
fēng cháo
  • honeycomb;beehive;nest;honey comb
蜂巢 [fēng cháo]
  • [honey comb] 蜂类的窝

蜂巢[fēng cháo]
  1. 对地图、Android蜂巢系统、还有第三方库的支持。

    Support for mapping , Android Honeycomb , and third party libraries .

  2. 本文的结果和Tong等对Sierpinski蜂巢网络的数值模拟是一致的。

    Our results are in good agreement with the numerical simulation reported by Tong on Sierpinski honeycomb network .

  3. 黑压压的一大群蜜蜂从蜂巢中飞出来。

    A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive .

  4. 在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。

    In tests , the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away .

  5. 他们把纽约比作一个蜂巢。

    They make a comparison of New York to a beehive .

  6. 异于传统Internet、蜂巢式网路(CellularNetwork)或WLAN等网路,MANET网路可说是另一种截然不同的网路架构。

    MANET is a quite different network architecture when comparing to the traditional Internet , cellular networks , or WLAN .

  7. SCR系统中板式和蜂巢式催化剂的选取

    Selection of catalyst in SCR

  8. 很多商业性的蜜蜂看护者都被一种神秘的称为,蜂巢坍陷障碍CCD的症状所困扰,很多工蜂因此而死去。

    Many commercial beekeepers have been devastated by a mysterious syndrome known ascolony collapse disorder ( CCD ), in which many worker bees vanish .

  9. 除此之外,iPad拥有超过65000款专门定制的应用程序(Android蜂巢的应用程序只有可怜巴巴的近100款)。

    In addition , there are over 65K apps specifically designed for the iPad ( vs. ~ 100 Android honeycomb apps ) .

  10. 在以色列,与莫名消失不同的是,蜜蜂在蜂巢里奄奄一息,也就是说以色列蜜蜂的问题是否就是同样的CCD还不清楚。

    In Israel the bees were dying inside the hive , rather than disappearing , so it is unclear whether the Israeli problem was the same as CCD .

  11. GBF蜂巢芯空心楼盖在建筑工程中的应用

    The Application of GBF Honeycomb-core Hollow Floor in Teaching Building Project

  12. 浅析GBF蜂巢芯现浇混凝土密肋空心楼盖施工

    On construction of hollow-ribbed floor of GBF honeycomb core cast in place concrete

  13. 在蜂巢外,蜜蜂分泌的GOX的功能被花蜜中的酚类物质所抑制。

    GOX was inhibited by phenolics in nectar outside hives .

  14. Android3.0“蜂巢”系统完全是为了屏幕更大的设备设计的,而且在Android系统最受青睐的小工具、多任务处理、浏览、通告和定制等方面都做了改进。

    Android 3.0 , honeycomb , was designed from the ground up for devices with larger screen sizes and improves on Android favorites such as widgets , multi-tasking , browsing , notifications and customization .

  15. 本文在分析了流程企业中实时数据库的应用需求后,以实际的工程项目电厂实时监控软件蜂巢系统――Beehive为背景,着重于分析其中历史数据处理部分设计中所采用的关键技术。

    This article analyzes the application requirement , introduces the structure of a real-time supervision system & Beehive , and then describes some key technologies with history data processing .

  16. 在曼哈顿中城为乳胶避孕套HEX举办的这场派对上,他的亮相令人意外。HEX是LELO品牌开发的一款富有弹性的蜂巢结构避孕套。

    It was a surprise appearance at the Midtown party for HEX , a latex condom with a resilient honeycomb like structure developed by the brand LELO .

  17. 你说普通话吗?你想上福特纳姆梅森(FORTNUMMASON)的屋顶参观蜂巢吗?这里是该奢侈品商店采集蜂蜜之地。

    Do you speak Mandarin , and fancy a visit to the beehives on the roof of Fortnum & Mason , where the luxury grocer gets its honey ?

  18. 这些PHP代理就像是小小的蜜蜂,每只蜜蜂都有自己的工作,收集信息、消化并在数据库的蜂巢中集中存储,然后让其他代理根据需要提取蜂蜜。

    These PHP agents really are like little bees , each with its specific job to do , collecting information , digesting and storing it in concentrated form in the honeycomb of the database , and then allowing other agents to spin out the honey as required .

  19. FlowHive不像传统蜂箱那样让蜜蜂自建蜂巢,它提前准备好了垂直相对的半个塑料蜂巢,然后让勤劳的蜜蜂去完成剩下的半个,在里面产蜜,然后用蜂蜡覆盖蜂巢。

    Unlike current hives that allow bees to build the entire honeycomb , Flow Hives come equipped with sets of half-built plastic honeycombs that face each other . The industrious bees then complete the job by connecting the half-built combs , filling them up with honey and covering them with wax .

  20. Inn-SaingOoi无处可逃,蜂蜜刺一次会向蜂巢的其他蜂蜜发出化学信号,以保持攻击。

    Inn-Saing Ooi has nowhere to run , each sting sending out a chemical signal to the rest of the hive to keep up the assault .

  21. 结果在电镜下呈典型的蜂巢状亚微型颗粒结构,所制备的ISCOMs中多肽的结合量约为0.30mg/ml。

    Results Typical honeycomb like structure of ISCOMs was observed with electron microscope , and hepatitis B peptide content incorporated into the ISCOMs was approximately 0.30 mg / ml.

  22. KGD-1800型高电压空气消毒机由进风机、过滤器、离心风机、多机线棒蜂巢静电场、负离子发生器与浸渍型活性炭吸附器等组成。

    KGD-1800-Type High-voltage Air Disinfector is composed of draft fan , air filter , air centrifuge , honeycomb electrostatic field , anion generator and activated carbon adsorber . Its efficacy in removing bacteria and purifying air was observed experimentally .

  23. 蜂巢芯空心楼盖试验研究与有限元分析

    Experimental Study and Finite Element Analysis for the Honeycombed-core Hollow Floor

  24. 羊也是利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料(刍料)。

    Goats use rumen , reticulum and omasum to digest silage .

  25. 兔毛纤维是一种带有间隔层的中空纤维,中心部分是蜂巢状结构。

    The center part of the hair has a honeycomb structure .

  26. 蜂巢芯钢筋混凝土空心楼盖静力学分析

    The Static Analysis of Comby Corn Reinforced Concrete Hollow Slab

  27. 一般而言,每个蜂巢都含有120多种杀虫剂残余物。

    A typical honeybee colony contains residue from more than 120 pesticides .

  28. 石墨烯是一种蜂巢状的单层碳原子材料,厚度只相当于一个原子。

    Graphene is a honeycomb-shaped sheet of carbon atoms arranged one-atom thick .

  29. 玻璃熔窑蜂巢形窑顶的节能机理及应用研究

    Energy-Saving Mechanism of Beehive Type Crown of Glass Furnace and Its Application

  30. 还是把你带回到蜂巢好了。

    It 'll be back to the honeycombs for you .