
qiān bǐ
  • pencil
铅笔 [qiān bǐ]
  • [pencil] 内有涂写物质芯子的木杆,一端露出削尖的芯子,另一端常有橡皮

铅笔[qiān bǐ]
  1. 用铅笔写的评语没有复印清楚。

    The comments in pencil haven 't photocopied very well .

  2. 他用手指捻动着铅笔。

    He was rolling a pencil between his fingers .

  3. 有些学校缺少资金购买书本、铅笔之类的基本用具。

    Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils .

  4. 我需要买纸和铅笔之类的东西。

    I need to buy paper and pencils , that kind of thing .

  5. 我去拿铅笔和纸。

    I 'll get a pencil and paper .

  6. 以前的书主在书的封二上用铅笔写了“第一版”。

    A previous owner had pencilled ‘ First Edition ’ inside the book 's cover .

  7. 用铅笔圈出正确答案。

    Ring the correct answer in pencil .

  8. 她用铅笔草草写了张便条。

    She scribbled a note in pencil .

  9. 她用铅笔写的。

    She wrote in pencil .

  10. 这支铅笔不尖了!

    This pencil 's blunt !

  11. 她开始擦掉空白处的铅笔笔迹。

    She began rubbing out the pencilled marks in the margin .

  12. 我在她的桌子里找到一支铅笔和几张白纸。

    I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk

  13. 他捡起一支铅笔,无所事事地摆弄着。

    He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly .

  14. 里德利拿起一支铅笔,不停地在手里摆弄着。

    Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it .

  15. 他从耳后拿出一小段铅笔头。

    He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear .

  16. 准备好铅笔和便笺簿,把你的一些想法记下来。

    Have a pad and pencil ready and jot down some of your thoughts

  17. 他用铅笔给她写了个便条。

    He had written her a note in pencil .

  18. 她会坐在那儿用铅笔头画画。

    She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub

  19. 用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。

    Fill in gaps by using short , upward strokes of the pencil .

  20. 准备好铅笔和笔记本。

    Have a pencil and notepad ready .

  21. 他用铅笔做了记号。

    He made marks with a pencil .

  22. 他咬着铅笔头,仔细思考着下一道题。

    He chewed at the end of his pencil , thinking out the next problem .

  23. 他们停了下来,咬着铅笔。

    They pause and chew their pencils

  24. 在橄榄树的根部可以找到像铅笔一样长的蜈蚣。

    In the roots of the olives , you could find centipedes as long as a pencil .

  25. 把那支铅笔递给我。

    Give me that pencil

  26. 你的铅笔差点戳了我的眼睛。

    You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil .

  27. 你在课堂上记笔记通常用钢笔还是铅笔?

    Do you usually take notes in class with a pen or pencil ?

  28. 那封信是用铅笔写的。

    That letter was written in pencil .

  29. 铅笔秃了。

    The pencil is blunt .

  30. 那些铅笔是我的。

    Those pencils are mine .