
shènɡ dì yà ɡē
  • Santiago;San Diego
  1. 夏尔迪尼在圣地亚哥进行了一项研究,将写有节能信息的衣架挂在人们的门上。

    Cialdini conducted a study in San Diego in which coat hangers bearing messages about saving energy were hung on people 's doors .

  2. 圣地亚哥动物园的布鲁斯·赖德奥特说:"回去休息时,它们只是看不见电线"。

    " As they go in to rest for the night , they just don 't see the power lines , " says Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo .

  3. 今天至少有几个小时,当全美人民把目光从巴格达转向圣地亚哥时,大家的关注度可能会暂时从小布什身上移开。

    For example : For a few hours at least today , the heat will be off George W Bush as America switches focus from Baghdad to San Diego .

  4. 我正在途径圣地亚哥前往日本的路上。而您开了两个小时的车。只是为了能和我坐下来喝咖啡,并一起相处45分钟。

    I was passing through Santiago on my way out to Japan , and you drove 2 hours , just sit down and have coffee with me for 45 minutes .

  5. 1997年9月1日,《圣地亚哥商业周刊》在报道美国通用汽车EV1电动车司机的焦虑时首次使用了“里程焦虑”这个词。

    The term range anxiety was first reported in the press on September 1 , 1997 in the San Diego Business Journal by Richard Acello referring to worries of GM EV1 electric car drivers .

  6. 卡尔加里动物园表示,他们的工作人员与圣地亚哥动物园以及阳光海岸护育基地合作安排每周新鲜竹子的运送,但寻找合适的竹子品种费时又费钱。

    The zoo said staff worked with the San Diego Zoo and Suncoast Nursery to arrange weekly shipments of fresh bamboo , but the process of finding the right bamboo has been expensive and time-consuming .

  7. 圣地亚哥的美国全国广播公司报道称,星巴克所在的圣地亚哥县从5月1日起就要求在公共场所佩戴口罩,商家有权拒绝为任何不戴口罩的顾客服务。

    San Diego County , where the Starbucks is located , has required masks in public since May 1 , according to NBC San Diego , and businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone without one .

  8. 在圣地亚哥,我为HighFive队打最后一次球。

    I played against Tyson Chandler for the first time in San Diego .

  9. 圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的约翰•伊格(JohnEger)表示,市区正在变成客厅。

    Downtowns are becoming living rooms , says John Eger of San Diego State University .

  10. (美国)圣地亚哥动物园有一座与其相应的“冷藏动物园”,其中保存了许多物种的数千个DNA样本和细胞株的资料。

    The San Diego Zoo has its parallel Frozen Zoo an archive of thousands of DNA samples and cell lines from a host of species .

  11. 上周,这家公司在加州圣地亚哥召开的用户大会上公布了最新的合作伙伴&谷歌(Google)。

    At its user conference in San Diego , Calif. this week , the company announced its latest partner & Google ( GOOG ) .

  12. 加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的一个研究小组发现了肝、肺、肾等10种不同人体组织的DNA模式。

    A team from the University of California San Diego have found the DNA patterns for 10 different types of tissue , including from the liver , lung and kidneys .

  13. 这家公司坐落在圣地亚哥市,他们刚刚宣布,CrosslinkCapital(Pandora最大的投资者)已经给了他们6百万美元。

    The San Diego-based company just announced Crosslink Capital ( the largest investor in Pandora ) has given them $ 6 million .

  14. 该研究发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》(TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine)上。从周一起在圣地亚哥举行的美国心脏病学会(AmericanCollegeofCardiology)年会上,也对其进行了介绍。

    The studies were published in The New England Journal of Medicine and were being presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology taking place through Monday in San Diego .

  15. 为先发制人地克服这种反对,去年一些主权财富基金达成了《圣地亚哥原则》(santiagoprinciples),这是一套行为准则,承诺进行透明和非政治性的投资。

    To pre-empt such opposition , SWFs last year agreed on the " Santiago Principles " , a code of conduct promising transparent and non-political investments .

  16. 由于试穿者反馈颇为积极,帕特森与女朋友一起搬到了圣地亚哥,选定一家制造商,并创立了TommyJohn公司。

    With positive reviews in hand , Patterson moved to San Diego with his girlfriend , locked down a manufacturer , and founded Tommy John .

  17. SantiagoHorgan医学博士,一位微创机器人外科的负责人以及圣地亚哥UC医疗中心的外科主任MarkA。

    Santiago Horgan , M.D. , a leader in minimally invasive and robotic surgery , and Mark A.Talamini , M.D.

  18. 在20世纪70年代早期,圣地亚哥的加州大学实现了用于执行编译的Pascal的VM方法。

    In the early1970s , the University of California at San Diego implemented the VM approach for execution of compiled Pascal .

  19. 这项决定是在智利首都圣地亚哥召开的为期两天的峰会结束时做出的。此前,在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的支持下,有关各方展开了为期数月的讨论。

    The decisions were made at the conclusion of a two-day summit in Santiago , Chile , and followed months of discussions supported by the International Monetary Fund .

  20. 回到加利福尼亚圣地亚哥的家后,开了公司,名为“旅游马车”(TourCoupes)。

    On their return home to San Diego , California , they started a new company called Tour Coupes .

  21. 圣地亚哥地区的EDC

    San Diego Regional EDC

  22. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  23. 任职于福库商学院的教授比尔-梅修和莫罕-万卡塔查兰与加州大学圣地亚哥分校的克里斯托弗-帕森教授合作,收集了标准普尔1500指数公司中的792位CEO的演讲样本。

    Fuqua professors Bill Mayew and Mohan Venkatachalam , together with U.C. San Diego professor Christopher Parson , got speech samples for 792 CEOs from the Standard and Poor 's 1500 stock index .

  24. 同样,最近JasonZhang也离开了圣地亚哥的Neurocrine公司而加入了我们,他目睹了我们在近年内的成长。

    Likewise Jason Zhang joined us recently from Neurocrine in San Diego where he has watched us grow over the last few years .

  25. 圣地亚哥公关顾问克丽丝塔&12539;兰普(KristaLamp)说,她那一堆堆杂物(包括客户文件和她必须读的杂志)是直观的待办事项清单。

    Krista Lamp says her piles , including client paperwork and magazines she must read , serve as a visual to-do list .

  26. 圣地亚哥公关顾问克丽丝塔・兰普(KristaLamp)说,她那一堆堆杂物(包括客户文件和她必须读的杂志)是直观的待办事项清单。

    Krista Lamp says her piles , including client paperwork and magazines she must read , serve as a visual to-do list . '

  27. 比如,圣地亚哥电光队(SanDiegoChargers)就能通过这种方式很快卖掉一场比赛的约1000张票,否则,这场比赛就会无法登陆当地电视台。

    For example , the San Diego Chargers were able to quickly sell around 1,000 tickets to a game that otherwise would have been blacked out on local television .

  28. 圣地亚哥的卡丽•芒迪(CarrieMundy)现年36岁,是一个居家妈妈和摄影师,她在2月份买了个Fitbit。

    Carrie Mundy , a stay-at-home mom and photographer in San Diego , bought her Fitbit in February .

  29. ElizabethSeckel是在美国圣地亚哥的加州大学主修生理学和神经学的三年级本科生。

    Elizabeth Seckel is a third year undergraduate student majoring in physiology and neuroscience at the University of California , San Diego .

  30. 加州大学圣地亚哥中心未来手术部主任SantiagoHorgan领导该医疗小组。

    Santiago Horgan , director of UC San Diego 's Center for the Future of Surgery , led the medical team .