
xuè lín bā
  • hemolymph;haemolymph
血淋巴[xuè lín bā]
  1. 统计学分析发现,NA组血淋巴蛋白浓度显著下降,而IB和NA组间中肠蛋白浓度无显著性差异。

    By statistical analysis , NA treatment leads to a significantly decreased hemolymph protein concentration . No marked difference of midgut protein concentration between NA and IB groups .

  2. 结论超声波处理可诱导家蝇产生抗菌物质,在诱导后第48h收集血淋巴最为合适。

    Conclusion The ultrasonic treatment can induce antibacterial substance in the housefly , the hemolymph should be collected after being treated for 48 h.

  3. 目的:了解敏感品系(S)和抗性品系(R)德国小蠊血淋巴蛋白和卵巢蛋白的组成。

    Objective : To study the protein composition in haemolymph and ovary of the German cockroach .

  4. 本文报道热空气、大肠杆菌K(12)D(31)诱导柞蚕蛹血淋巴,提高溶菌酶活力的方法。

    Induced by hot atmosphere and E. coli ( K12D31 ), lysozyme extraction from immuned haemolymph was studied .

  5. 人工感染试验48h后,就能在血淋巴和鳃中检测到溶藻弧菌。

    Vibrio alginolyticus was dectecting in 48h , artificial infection .

  6. 血淋巴中含有16种游离氨基酸及大量的NH3。

    Sixteen free amino acids and considerable amount of NH3 were found in haemolymph .

  7. PAGE结果表明,线虫感染后导致雌蜱血淋巴酯酶同工酶电泳图谱发生变化,主要为电泳图谱两端a带和b带的消失以及一条c带的增加。

    PAGE analysis revealed that nematode infection resulted in the change of esterase electrophoresis profile , mainly with the bands a and b disappeared and a new band c appeared .

  8. 表明较高的血淋巴孕酮水平对克氏原螯虾MO合成MF产生反馈抑制作用。研究中对涉及MF合成的眼柄-大颚器官-卵巢轴的调节机理作了探讨。

    A regulation mechanism of eyestalk-mandibular organ-ovary axis on MF biosynthesis was also discussed in this paper .

  9. 斯氏按蚊血淋巴在约氏疟原虫卵囊黑化时差异表达蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析

    SDS-PAGE analysis of differentially expressed proteins from Anopheles stephensi hemolymph produced during the Plasmodium yoelii oocysts melanization

  10. RⅢ以每虫1~10μg处理试虫后60h,血淋巴海藻糖酶活性明显受抑制。

    After 60 h tested larvae were fed at 1 ~ 10 μ g per larva , activity of trehalase in haemolymph was significantly inhibited .

  11. IL-2、IL-4和IL-7体外诱导人外周血淋巴因子激活的杀伤细胞效应的比较

    Evaluation of the effects of il-2 , IL-4 and IL-7 on the induction of human lymphokine-activated killer cells

  12. 结论大黄粉虫幼虫血淋巴中至少5种蛋白与PO诱导的黑色素合成反应特异性相关。

    The MAP-6 was the desiccation protein of T. molitor . Conclusions At least 5 proteins are specially associated with PO-induced melanin synthesis in T.

  13. 然而,在正常和低氧下血淋巴中SOD活性和Hc的含量不受饲料中添加ARA量的影响,各个饲料组之间没有显著差异。

    However , there were no differences in both SOD activity and Hc content of haemolymph among dietary treatments in normal and low DO level respectively .

  14. 分别对德国小蠊S品系及R品系血淋巴蛋白进行双向电泳(2D-PAGE),并对电泳图谱进行差异分析。

    Two-dimensional electrophoresis ( 2D-PAGE ) was carried out on hemolymph proteins in S strain and R strain of German cockroach and the differences were analyzed .

  15. 检测了G1代五龄蚕血淋巴的荧光素酶活性,并且从G2代开始通过家蚕核多角体病毒(NPV)攻击来筛选抗性较高的家蚕进行传代。

    The luciferase activity in blood of the G 1 generation was detected , then the resistant silkworm was selected by NPV infection from G 2 generation .

  16. 三刺鲎(Tachypleustridentatus)血淋巴的研究1.血蓝蛋白的分离及其免疫原性的研究

    Studies on the horseshoe crab ( tachypleus tridentatus ) hemolymph 1.separation and immunogenicity of hemocyanin

  17. 比较了淋巴因子IL-2、IL-4和IL-7在体外诱导健康人外周血淋巴因子激活的杀伤(LAK)细胞活性的效应。

    Had investigated and compared the effect of IL-2 , IL-4 and IL-7 on the generation of lymphokine-activated killer ( LAK ) cell activity in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy individuals .

