
  • 网络madhya pradesh;Madhya Pradesh State
  1. 2013年12月,投资经理鲁奇尔•夏尔马(RuchirSharma)在印度中央邦(MadhyaPradesh)和拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)街头,就即将开始的选举采访当地人。

    In December 2013 the investment manager Ruchir Sharma was on the road in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan , interviewing locals in connection with upcoming elections .

  2. 但正在家乡中央邦参加竞选的印度贸易部长卡迈勒•纳特(KamalNath)表示,发展中国家不会被迫签订此类协议。

    But Kamal Nath , the Indian trade minister , who is campaigning for state elections in his home state of Madhya Pradesh , said developing countries would not be bounced into making such agreements .

  3. 苫布雪特称,他们叫停了火车,并在中央邦一个叫班纳尔的小站进行了抗议。

    Mr Shambhushete said they stopped the train and started protesting at a small station called Banmore in Madhya Pradesh .

  4. 这所学校建立于1999年,位于中央邦偏远的辛格劳利区。

    The school , which was found in 1999 is located in a remote area , in Singrauli district , Madhya Pradesh .

  5. 现在,印度最高法院正在商讨关于在中央邦地区禁止老虎观光的提议。

    Now , the Supreme Court is weighing a proposal to ban tiger tourism in areas of India 's Madhya Pradesh state .

  6. 印度有40个老虎保护区,中央邦只占了其中6个,但是该国的老虎数量却不均衡地大量分布在这里。

    Madhya Pradesh has only six of India's40 tiger reserves , but a disproportionately high number of the country 's tigers live in them .

  7. 过着半游牧生活的拉巴里(Rabari)部落的牧民,沿着南至古吉拉特邦、东至中央邦的古老路线在这个国家跋涉迁徙。

    Through this country wander semi-nomadic herders of the Rabari tribe following ancient routes that take them south into Gujarat and east into Madhya Pradesh .

  8. 随后,降雨活动可能会增加对中央邦在明天和马哈拉施特拉邦,果阿邦和古吉拉特邦从27日开始。

    Subsequently , the rainfall activity is likely to increase over Madhya Pradesh from tomorrow and over Maharashtra , Goa and Gujarat state from27th onwards .

  9. 印度官方日前表示,发生在印度比哈尔邦、恰尔肯德邦以及中央邦的雷击灾害造成了至少79人死亡。

    At least 79 people have been killed by lightning strikes in the Indian states of Bihar , Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh , officials say .

  10. 其中比哈尔邦死亡人数为53人,东部的恰尔肯德邦死亡10人,而中央邦至少死亡16人。

    Fifty three people died in Bihar . Ten people were killed in the eastern state of Jharkhand , and at least 16 died in Madhya Pradesh .

  11. 如果你考虑到印度中央邦的卡杰拉霍庙宇群遗址走一圈,那你最好别带上孩子。

    If you 're thinking about stopping by the Khajuraho monuments in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh , you might considering leaving the kids at home .

  12. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

    The affected states are Andhra Pradesh , Andaman & Nicobar Islands , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh , Kerala and Delhi .

  13. 近期,印度中央邦的许多男性警察已开始得到由政府每月支付的“留须津贴”,因为邦政府认为,留有胡须的警察更容易展现警察的威严气质。

    Policemen in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh are being paid a monthly bonus to grow moustaches because senior officers believe they give their wearers an air of authority .

  14. 印度中央邦赖森县的一名男子被蛇咬伤,并被断定已死亡。但他却在葬礼上复活。

    A man from Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh in India was bitten by a snake and was presumed to have died but has come back to life during his funeral .

  15. 印度中央邦政府正对这起指控进行调查,据称在印多尔市,有最多300名女童接受了外科变性手术,而他们的父母为每例手术支付了大约两千英镑。

    Madhya Pradesh state government is investigating claims that up to 300 girls were surgically turned into boys in one city after their parents paid about £ 2,000 each for the operations .

  16. 相反,在一项为赢得反对吃受精鸡蛋的宗教团体支持的政治举措中,中央邦最近拒绝了在儿童哺育计划中提供鸡蛋的构想。

    Instead , in a political move to win support from religious groups that object to eating fertilized eggs , the state of Madhya Pradesh recently rejected the idea of serving eggs in child-feeding programs .

  17. 印度中央邦的扶贫措施中、西、北地区在市场经济条件下可供选择的扶贫措施主要有:调整农业的单一生产结构;

    MADHYA PRADESH 'S MEASURES TO GET RID OF POVERTY The help for the poor in the conditions of market economy in the north , west and middle China are as follows : adjusting the single agricultural structure ;

  18. 然后,中央政府和邦政府向邦政府选定的保险公司支付保险金。

    The central and state governments then pay the premium to the insurer , which is selected by the state government .

  19. “国家健康保险方案是中央政府和各邦政府第一次作出综合努力,向非正式阶层提供社会健康保护”,Nair说。

    " The National Health Insurance Scheme is the first integrated effort by the central and state governments to provide social health protection to the informal sector ," says Nair .

  20. 他这番话是有针对性的。印度中央政府和各邦政府之间互相指责对方没有尽力防止这种袭击。

    His comments are a reference to the finger-pointing between the national and state governments over accusations they are not doing enough to prevent such attacks .