
ɡuó jiā ān quán
  • security;national safety;peace of the state;state security
  1. 总统对于国家安全是不需要读入门书的。

    The President doesn 't need a primer on national security .

  2. 这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子。

    The group was considered to be a risk to national security .

  3. 国家安全常被用作对一些事情保密的挡箭牌。

    National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential .

  4. 人们不认为他是威胁国家安全的危险分子。

    He was not seen as a risk to national security .

  5. 工厂终于遭国家安全检查员关闭了。

    The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors .

  6. 国会通过了《国家安全法》,中央情报局由此而诞生。

    Congress passed the National Security Act , and the CIA was born

  7. 政府称,出于国家安全的考虑,将这些人羁押是必要的。

    The government says the detentions are necessary on national security grounds .

  8. 国家安全警察正在追查几条线索。

    State security police are following up several leads

  9. 宪法赋予总统全权来使用武力保卫国家安全。

    The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security .

  10. 检波是国家安全的重要组成部分。

    Detection is an integral part to national security .

  11. 2013年,美国国家安全局前承包商爱德华·J·斯诺登披露了美国政府拉拢某些技术公司,并侵入其他技术公司以获取大规模的私人数据,此后,技术行业巨头开始形成把美国政府视为敌对方的认知。

    After revelations by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden in 2013 that the government both cozied up to certain tech companies and hacked into others to gain access to private data on an enormous scale , tech giants began to recognize the United States government as a hostile actor .

  12. 这项命令本质上是要求苹果公司入侵自己的设备,一旦这样做了,那么在那些并未涉及国家安全威胁的调查中,这个先例就会绕过加密技术的执法行动提供正当理由。

    The order essentially asks Apple to hack its own devices , and once it is in place , the precedent could be used to justify law enforcement efforts to get around encryption technologies in other investigations far removed from national security threats .

  13. 特勤局帮助维护总统和国家安全。

    The secret service helps keep the president and the country safe .

  14. 这些事情对国家安全至关重要。

    These matters are vital to the national security .

  15. 加快发展量子科技,对促进高质量发展、保障国家安全具有非常重要的作用。

    It plays a very important role to accelerate the development of quantum science and technology in promoting high-quality development and safeguarding national security .

  16. 可详细信息却被美国方面以国家安全为由隐瞒。这些被美国媒体自己报道出的信息,越来越令世人担忧和怀疑,目前肆虐全球的新冠病毒是否与之有联系。

    The information unveiled by US media has worried the world , with some questioning whether the novel coronavirus could be linked to the US lab.

  17. 生物安全法明确,生物安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,维护生物安全应当贯彻总体国家安全观。

    The law stipulates3 that biosecurity is a key component4 of national security and a holistic5 approach to national security should be adopted in safeguarding biosecurity .

  18. 中国28日通过了史上首部境外非政府组织管理法,以便于这些组织在大陆合法运行,同时打击任何可能危及国家安全的行为。

    China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security .

  19. 《战略》指出,政府将维护网络空间主权和国家安全,保护信息基础设施,打击网络恐怖和违法犯罪。

    The government will guarantee cyberspace sovereignty and national security , protect information infrastructure and act against cyber terror and crimes , according to the strategy released by the Cyberspace Administration of China ( CAC ) .

  20. 当前形势下,我们要坚定不移构建开放型世界经济,维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,反对滥用国家安全之名行保护主义之实。

    Under the current situation , we need to stand firm for building an open world economy . We need to uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core and reject abuse of the “ national security ” concept for protectionist purposes .

  21. 这种滥用国家安全、动用国家力量打压中国企业的做法不符合市场规则,违背市场逻辑,不仅损害中国企业的合法权益,也损害包括美国在内各国投资者的利益,将严重削弱各方对美国资本市场的信心。

    The United States ' act of abusing national security to suppress Chinese enterprises is inconsistent with market rules and goes against the logic from other countries , including the United States , said the spokesperson , adding that it will seriously weaken the confidence of all parties in the US capital market .

  22. 坚持共建共治共享方向,聚焦影响国家安全、社会安定、人民安宁的突出问题,全面提升平安中国建设科学化、社会化、法治化、智能化水平。

    We should focus on prominent problems affecting national security , social stability and people 's tranquility on the basis of pursuing collaboration and common interests . Efforts should be made to make the implementation of the initiative more scientific , and raise its levels of public participation , rule of law and intelligence .

  23. 在斯诺登披露国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)的监控后,该公司很快宣布了对电子邮件进行加密的计划。

    After Mr. Snowden revealed the National Security Agency surveillance , the company quickly announced plans to encrypt email .

  24. 这无疑给Internet的安全运行带来大量不稳定因素,更给当前网络背景下的信息社会和国家安全造成威胁。

    They not only bring unstable factors to the Internet , but also cause much threat to the current network in the context of information society and national security .

  25. 前国家安全运输委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)成员罗斯金德于去年12月,也就是戴维·L·斯特里克兰(DavidL.Strickland)辞去国家公路交通安全局局长一职的一年之后,确认担任该局局长。

    Mr. Rosekind , a former member of the National Transportation Safety Board , was confirmed as the agency 's administrator in December , almost a year after the resignation of David L. Strickland as the agency 's leader .

  26. 我国现已成为世贸组织成员方,在实践和执行WTO各协议的实践中,完全有权合法、有效地运用WTO安全例外条款,在特定情况下实施贸易限制措施,以维护我国的国家安全利益。

    Since our country has become WTO member , in the practice of implementing WTO agreements , we have the full right to use WTO general exception clause legally and effectively so that we can carry out trade-restrictive measures in the specific situation to safeguard our country 's national security .

  27. 此前央视曾批评苹果的iPhone定位功能对中国的国家安全构成威胁,而尼康未能去除其D600相机镜头的斑点。

    Previously , CCTV had criticised Apple for threatening Chinese national security with its iPhone location features ; and Nikon for failing to remove spots from the lens of its D600 camera .

  28. 调查结束后,如果Cfius发现交易存在国家安全问题,就会给美国总统提出建议,后者可以决定阻止这项交易。

    After an investigation , if Cfius finds that the transaction has a national security issue , it will make a recommendation to the president , who can then decide to block the deal .

  29. 目的是为了研发终极的国家安全武器。

    The idea was to create the Uitimate nationai security weapon .

  30. 俄罗斯联邦国家安全思想探源

    Exploration of the Origins in Russian Federation 's Security Thoughts RUSSIA