
  • 网络national bird;KIWI;State Bird
  1. 富兰克林想把火鸡作为美国的国鸟。

    Franklin wanted the turkey as the country 's national bird .

  2. 1782年,美国宣布白头鹰为国鸟。

    The US declared that the eagle was its national bird in1782 .

  3. 这些是美国的国旗,国徽,国花和国鸟。

    These are flag , emblem , nation flower and nation bird of America .

  4. 我国鸟装饰艺术历史悠久,新石器时代就有不少优秀艺术典范。

    Bird decoration art have long time history , there are excellent works in neolithic age .

  5. 驼是新西兰的国鸟,它就是这些不能飞行的鸟类之一。

    The kiwi which is New Zealand 's national bird , is one of these types of flightless birds .

  6. 英国国鸟竞选的最后一轮投票截止于5月7日,也是大选当天。

    The final round of voting forBritain 's National Bird Campaign closes on May 7 , the day of the general election .

  7. 最著名的动物是一种不会飞的小鸟,叫做几维鸟,是新西兰的国鸟。

    The most famous animal is a little bird that cannot fly . It is called a kiwi and It is New Zealand 's national bird .

  8. 对于他而言,本杰明富兰克林显然是因为太热爱火鸡才要求把它定为国鸟(而这一点益处都没有!)

    For his part , Benjamin Franklin had such an affinity for turkey that he lobbied to make it the national bird ( to no avail ) .

  9. 林多先生称届时他将与政府协商被选出的冠军是否能够正式成为英国国鸟。

    Mr Lindo said he will be speaking to the Government once the public has voted to see if the winner can officially be made Britain 's national bird .

  10. 而英国,作为一个满是动物爱好者的国家,却没有自己的国鸟,因此鸟类学家大卫·林多发起了国鸟选拔运动。

    That Britain , a nation of animal lovers , does not have a bird to call its own , has spurned ornithologist David Lindo to action with a campaign to find our national bird .

  11. 这其实是误读。在富兰克林写给女儿的一封信中,他讥讽一个私人军事组织将白头鹰用于印章,但他嘲笑的是印章上的白头鹰看起来像火鸡,而不是说火鸡更适合做美国国鸟。

    In reality , Franklin wrote a letter to his daughter mocking the eagle symbol used in a seal by the Society of the Cincinnati , a private military group.He said it looked like a turkey and may as well be one .