
  • 网络representational world
  1. 历史偏见构成我们表象世界之基本方式,而历史也就意味着偏见之展开。

    The history prejudice makes up of our ideas about the world , and the history also means the spreading process of the prejudice .

  2. 思想的破坏性会对判断能力产生解放的效应,判断能够实现思想并使思想在表象世界中彰显。

    The destruction of thinking has a liberating effect on the faculty of judgment . Judging can make thinking manifest in the world of appearances .

  3. 传统的西方哲学对本体所作理解的总的倾向是:以为本体是一种知性的绝对体,是表象世界的基础与本质。

    In general , traditional western philosophy regards the noumenon as an intellectual absolute , which is the basis and essence of the idea world .

  4. 文化表现形态作为民族精神的表象世界,反映和体现了民族精神。

    On the other hand , the forms of cultural expression reflect and display the national spirit , as the outside world of the national spirit .

  5. 复制表征的是艺术作品的存在方式,本雅明以此来区分传统艺术和现代艺术,指出技术复制改变了传统艺术独一无二的存在方式,使艺术的韵味消失从而打破了艺术独立自足的美的表象世界;

    Duplication represents the particular existence of modern art . According it Benjamin distinguished modern art from traditional art and point out that duplicating means changes the existence of oneness of traditional which making the art 's aura disappeared and breaking up the independent beauty of art .

  6. 也就是说,象叔本华所云,这不过是使做梦的人睡得更香甜(“意志及表象之世界”)。

    in Schopenhauer 's words , lulling the dreamer still more soundly asleep .

  7. 一切专事模仿的音乐作品就有此毛病”(“意志及表象之世界”)。

    All truly imitative music does this . "

  8. 他的代表作《作为意志和表象的世界》,以强烈的非理性色彩猛烈冲击了黑格尔的理性神话,并且形成一股巨大的声浪,开启了西方现代非理性主义思潮之先河。

    The rebellion was raised by Schopenhauer , whose masterpiece " The World as Will and Idea " greatly lashed Hegel 's myth of rationalism with strong unreasonable flavor and whose idea became a great wave which start the trend of irrationalism in modern West .

  9. 刘翔的比赛被记录下来,他的表象被与世界上最好的运动明星进行比较。

    Liu 's races were recorded , and his performance was compared with the world 's best sports stars .

  10. 每一个人都是诸多表象的整个世界,而所有这些表象皆埋葬在这个自我的黑夜中。

    Every man is a whole world of conceptions , that lie buried in the night of the ' ego ' .

  11. 《魔鬼经济学》:表象下的真实世界

    Freakonomics : The True World under the Appearance