  18. 本文发现连续三次肌肉注射PHA可使大鼠外周血淋巴母细胞百分率明显升高。

    After three consecutive intramuscular doses of PHA , the percentage of lymphoblasts in the rat peripheral blood increased significantly by three times as that of those injected with normal saline .

  19. 隐翅虫毒素是虫体用来抵御外来侵袭的化学物质,化学成份复杂,在体内主要源于血淋巴,毒素的pH值5~7,易溶于酒精等有机溶剂中。

    The toxin in its body is a chemical substance which will be used to resist foreign aggression with complicated chemical composition . It originates from lymph in the body with pH value 5 ~ 7 , and dissolves in organic menstruum , such as alcohol easily .

  20. 进入蛹期1d后,随着蛹重的缓慢减轻,蛹血淋巴中可溶性蛋白和总糖含量虽有下降,但变化不显著。

    One day after the entry of the pupae period , the contents of soluble protein and total sugar declined with the slow decrease of pupae weight , but the change was not significant .

  21. 寄生后12h的寄生蛹与同期未寄生蛹的血淋巴可溶性蛋白浓度相差不大,而在寄生后1~4d,寄生蛹的血淋巴可溶性蛋白浓度明显高于同期未寄生蛹。

    The concentration of hemolymph soluble protein in parasitized pupae was similar with that in un parasitized pupae at 12 hours after parasitization , and then , markedly higher than the latter .

  22. 实验测定了不同浓度氨氮胁迫下栉孔扇贝(chlamysfarreri)血淋巴中胞内胞外活性氧自由基(ROIs)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的变化。

    Effect of Ammonia-N on the content of reactive oxygen species ( ROIs ) and the activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and catalase ( CAT ) in haemolymph of Chlamys farreri was studied .

  23. 目的探讨儿童EB病毒相关噬血淋巴组织细胞增生综合症(EBV-HLH)的病原学特征及临床实验室特点、治疗及预后相关因素。

    Objective To study the characteristics of pathogen , clinical and laboratory features , treatment and prognosis of EBV-associated Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis ( EBV-HLH ) .

  24. 本研究旨在对放线菌素D诱导家蚕BmE细胞凋亡机制进行初步的研究,并对家蚕血淋巴抑制该凋亡的机制进行初步探讨;

    The main idea of this study is the elementary mechanism of ActD induced BmE apoptosis , and studying the mechanism of silkworm hemolymph inhibiting apoptosis .

  25. 处理后24h血淋巴总量下降73.61%,酯酶活性不断增强,蛋白含量明显高于对照,总糖含量降低14%~70%。

    The total volume of hemolymph of 5th larvae infected with nematodes decreased by 73.61 % , while esterase activity and content of protein increased . The decrease rate of total carbohydrate content was 14 % 70 % .

  26. 在正常溶氧下,饲料中ARA的添加使幼蟹血淋巴中THC和透明血细胞密度显著上升,特别是适量添加时更明显(0.6,0.9%)。

    The THC and the hyaline haemocyte counts were significantly increased by the supplementation of ARA , especially in moderate supplementation ( 0.6 % , 0.9 % d.w. ) in normal DO water .

  27. 结果表明,巢内CO2体积分数和湿度环境因素改变,引起群内15&20日龄工蜂保幼激素含量提高和血淋巴中K+/Na+降低,从而使蜂群表现出调控蜜蜂性比行为。

    The results showed that the changes of temperature and concentration of CO2 in colony could heighten juvenile hormone and depress of K + / Na + in 15 ~ 20 day ages worker honeybee , thereby the colony had behavior to control honeybee sex ratio .

  28. 小地老虎[Agrotisypsilon(Rottemberg)]在个体发育过程中血淋巴蛋白含量和类型变动的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the haemolymph proteins of the black cutworm , [ agrotis ypsilon ( rottemberg ) ] , during its ontogenetic development

  29. 冰核活性细菌(INAB)对菜青虫血淋巴免疫系统影响的研究

    Effects of ice nucleating active bacteria ( INAB ) on the immunity of haemolymph of Pieris rapae

  30. 本文以亚洲玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis末龄老熟幼虫为材料,研究了冷诱导对血淋巴、脂肪体和脂肪体体外培养液甘油含量的影响。

    Mature larvae in last instar of Ostrinia furnacalis were used to investigate the effects of . chilling on glycerol content in hemolymph , fat body ( FB ) and FB incubation medium .