
  • 网络beijing courtyard;beijing courtyard house
  1. 北京四合院的保护与修缮

    Preservation and Repair of Beijing Courtyard House

  2. 易郡&新北京四合院

    Yijun : new Beijing courtyard

  3. 北京四合院建筑是中国传统住宅的典型。

    Beijing central courtyard construction is the Chinese tradition housing model .

  4. 北京四合院的建筑形式的形成深受儒家哲学思想的影响。

    The architectural form of Beijing quadrangle is deeply influenced by Confucianism .

  5. 人居环境阅读&北京四合院居住文化

    Reading Humanism Inhabitation & The Culture Of Beijing Siheyuan

  6. 现代北京四合院的设计

    Modern Beijing west shut the design of the institute

  7. 北京四合院的哲学思想

    Philosophy of Beij in g Quadrangle Ch in ese Quadrangle and Quadrangle Idea

  8. 浅析满族民居与北京四合院空间布局特点之比较

    Comparison and Contrast of Manchu Dwelling House and Beijing Quadrangle in Spatial Distribution

  9. 你能带我们参观北京四合院吗?

    Can you show us around a Beijing siheyuan ?

  10. 对北京四合院多功能利用的研究

    Approach to the Multifunctional Use of Quadrangle in Beijing

  11. 试论北京四合院的建筑特色

    Architecture Particular Style of Quadrangle Dwellings in Beijing

  12. 北京四合院的装饰艺术

    Decorative arts of Beijing courtyard

  13. 浅析礼制观念在中国古建筑中的体现&以北京四合院为例

    On the Embodiment of Etiquette Showed on the Ancient Building & Take Beijing Courtyard For The Example

  14. 泉州官式大厝与北京四合院典型模式的比较研究

    Comparison Study on the Representative Pattern between the " Palace-style " Dwelling in Quanzhou and the Quadrangle in Beijing

  15. 最后,一行人来到北京四合院的聚集区,走街串巷地体味另一番古朴之美。

    Lastly , they walked in the ancient streets to appreciate the beauty of the quadrangle dwellings situated along .

  16. 从平面形制的布局特点和住宅方位的分配中可以比较出两地民居典型模式的不同,并结合中庭与内院的分析理解泉州官式大厝和北京四合院的主要不同所在。

    Meanwhile , comparing the atrium of the " palace-style " dwelling in Quanzhou with the garth of the quadrangle in Beijing .

  17. 目的为考证北京四合院的形成年代,研究历史建筑在某个时代留给人们的印记,反映当时的政治、文化、经济、技术。

    Historic building is a reflection of such factors of the building times as politics , culture , economy , and technology .

  18. 本文从研究传统四合院的魅力为出发点,把握传统北京四合院的精华才能在将来的改造中做到形变意存。

    The thesis is based upon the charm and distillation of Beijing Traditional Quadrangle , which can rebuild its appearance without breaching its soul .

  19. 因此,本文主要的研究目的是希望通过对中国传统建筑北京四合院的审美研究,挖掘其中特有的民族审美风格和价值追求,从而给现代的建筑艺术以启示。

    So the purpose of this thesis is to seek the traditional aesthetic style and spirit pursue through discussing the quadrangle dwellings in Beijing .

  20. 通过对北京四合院所体现的中国传统的和文化学习研究,以及对四合院典型结构元素的学习研究。

    This thesis has studied and researched the Chinese traditional culture of harmony reflected by the Beijing courtyard houses and the typical structural elements of courtyard houses .

  21. 传统的北京四合院以其深厚的历史文化、独特的建筑形式和宜人的居住环境成为中国北方合院式建筑的典型代表,是中国传统文化的集中体现。

    The traditional courtyard house in Beijing , with its profound historical culture , unique architectural form and pleasant living environment become a typical representative of Chinese northern courtyard architecture .

  22. 北京四合院大都是座北朝南,大宅门的大门一般都在路北。

    A typical courtyard ( Siheyuan ) in Beijing stands at the north and faces south . A preminent courtyards ( Siheyuan ) has its gate on the north side of the street .

  23. 由此作者总结了人们对现代北京四合院的要求,并提出了现代北京四合院的住宅模式。

    Therefore the author has summarized the requisition on modern Chinese courtyard house of Beijings of people , and has put forward the house mode of " modern Chinese courtyard house of Beijing " .

  24. 北京四合院是中国北方四合式民居建筑的代表,在住宅方位确定、院落布局、建筑工艺、庭院美化、油饰彩绘等方面都体现出独特的建筑风格。

    The Quadrangle Dwellings of Beijing , which showed its particular architectural style in orientation , overall arrangement , architectural technique , prettification , are the representative of common quadrangle dwellings in North China .

  25. 以北京四合院为例深入浅出地介绍了有关建筑符号学的内容,并从建筑句法学、语义学、语用学三个方面,批判性地揭示了其在建筑实践中所暴露的局限性。

    Taking Beijing quadrangle as example the content of architectural semeiology is introduced by a simple way ; meanwhile , from three aspects : architectural syntax , semantics and pragmatics the limitations exposed in practice are disclosed .

  26. 北京四合院的继承和创新设计既要弘扬传统四合院精神,又要满足现代人民生活的全面需求。

    The Chinese courtyard house of Beijing is inherited and innovation is designed and should carry forward the traditional spirit of Chinese courtyard house . And also meet the overall demands of the modern people 's lives .

  27. 然而,随着社会的进步、城市化进程的发展,传统的北京四合院建筑已不再能满足现代人生活和居住的需求,传统四合院的更新改造问题已迫在眉睫。

    However , with the progress of the society , the development of the urbanization process , the traditional courtyard house in Beijing no longer meet the needs of modern life and living , the problem of transformation the traditional courtyard house is imminent .

  28. 北京是四合院最常见也最有特色的一个城市,因此人们提起四合院常常就是指北京四合院。

    Beijing has the most typical Siheyuan in the whole country , so when people mentioned Siheyuan usually refer to Beijing 's.

  29. 北京的四合院朴素、实用,色彩以灰色屋顶和青砖为主。

    Beijing 's courtyard house , whose color gives first place to the grey roof and black bricks , is simple and pragmatic .

  30. 出人意料的是,这种微观乌托邦的理想,在展览的三年之后便开始出现在了北京的四合院里。

    Unexpectedly , a manifestation of this idealistic vision has sprung up in one of Beijing 's hutongs , just three years after the exhibition .