
ɡuó jì shè huì
  • international community;world community;society of nations
  1. 国际社会对这次危机反应迟缓。

    The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis

  2. 国际社会在面对这一挑战时不应该回避。

    The world community should not flinch in the face of this challenge

  3. 这个国家受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以制止。

    The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop .

  4. 他们将督促国际社会采取行动保护臭氧层。

    They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer

  5. 她在国际社会中非常受人敬重。

    She is a well respected member of the international community .

  6. 国际社会准备联手反对他。

    The international community is ready to work in unison against him .

  7. 联合国已经呼吁国际社会提供援助。

    The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community .

  8. 他在与国际社会打交道的过程中几乎什么都没学到。

    He has learnt little in his dealings with the international community .

  9. 他们正在呼吁国际社会向约旦伸出援手。

    They are appealing to the world community to come to Jordan 's assistance

  10. 他只是含蓄地提到了国际社会对人权问题的关注。

    He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues

  11. 让人哭笑不得的是,最近的制裁结果只是导致新一波国际社会的批评。

    Ironically , the latest clamp-down has just led to renewed international criticism .

  12. 联合国在促进和平方面的作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。

    The UN 's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention

  13. 总统预计这可以从某一方面缓解自己所承受的国际社会压力。

    The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him .

  14. 这起谋杀引起了国际社会的强烈抗议。

    The killing caused an international outcry

  15. 在汛期期间,受灾人民受到了国际社会的同情和支持。

    The flood victims have received both sympathy and assistance from the international community during the flood season .

  16. 会议必将进一步动员国际社会,支持他们的正义斗争。

    The conference will make further efforts to enlist the support of the international community for their just struggle .

  17. 更令人忧心的是,发达国家的人民迷恋互联网,使国际社会开始担心贫富国家之间的“数字鸿沟”。

    Even more worryingly , the fascination with the Internet by people in rich countries has moved the international community to worry about the " digital divide " between the rich countries and the poor countries .

  18. 第二,新加坡是国际社会承认的一个独立国家。

    The 2nd , singapore is international society approbatory an independency home .

  19. 以WTO为中心的国际社会对非公正技术壁垒作出了规制,但仍然存在许多缺陷。

    International society with WTO as the center has regulated non-just technical barrier , still with some defects .

  20. 据牛津饥荒救济委员会人道主义项目代表PeterKamalingin所说,国际社会目前还没有意识到问题的严重性。

    According to Oxfam Humanitarian Programs representative Peter Kamalingin , the international community does not realize how serious the situation is becoming .

  21. 同时也正是由于LED研究和应用的快速发展,LED的特性测量与评价问题日益受到国际社会的关注。

    At the same time as the fast development of LEDs , the measurement and the evaluation of the characteristics of LED have got the attention of the international society .

  22. 我国正式加入WTO与网络时代的到来,标志着在信息化和知识经济的世界潮流中,我国将全面融入国际社会。

    China joins in the WTO formally and the arrival of network times means that China will fully integrate into the international community under the situation of information and knowledge economy of the world .

  23. ISO9000质量管理体系认证作为WTO/TBT中合格评定的重要内容,已经得到国际社会的认可并迅速发展。

    As one of the important aspects of procedures for assessment of conformity , quality management certification to ISO 9000 had developed rapidly , which has been recognized by international society .

  24. 综合分析了含TBT船舶防污漆的防污机理及产生危害的原因,概括论述了国际社会对TBT的控制措施以及立法的趋势。

    Anti fouling mechanisms and the adverse effects of TBT based paint in analyzed , international legislation and control about use of TBT in anti fouling paints on ships in discussed .

  25. 为减缓气候变暖的负面影响,在国际社会的共同努力下,《京都议定书》应运而生,清洁发展机制(CDM)便是其中一个重要的机制。

    In order to reduce the negative effects of climate warming , with the efforts of many countries , the " Kyoto Protocol " came into being , Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is one of the three flexible mechanisms of it .

  26. 政府官员称,他们不确定Jalili的言论预示着伊朗政策的改变,还是阻止国际社会支持在联合国大会前对其进行制裁的托辞。

    Administration officials say they are unsure whether the Jalili remarks a policy change by Iran or are merely a to try to international support for new sanctions the U.N. meeting .

  27. 在分析国际社会实施ITQs的状况的基础上,指出了运用已成为国际渔业管理发展的一大趋势;

    Based on analyzing the condition of practising the ITQs in the international fishery community , it points out it is an inevitable trend to adopt ITQs in the international fishery management in the future ;

  28. 试论当代国际社会的法治基础

    On the Basis of Rule of Law in Current International Society

  29. 在国际社会施以重压后,中国无限期暂停了这项规定。

    After heavy international pressure , China suspended the rule indefinitely .

  30. 战争结束了,但战争给国际社会留下的影响是深远的。

    The war was over , yet the influence is far-reaching .