
xínɡ wéi zhǔ yì xīn lǐ xué
  • behaviorist psychology
  1. 行为主义心理学为我们在外语教育中通过反复训练和结果来强化学习效果提供了理论依据。

    Behaviorist psychology provides us with atheoretical basis for the use of consequence to reinforce learning and for the use of drills .

  2. 在现代主流心理学中,行为主义心理学未能体现出科学的多重向度特征,而且还将狭隘的理解普同化。

    In modern mainstream psychology , behaviorist psychology embodied none of the characteristics of multi-dimensions , and it also universalized its narrow findings .

  3. 在我国影响较大的是Kotler模式,其建立的依据是行为主义心理学。

    Kotler 's model is popular in our country , it is based on Behaviorism .

  4. 基于行为主义心理学视角探讨现行安全管理

    Discussion on the Present Safety Management Methods Based on Behaviorism Psychology

  5. 20世纪美国新行为主义心理学的行为观解析

    Analysis on American New Behaviourist Psychology in the 20th Century

  6. 吸取了行为主义心理学的最近发展区理论,博众家心理学之长,构成了模式的理论基础。

    Behaviorism psychology : the nearest develop region .

  7. 行为主义心理学的兴起与衰落

    The rising and decline of behavioristic psychology

  8. 行为主义心理学是由美国心理学家华生在巴甫洛夫条件反射学说的基础上创立的。

    Behavioral psychology was founded by the American psychologist Watson based on Pavlovian conditioning theory .

  9. 对比分析的语言学理论基础是结构主义语言学,其心理学的理论基础是行为主义心理学和迁移理论。

    The language basis of this method is structural linguistics and its mental fundation is behaviorism and transfer theory .

  10. 这种传统教学模式的理论基础是辩证唯物主义的认识论和行为主义心理学理论。

    The theoretical basis of this traditional teaching mode is the epistemology of dialectical materialism and the behavioristic psychology .

  11. 布龙菲尔德在《语言论》中采用华生的行为主义心理学说为美国结构语言学奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    Bloomfield , in his Language , lays the theoretical foundation of American Structural Linguistics by adopting Watson 's behaviorism .

  12. 特别的是,这与行为主义心理学的观点不同,行为主义者讨论的是,把心理学归约到物理学。

    In particular it was a different claim from that of behaviourist psychology , which spoke of reducing psychology to physics .

  13. 它最初和行为主义心理学的语言学习理论联系在一起并被看成是一种障碍(错误的起因),有百害而无一益。

    It was initially associated with behaviorist theories of language learning and was seen as an impediment ( a cause of errors ) .

  14. 行为主义心理学结束了冯特和杜威一统天下的沉闷局面,掀起了西方心理学史上的深刻革命。

    Behaviourism psychology has ended Fengte and Du Wei unify dreary aspect in the world , has raised upper deep west psychology history revolution .

  15. 它们是:建立在行为主义心理学基础上的直接教学法,建立在认知心理学基础上的构成主义教学法,人本主义心理学倡导的以学生为主导的教学法,及交际教学法。

    They are direct instruction based on behavioral psychology , constructivist instruction based on cognitive psychology , student-directed instruction based on humanistic psychology and communicative approach .

  16. 通过学习行为主义心理学和认知心理学对语言迁移的研究,人们能正确认识语言迁移对语言习得的影响。

    Through the study of Behaviorism Psychology and Cognitive Psychology on language transfer , people can gain a correct understanding of the influence of language transfer on language acquisition .

  17. 通过将行为主义心理学与安全管理相结合,论述了心理学在安全管理中起到的积极作用,以及在未来更广阔的前景。

    By means of the integration of behaviorism psychology and safety management , the active function of psychology in safety management is described , as well as the future prospects .

  18. 本文在简要阐述行为主义心理学的行为形成理论的基础上,探讨该理论在大学生行为教育中的应用。

    On the basis of the theory of behaviorial psychology on the formation of habit , the author mainly discusses the application of behaviorial psychology in behavior education of undergraduates .

