
  • 网络latakia;LATTAKIA
  1. 叙利亚官方电视台播出的画面显示,阿萨德主持了新任国防部长的宣誓就职仪式,此举旨在扑灭有关他已逃往海滨小城拉塔基亚(latakia)或者他正在失去控制的传言。

    Syrian state television aired footage of Mr Assad swearing in a new defence minister in a bid to end speculation that he had travelled to the coastal town of Latakia or that he was losing control .

  2. 一些反对派士兵已经悄悄地瞄上了阿萨德家族的故乡qardaha,试图控制这一地区,进而最终控制整个拉塔基亚市。

    Some rebel fighters have quietly set their sights on taking control of qardaha , the home village of the Assad family , and , eventually , the city of Latakia .

  3. 但持续的战事使得有毒物质难以到达拉塔基亚港。

    But the ongoing fighting has made getting the toxins to the port of Latakia difficult .

  4. 拉塔基亚森林管理学校

    Latakia Forest Ranger 's School

  5. 这对小夫妇是在他们家人到叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚度假时第一次相遇的。

    The young couple apparently first met while their families were vacationing in the port city of Latakia .

  6. 联合国称,他们对位于拉塔基亚的巴勒斯坦难民营遭遇炮击事件非常关注。

    The United Nations said it was gravely concerned at the shelling of a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia .

  7. 老都柏林名闻遐迩的塞浦路斯拉塔基亚烟草,为调配带来冷慢并烟感十足的韵香。

    Old Dublin A supreme style of smoking mixture based on the renowned cool smoky aroma of Cyprus Latika ( spelling error ) .

  8. 比起相邻的伊德利卜省和阿勒颇省,拉塔基亚地区的宗派紧张程度还算是低的了,在那些省份恶性攻击已经持续了数月之久。

    Sectarian tensions are still low compared with the neighbouring provinces of idleb and Aleppo , where vicious fighting has raged for months .

  9. 由于叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚已经遭受政府军的猛烈炮火袭击,成千上万的巴勒斯坦难民被迫逃离他们在叙利亚的难民营。

    Thousands of Palestinian refugees have been forced to flee from their camp in Syria , which has been hit by heavy fire from government forces bombarding the port city of Latakia .

  10. 他们需要将危险的化学品运至叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚,但是近日当他们试图将化学武器运往那里时,她不得不动用直升飞机通过黎巴嫩前往那里。

    They need to move dangerous chemicals to the Syrian port of Latakia , but when cargo try to go there recently , she had to travel via Lebanon and by helicopter .

  11. 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国需要出现更多的运动,对于拉塔基亚而言,丹麦的船只将从这里出发进行很多趟旅行。

    More movements need to take place within the Syrian Arab Republic , to Latakia , the Danish vessel will have to do many trips , multiple trips , rather , to Latakia .

  12. 上议院议员凯尼尔沃思受雇设计一座奢华的新花园,其中要设有壮观的水景。这处夏宫位于阿萨德的乡间宅邸,距离海滨城市拉塔基亚很近,这里也是政府军和反叛者激战的现场。

    Lord Kenilworth was hired to create a luxuriant new garden , including a spectacular water feature , at the Syrian dictator 's country residence near the coastal city of Latakia , the site of fierce fighting between government forces and rebels .

  13. 政府军决心巩固从大马士革到霍姆斯、哈马再到拉塔基亚(分别为叙第三大、第四大城市)这条从北至南的轴线,因为拉塔基亚居住着阿萨姆家族和阿拉维教派。

    The regime is determined to consolidate its grip along a north-south axis from Damascus through Homs and Hama ( the country 's third - and fourth-biggest towns ) to Latakia , the port and region that were home to the Assad family and its Alawite sect .

  14. 监督这项工作的外交人员西格里德·卡格发表声明表示,一些化学品已从叙利亚的两个地点运至拉塔基亚港,并装载到一艘丹麦货船上,将由叙利亚、丹麦及挪威船只护送。

    The diplomat who oversees this work , Sigrid Kaag says in a statement that some chemical precursors were moved from 2 sites in Syria to the port of Latakia , where they will be loaded on a Danish commercial vessel with military escort from Syria , Denmark and Norway .