池,所幸时间还早得很,我并不着急,我就想等一个中国人问问。

    Fortunately , the time was early , no hurry that I wanted to meet some chinese people to ask .

  14. 门厅里至少有二座喷水池对着装饰用的盆栽和小树喷洒着活力泉水。

    In which at least two fountains sprayed life-giving water to the many potted plants and small trees decorating the space .

  15. 阿瑞托莎被阿耳忒弥斯变成喷泉的山林中的仙女森林中央有一座喷水池。

    A wood nymph who was changed into a fountain by Artemis . In the middle of the forest there was a fountain .

  16. 火箭外形和无臂设计使得它跌倒后很难重新爬起来。不过它今天径直跌进喷水池看上去真像一种自发行为。

    Its rocket-like shape and armless design make it difficult for it to get back up after toppling over , but today 's fall straight into a fountain seems truly like an act of free will .

  17. 如图所示:在湿帘底部设循环水池一座,具体尺寸应根据湿帘设计的面积的需要来定。窗户上有丝质的窗帘,花园里则盖了一座大喷水池。

    As the photo above shows , a circulating cistern is designed on the bottom of the damp curtain . The detailed dimension will depend on the acreage of the curtain . There were silk curtains in its windows and a big fountain in its garden .

  18. 关于这一问题,儿子想了一会儿,慢条斯理地回答道:“我学到我们家只有一只狗,而他们却有四只。我们花园里有一个喷水池,而他们却有一条没有尽头的小河。”

    To this question , the son thought for a moment and answered slowly , " I learned that we have one dog in the house and they have four . We have a fountain in the garden and they have a stream that has no end .