  19. 20世纪50、60年代以行为主义心理学和结构主义语言学为理论基础的对比分析被广泛应用于对学习者错误的分析。

    In the 1950s and 1960s , Contrastive Analysis ( CA ), which was based on behaviorism and structural linguistics theoretically , was widely employed to analyze learners ' errors .

  20. 激进行为主义心理学强调人是机械地受制于环境的控制,但是这仅仅是人在非本真状态中表现出来的情形。

    It 's true that human is influenced by the environment , but according to Heidegger , it doesn 't mean human can be controlled and hasn 't any freedom .

  21. 语法翻译法和受结构语言学、转换生成语言学及行为主义心理学影响的教学法都推崇一种被动的自下而上阅读过程。心理语言学家,特别是凯尼思·古德曼,倡导自上而下的理念。

    Grammar translation method and other teaching approaches influenced by structural linguistics , transformational generative linguistics and behaviorist psychology advocate a passive and ' bottom-up ' view of the reading process .

  22. 第二章回顾心理学理论(主要是行为主义心理学、认知论、人本主义心理学、社会互动论、社会建构论和格式塔心理学)从不同层面对互动取向式课堂英语教学的影响和贡献。

    Chapter Two reviews the contributions of socio-linguistics , behaviorism , cognitive psychology , humanism , social interactionism , social constructivism and Gestalt psychology to the interaction-oriented English teaching with their respective tendencies .

  23. 传统的听力教学由于以结构主义语言学和行为主义心理学为理论基础,更为关注语言的形式和结构,把听力理解作为一个被动的,一成不变的过程。

    Based on structural linguistics and behavioral psychology , traditional approach of listening teaching only focuses on the form and structure of the language and regards the listening process as a passive and static one .

  24. 技术熟练者教师角色形成的文化背景主要为现代知识观、行为主义心理学、泰勒的目标模式,其主要特征为教育理论知识缺乏,知识结构单一;

    Modern knowledge outlook , behaviorist psychology and Tyler 's target mode as the cultural background of teachers ' image of Skilled Person are mostly characterized by lack of education-theory knowledge and singular knowledge structure ;

  25. 在此之前,以行为主义心理学为指导的外语教学法,由于只注重如何教的研究,忽视如何学的培养,故而成效不大。

    Previously , guided by behaviorist psychology , foreign language teaching put much emphasis on " how to teach " , with the study on " how to learn " being neglected , thus resulted in inefficiency in language teaching .

  26. 树立综合职业能力观,将其就业目标发展为创业导向,杜绝过去以行为主义心理学为基础的能力观对学生的主动性、积极性和创造性的压抑现象。

    Foster the outlook of comprehensive vocational abilities , develop the aim of employment into the guidance of enterprise , and put an end to the inhibition of initiative , activity and creativity caused by the ability outlook based on behaviorism .

  27. 受行为主义心理学的影响,程序教学理论重视教学的有效训练,重视分析强化效应,重视严密设计操纵训练过程的技术,对教学论研究与教学实践产生了积极的影响。

    Affected by the behaviorism psychology , procedural teaching theory pays great attention to the effective training of teaching , analysis of effect and the skill that controls the training course . It has brought positive effect on the study of teaching theory and teaching practice .

  28. 根据现代心理学的研究,罪刑法定原则的心理学依据主要有古典行为主义心理学的刺激反应原理、新行为主义心理学关于辨别性线索的理论、精神分析心理学的人格理论和人本主义心理学的需要层次论。

    According to the research of modern psychology , the principle of legality is based on the S-R relation of classical behavioristic psychology , the distinguishing clue theory of neo-behaviorism , the personality theory of depth psychology and the theory of hierarchical needs of humanistic psychology .

  29. 赞成行为主义的心理学者。

    A psychologist who subscribes to behaviorism .

  30. 中外学者从行为主义,心理学,图式理论,二语习得等多个角度对听力理解进行了研究,其成果对听力教学产生了深远的指导意义。

    Scholars have studied listening comprehension from behaviorism , psychology , schema theory , SLA and other perspectives . And the results have a profound effect .