
  • 网络north pole
  1. 在北极点,为什么不需要指南针?

    Why don 't we need a compass at the North Pole ?

  2. 因为在北极点,所有的方向都是南方。

    Because at the North Pole every direction is south .

  3. 如果你站在北极点上,每一个方向都是向南的。

    If you are at the North Pole , every direction is south .

  4. 与北极点相距仅1130公里

    only 700 miles from the North Pole ,

  5. 我的脚下就是北极点

    I 'm standing at the North Pole -

  6. 每个有磁场的行星都有北极点和南极点。

    Every planet that has a magnetic field has a northern point and a southern point .

  7. 6年后,一艘俄国潜艇在离北极点下面4公里的海床上树立了一个钛合金做的国旗。

    Six years later a Russian submersible was to plant a titanium flag on the seabed4km below the North Pole .

  8. φ表示出了你这个点的朝南性,也就是表示出了,距离北极点的距离。

    Well , then phi measures how far south you are going , measures the distance from the North Pole .

  9. 他率先抵达北极点的申明自那时起便备受挪威人和俄罗斯人的争议和反驳。

    His claim to polar pioneer status has since been disputed , with counter-claims made on behalf of - Norwegians and Russians .

  10. 尽管斯坦斯最终没有达到北极点,但她已经进入了北极圈,且创下了女性独自探险行程之最。

    Even though she did not get to the Pole , she has travelled further into the Arctic than any other solo female explorer .

  11. 所以,这就是为什么当你说你要环游世界,要看你在赤道还是北极点。

    So , that 's why when you say you 're going around the world it depends on whether you do it at the equator or the North Pole .

  12. 他因此成为第一个到达北极点的国家元首和国际奥委会成员。我蜷缩在桶里,哆哆嗦嗦地侧耳倾听,恐惧和好奇都达到了极点。

    He has thereby become the first head of state , and the first IOC member , to achieve this . but lay there , trembling and listening , in the extreme of fear and curiosity ;

  13. 这个平行线是一个有半径的圆,这个半径是小于a的,因为如果这个环越靠近北极点,它的半径实际上会越来越小。

    So now , this parallel as a circle of radius , well , the radius is less than a because if your vertical is to the North Pole , it will be actually much smaller .

  14. 该协定将对一片远离海岸的水域开展的商业捕鱼活动加以规范。这片水域被称为北冰洋中的“甜甜圈洞”,面积和德克萨斯州差不多大,北极点就在其中。

    The accord would regulate commercial harvests in an area far offshore - in the so-called doughnut hole of the Arctic Ocean , a Texas-size area of international water that includes the North Pole and is encircled by the exclusive economic zones of the coastal countries .

  15. 由于天气十分寒冷,科学家们并不期待能在北极附近的着陆点发现任何液态水。

    Scientists do not expect to find any liquid water at the landing site near the northern pole because the climate is too frigid .

  16. 北极航线可以分为东北航线、西北航线和北极点航线。

    The Arctic Passage can be divided into the Northeast Passage , the Northwest Passage and the North Pole Passage according diffident route .

  17. 丹麦称其计划对北极圈海床大范围地区提出主权要求,包括北极点在内,据称此处石油和天然气丰富。

    Denmark says it 's planning to lay claim to a large area of the Arctic seabed including the North Pole , a region thought to be rich in oil and gas .

  18. 北极航线主要有三条航线:分别是东北航线、西北航线和北极点航线。

    Arctic Route includes three routes , its Northeast Route , the Northwest Route and the North Pole Route .