
  • War and Peace;WAR & PEACE
  1. 《战争与和平》是列夫·托尔斯泰的长篇巨著。

    ' War and Peace ' is a great novel by Leo Tolstoy .

  2. 博物馆藏有托尔斯泰的长篇巨著《战争与和平》。

    The museum houses tolstoy 's epic work war and peace .

  3. 世界处于战争与和平之间。

    The world stood poised between peace and war .

  4. 当今世界存在着战争与和平这对孪生兄弟。

    Peace and war exist cheek by jowl in the world today .

  5. 我一直在读《战争与和平》,好几次都是从头读了一点,结果读到“战争”部分,就把书撂一边了。过了一段时间,我意识到自己又不得不从头开始读,这时我已经忘记了书中人物的名字和社会地位。

    There 's always " War and Peace , " which I 've covered some distance several times , only to get bogged down in the " War " part , set it aside for a while , and realize that I have to start over from the beginning again , having forgotten everyone 's name and social rank .

  6. 如果你想了解19世纪的俄罗斯,是读历史书更好呢,还是应该去读《战争与和平》(warandpeace)?

    If you want to understand 19th-century Russia would you do better to read a history book , or to read War and peace ?

  7. 我不知道写作《战争与和平》(WarandPeace)花了多长时间,但显然看上去罗孚案调查人员正试图超过这一纪录,他向英国《金融时报》表示。

    I don 't know how long it took to write War and Peace but it certainly looks like the Rover inspectors are trying to trump it , he told the Financial Times .

  8. 这种方法更像是推特(Twitter),而大部头的《战争与和平》,格雷戈里·本福德的孪生兄弟,物理学家詹姆斯·本福德说。

    " This approach is more like Twitter and less like War and Peace , " James Benford , Gregory Benford ` s twin and fellow physicist , says .

  9. 从网上买一个枕头掏空之后放入成人书刊,或者把《战争与和平》的内瓤掏空放入DVD。

    Shop online for hidden safes that will allow you to stash your adult materials into a hollowed out pillow . Consider gutting War & Peace to hide your DVDs .

  10. 在主题方面,EloiseKnappHay认为《诺斯托罗莫》甚至可与托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》媲美。

    It is even comparable to War and Peace in its " modern topic " according to Eloise Knapp Hay .

  11. 不过,与上面的各位演员一样,他承认,直到BBC电视剧频道主任费斯·彭黑尔找到他,希望他能将这本书改编成电视剧时,他才开始读《战争与和平》。

    However , he too admitted he had never read War And Peace until he was asked to consider adapting it for TV by Faith Penhale , head of drama for BBC .

  12. 略论当代的战争与和平问题&为国际和平年而作

    A concise analysis of war and peace in the world today

  13. 战争与和平心理压力和心理调整国际会议

    International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in War and Peace

  14. 战争与和平:社会性别视角的剖析

    War and Peace : An Analysis from the Gender Angle

  15. 战争与和平是历史上一个的永恒的主题。

    War and peace is a constant theme in history .

  16. 托尔斯泰写的《战争与和平》很值得一读。

    War and Peace by Tolstoy was well worth reading .

  17. 战争与和平是我读过最长的小说。

    War and peace is the longest novel I 've ever read .

  18. 查尔斯?卡尔德抱着他的《战争与和平》睡着了。

    Charles Calder had fallen asleep over war and peace .

  19. 战争与和平历史运动的转折&一个中国学者对第二次世界大战的思考

    The Turn-Point of the Historical Movement of War and Peace

  20. 论《战争与和平》的史诗建构艺术

    On the Epic Constructing Art of the War and Peace

  21. 《战争与和平》是一部经典文学著作。

    " War and Peace " is a literary classic .

  22. 《长河》:未竟的中国式战争与和平

    Long River : Unfinished Chinese " War and Peace "

  23. 谁写出了伟大的俄国小说《战争与和平》?

    Who wrote the great Russian novel War and Peace ?

  24. 《战争与和平》是一本著名的畅销书。

    " War and Peace " was a famous bestseller .

  25. 许多真实的历史事件在托尔斯泰的小说《战争与和平》中都有所描述。

    Real historical events figure in Tolstoy 's novel War and Peace .

  26. 这是《战争与和平》的原版本。

    This is the original text of " War and Peace " .

  27. 二十世纪战争与和平的反思和展望

    Introspection and Prospects for the War and Peace of the 20th Century

  28. 威尼斯人在战争与和平中都是出类拔萃的。

    The Venetians excelled in war and in peace .

  29. 准备这个考试的另一本书是《战争与和平》。

    The alternative book to study for the examination is'War and Peace ' .

  30. 基本搜索&比如谁写了《战争与和平》?

    Basic searches & Who wrote War and Peace ?