
  • 网络topsoil;top soil;regolith
  1. 表层土样随粒径减小其对铀的吸附比降低,而深层土样基本没有变化;两类样品均随pH值的升高,吸附比增大;

    Also , the adsorption rate of the topsoil for uranium dropped along with decrease of the granularity , while no significant change was observed with the deep soil sample .

  2. 在土柱通风的挥发运移实验中,当孔隙流速为0.0131cm·s-1时,经2.5d后土壤熏蒸剂氯化苦在表层土的含量由200mg·kg-1降至一半,9d后基本不残留;

    After 2.5 day 's ventilation test in soil column at 0.013 1 cm · s-1 , the chloropicrin content in topsoil declines from 200 mg · kg-1 to a half , and it tends to zero after 9 days .

  3. 低有机碳含量表层土中Fe2O3对γ-666光解的催化作用

    Effect of Fe_2O_3 on Photodegradation of γ - 666 in Surface Soils with Low Amount of Organic Substance

  4. 表层土添加TiO2与土壤厚度对多菌灵光解的影响

    Effect of Addition of TiO_2 and the Thickness of Surface Soil on Photodegradation of Carbendazim Therein

  5. 研究发现,该蔬菜基地表层土(耕作土层)中Cd、Hg、Pb存在明显的积聚现象。

    The research reveals that there exists obvious accumulation of Cd , Hg and Pb in top soil ( farming layer ) of this vegetable base .

  6. 土壤调查数据地域统计的最佳估值研究&彰武县表层土全氮量的半方差图和块状Kriging估值

    Optimal estimation of soil survey data by geostatistical method & semi-variogram and block Kriging estimation of topsoil nitrogen of Zhangwu County

  7. 作为和其它指标具有普遍联系的要素,群落的地上生物量和表层土的pH、电导率可被作为衡量和评价本地区羊草草地群落退化和恢复状况的指示指标。

    As the factors which have common contact with other indexes , aboveground biomass of community 、 surface soil pH and conductivity rate can be used to evaluate the situation of degradation or restoration of Leymus chinensis grassland .

  8. 这些同时含有S、Cl和Na,且S和Cl显著正相关,Na相对富集的多数颗粒物来自于沙尘暴途中所经过的其表层土成分富含氯化物和硫酸盐的干盐湖盐渍土地区。

    Those particles enriched with S , Cl , and Na were likely from surface soils of dried salt-lakes and saline soils that enriched chloride and sulfate while the dust storm passed through these areas during its long-range transport .

  9. Cu随距离河道越远,含量越少,在离河道5m表层土及下层土污染指数较高,污染较严重。

    The farther the place away from the river was , the less Cu content was . In the place of 5 m from the river , the surface soil and subsoil pollution index were higher than the middle soil , and with more serious polluted .

  10. 除了表层土(0-10cm)的蛋白酶活性与有机质含量呈正相关外,其他土壤酶与土壤有机质含量的相关性均不显著。

    Excluding the protease activity in surface soil , the correlation between all the other soil enzymes and soil organic matter content is not significant .

  11. 结果表明,0~20cm表土层受人为因素的影响土壤微生物数量与土壤酶活性明显高于20~40cm亚表层土;

    The soil microbe populations and enzyme activities in soil of 0-20 cm depth were higher than that of 20-40 cm depth and that in January were higher than that in May in the helio-greenhouse , especially in 0-20 cm soil surface layer .

  12. 表层土可集中堆存,用作绿化用土。

    The surface soil may be intensively piled up for landscaping .

  13. 大雨把表层土冲蚀掉了滥伐造成(土地的)冲蚀。

    Heavy rains washed the topsoil away . Deforestation causes erosion .

  14. 表层土渗透系数空间变异与随机模拟研究

    Study of spatial variability and stochastic modeling of surface soil permeability

  15. 乐安江河滩表层土中重金属的分布和残留分析

    Distribution and Retention of Heavy Metals in Floodplain Topsoils of Le'an River

  16. 土柱通风法去除表层土中氯化苦的模拟实验研究

    Laboratory ; Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling for Removal of Chloropicrin from Topsoil by Soil Vapor Extraction

  17. 直达波法采用叩板法来激发剪切波,这样根据测得的剪切波波速只能求出路基表层土的干密度。

    With The direct wave method we only can work out the dry density of the topsoil of subgrade .

  18. 当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,加速度放大系数会小于1,也即软弱表层土可起到减震的作用;

    When the depth of soft interlayer exceeds a critical value , the amplification factors will be less than 1 ;

  19. 矿工们挖去表层土,然后把这些闪着点点金光的粘土铲进一个灰坑内,用酸来提取出稀土矿。

    Miners scrape off the topsoil and shovel golden-flecked clay into dirt pits , using acids to extract the rare earths .

  20. 东海陆架海底浅表层土静力触探参数与物理力学指标相关分析

    Correlative study of cone penetration test parameters and physico-mechanical properties of the seabed soil on the East China Sea Continental Shelf

  21. 本文通过对重庆都市圈表层土调查取证,研究重庆都市圈的土壤重金属污染状况。

    Based on the Chongqing metropolitan area of investigation and evidence collection topsoil , research the Chongqing metropolitan area of heavy metal pollution in soil .

  22. 本文采用稀释平板混菌法对采自九寨沟县三个自然保护区的25份表层土样进行了真菌分离计数。

    25 soil samples were collected from the three nature reserves of Jiuzhaigou County . Quantities of fungi were determined with the dilution plate technique .

  23. 然而,耕地会除去保护土壤免于风化或冲刷的表层土,这对表层土的损害是比较大的。

    However , ploughing is blamed for causing severe damage to topsoil by removing the plants that protect soil from being blown or washed away .

  24. 然后在剖面周围1米半径的圆内均匀布设的多个点上采集表层土样,混合均匀为表层样品。

    Then collected surface layer soil on the circle inside that the section circumference 1 s , and mixed it uniformly as the surface layer sample .

  25. 这种耕作方法,只是在表层土上翻开一个小口子,然后把种子和肥料放进土里。

    In this method of farming , seeds and fertilizer are put into the soil through a small cut made in the surface of the ground .

  26. 本篇论文首先进行了贫瘠土壤与肥沃土壤表层土中土壤藻类种群结构、微生物数量以及土壤中三种磷酸酶活性的对比研究。

    This paper first reports the difference of soil algae community makeup , microorganism amount , and soil phosphate activity between leanness soils and richness soils .

  27. 围绕土壤汞污染的来源,在表层土中的存在形态、分布规律和影响因素,生态和健康评价,以及治理措施等问题,前人展开了广泛的研究。

    Focusing on mercury source , its existing form in topsoil , its distribution and critical influences , ecology and health assessments , much reasearch has been conducted .

  28. 他定购了成吨肥沃的表层土,覆盖地面达5英尺深,把这些植物长好的样品用卡车运到山上种植。

    He ordered tons of fertile topsoil to cover the grounds to a depth of five feet and full-grown specimens of the plants were trucked up the mountain for planting .

  29. 具桩靴平台在研究区内进行插拔桩,扰动或破坏表层土,拔桩后形成桩坑。

    When the platforms which have pile shoes are pitched and pulled out of the research area , the substratum will be disturbed and damaged , and then shoe pits are formed .

  30. 2种人工林表层土中有机碳含量不同,差值为0.470%,10~20cm土层有稍微差异,差值为0.075%,其他各层差别不明显,差值均小于0.023%。

    Slightly different in 10 ~ 20 cm layer , the value of difference was only 0.075 % , hardly different in other soil layers , the difference value was less than 0.023 % .