- 网络surface membrane;Surface film;film

Changes in cellular surface membrane antigen during the two-way differentiation of HL-60 cells
AFM photos showed thaT : the surface membrane of nano-TiO2 self-cleaning glass doped by Ce3 + are composed of TiO2 particles with 30 nm average diameters and the membrane thickness 53 nm .
CO_2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Aqueous Solution
Detection of Sea Surface Slick Features Using SAR Image
By this method , the SmIg of lymphocytes was stained out sharply as yellowish-green and was easy to be observed .
Effect of PLC on platelet 's adhesion and GpIb
The ~ ( 22 ) Na positron annihilation life-time spectroscopy technique for solid surface film analysis
An XPS and AES investigation of the surface films on Mo under different potential-pH conditions
Distribution of element between surface and bulk of molten Sn and its effect on surface properties
Properties of Surface Oxidation Film in CMP of Computer Hard Disk Substrate
The susceptibility to SCC and cracking modes of 316 stainless steel were related to the applied potentials .
The structure and chemical compositions of the surface oxide film were investigated by XRD and Auger electron spectrometry ( AES ) .
Compared with the ⅰ, the ⅱ makes the active elements P and S. more easily to be located on the surface film thus lead to the formation and stabilization of the surface film .
A compact film composed of the corrosion products of multi-molybdate and Mg ( OH ) 2 can provide a relative even surface for the subsequent chemical coating .
The reaction film containing phosphorous , sulfur and nitrogen was formed on rubbed surface by XPS , AES analyses .
AES analysis of the surface films formed on alloy 800 m in hot concentrated caustic solution
At the same time , the effect of RE and Ca on the self-repairing ability of the surface film of Mg-Al alloy was examined by means of pulsed polarization .
The mechanism of surface film of copper friction couple lubricated with ZDDP
The effects of the f ~ - ion on the surface films at Pb and Pb-Sb electrodes in h_2so_4
Research on Hard Discs Maintenance and Information Security Development Properties of Surface Oxidation Film in CMP of Computer Hard Disk Substrate
The features of wear scar surface and the element composition of the surface film were analyzed by SEM and XPS . The interactions between the additives were preliminary discussed .
FT-IR 、 UV-Vis and XPS spectroscopic methods were used for studying the corrosion processes 、 film formation and improvement of copper in Fe ( CN ) solution .
Composition and valences of the elements in the triphenyl phosphite film formed on the surface of A3 steel were analyzed by means of XPS and AES .
Results showed that charge-transfer resistance R _ ( ct ) increased with overcharge time , while surface film resistance R _f changed little during overcharge .
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Surface Glycoprotein Genes of Three H4 Avian Influenza Virus Isolates from Water Fowl
Blisters were observed on the films of reflective mirrors when exposure to proton radiation , the protection layer SiO2 acquired a pronounced color when exposure to electron radiation .
Furthermore , the elemental composition of the rubbing surfaces was investigated through Auger Electron Spectroscopy ( AES ) . The acting mechanism was also proposed .
Monolayer techniques used for the study of surface film at the air-water interface provide a lot of information of film molecules , including optic microscope , x-ray , wave damping , spectroscopy , surface potential measurement , surface pressure measurement .
The composition and elements depth distribu-tion of surface film were analyzed by SIMS . The results show that the content of Zn , Al , B in surface film is more than that in matrix ;
In this paper , rheological properties of surface films of crude oil demulsifier UH_ ( 6535 ) ( polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene type polyol with molecular weight of 2 × 10 ~ 6 ) have been studied .