
  • 网络Larissa;Larisa
  1. 拉里萨:不错,我为了修习一个管理课程,曾向银行透支了一笔钱。

    Larissa : Yes , I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course .

  2. 拉里萨:现在如果你在网页上的图片的底部,你会看到,你可以测量长度和宽度该液滴飞溅,对不对?

    LARISSA : Now if you look at that bottom picture on your pages , you 'll see that you can measure the length and the width of that spatter droplet , right ?

  3. 让我们不要忘记,现在我可以去商场买东西,并采取拉里萨日期比麦当劳更好(我们开始约会之前我会开车)。

    Let 's not forget that I could now go to the mall , buy stuff , and take Larissa on better dates than McDonalds ( we started dating before I could drive ) .