
xuè yè
  • blood;sanguis
血液 [xuè yè]
  • [blood] 简称血。人或高等动物体内循环系统中的液体组织,暗赤或鲜红色,有腥气,由血浆、血球、血小板构成,对维持生命起重要作用

血液[xuè yè]
  1. 血液开始在伤口的边缘凝固。

    Blood began to coagulate around the edges of the wound .

  2. 血液里酒精含量过高时驾车是严重的违法行为。

    Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence .

  3. 这家医院正设法募集资金购买一台新的血液透析器。

    The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine .

  4. 那名患者的血液化学成分受到了定时的监测。

    The patient 's blood chemistry was monitored regularly .

  5. 她的血液中发现有毒素。

    It was found that her blood contained poison .

  6. 心脏肌肉收缩以挤压出血液。

    The heart muscles contract to expel the blood .

  7. 他血液中的酒精含量为法定最高限量的三倍。

    The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum .

  8. 他们把药物直接注射到她的血液里。

    They injected the drug directly into her bloodstream .

  9. 这种病毒仍然在血液中起作用。

    The virus is still active in the blood .

  10. 这种病阻碍了血液的循环畅通。

    The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely .

  11. 他患有一种罕见的血液病。

    He suffers from a rare blood disease .

  12. 心脏把血液输送到全身。

    The heart pumps blood around the body .

  13. 她的血液中发现有毒素。

    Her blood was found to contain poison .

  14. 他听到血液在耳中怦怦搏动的声音。

    The blood was pounding in his ears .

  15. 血液在我的静脉中有节律地涌动着。

    The blood was throbbing in my veins .

  16. 静脉把血液输送到心脏。

    The veins carry blood to the heart .

  17. 经常锻炼会促进血液循环。

    Regular exercise will improve blood circulation .

  18. 细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。

    Once in the bloodstream , the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells .

  19. 那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。

    In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood

  20. 它能使尼古丁平稳缓慢地渗透到血液里。

    It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream

  21. 我每天服用干酵母片以净化血液。

    I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood

  22. 冷水澡可以刺激身体,促进血液循环。

    A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation .

  23. 血友病患者们因为被输入了受到污染的血液而正在寻求赔偿。

    Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood .

  24. 消化的食物中的营养成分能够被吸收到血液中去。

    Nutrients from the digested food can be absorbed into the blood .

  25. 精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。

    Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly .

  26. 阿司匹林能显著地稀释血液、抑制血液凝结。

    Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting .

  27. 这正是我们所需要的,为团队注入新鲜血液。

    That 's what we need , some new blood in the team .

  28. 军方请求美国红十字会支援6,000品脱的血液。

    The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross .

  29. 按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。

    Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body

  30. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .