
  • 网络Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;CAGS
  1. 中国地质科学院(ChineseAcademyofGeologicalSciences)地球环境科学研究中心的林景星表示,即便如此,那次调查也表明污染情况“比预期更加糟糕”。

    Even so , it showed pollution was " worse than expected , " said Lin Jingxing of the Research Center of Earth Environmental Sciences , part of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences .

  2. 中国地质科学院盐湖与热水资源研究发展中心;

    R & D Center of Saline Lakes and Epithermal Deposits , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences ;

  3. 第30届国际地质大会胜利闭幕&中国地质科学院为大会做出了贡献

    The 30 th IGC Has Come to a Successful Close in Beijing

  4. 中国地质科学院建院30周年庆祝大会在北京召开

    Celebration meeting for 30th anniversary of CAGS held in Beijing

  5. 中国地质科学院对5.12汶川地震的快速反应与调查研究

    CAGS Quick Response to and Geoscientific Survey on May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake

  6. 由中国地质科学院岩溶地持研究所,广州天水榭设计有限公司勘探设计。

    It was surveyed by Institute of Geology , CAGS , and designed by Guangxi Sky River Designing CO.

  7. 中国地质科学院西安地质矿产研究所所刊第1&第14号总目录

    Bulletin of the Xi'an Institute of Geology and mineral resources , the Chinese Academy of geological sciences contents No. 1 no. 14

  8. 岩溶地质研究所创建于1976年,现隶属于中国地质科学院,是我国唯一从事岩溶研究的专门机构。

    Founded in1976 , Institute of Karst Geology is subordinate to Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences , and is a special institute at karst science .

  9. 为了查明原因,矿区委托中国地质科学院地球物理化学勘查研究所于2004年4月对部分盐井进行了井下电视测量。

    In order to detect reasons , the concession entrusts Geophysiochemistry Prospecting Institute of Academy of Geological Science of China to conduct downhole TV logging in April , 2004 .

  10. 本文的研究材料来源于中国地质科学院矿产资源所承担的我国陆域永久冻土带天然气水合物资源远景调查项目。

    The samples here come from the project named " Natural Gas Hydrate Resources Prospect Investigation in Domestic Permafrost Area " which was carried out by Institude of Mineral and Resources CAGS .