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  • 网络Strategies of the Warring States Period;Stratagems of the Warring States;intrigues of the warring states;China;Warring States Pro
  1. 裴注自注的文学性与《战国策》、《左传》、《史记》相比,确实弗如,可是,在文学殿堂里,它也别有一番风貌。

    Pei gives exegesis or explanation from the literature giving exegesis or explanation comparing with " Intrigues of the Warring States ", " Zuo Zhuan ", " Shi Ji " , it indeed does not also have one foreign scene if , in any case , within literature palace hall .

  2. 《战国策》人物语言艺术已经受到众多学者的关注,但人们多从论辩艺术角度对之加以研究,其对叙事文学发展的推动意义尚未得以深入揭示。

    The language art of the figures in the Stratagems of the Warring States has been the concern of many scholars , but it is more based on the art of debating , and its significance in promoting the development of narrative literature has not yet been comprehensively revealed .

  3. 试论《战国策》中策士的悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Tacticians in The Record of Warring States

  4. 《战国策》言语表达的句内考察

    On the Ways of Speech in Sentence of Zhan Guo Ce

  5. 《战国策》双宾结构动词研究

    Verb Study of the Double-Object Structures in ZHAN GUO CE

  6. 战国策派思潮研究。

    A study of the Zhanguo Ce Clique thought ii .

  7. 《战国策》双宾结构动词共计101个。

    There are 101 verbs bringing double object in ZHAN GUO CE .

  8. 战国策派文学思想发生论

    Research on the Origin of the Warring States Strategy School 's Literature Thoughts

  9. 《战国策》对后世几种小说的启发与影响

    On enlightenment and influence of Stratagems of the Warring States on later several novels

  10. 第三章主要研究《战国策》的性质形容词,包括性质形容词的鉴定标准,下位分类,语法功能等问题。

    Chapter Three mainly studies qualitative adjective , including judging criteria , classifications and grammatical functions .

  11. 近现代以来,对《战国策》的专题研究趋势详细和深入。

    Modern has been the " Warring States " feature in detail and in-depth research trends .

  12. 《战国策》资料来源及编订体系考辨

    Textual Research Into the System of Editor and Source of Datum about the Zhan Guo Ce

  13. 《战国策》是《史记》的重要史料来源。

    The Warring States is an important source of historical data for Records of the Historian .

  14. 这两种形态实质是战国策派民族国家文学的两个层面,有着内在的一致性。

    These two forms are in fact two levels of national state literature with its inner unity .

  15. 论《战国策》中士的价值取向及其成因

    On Value Orientations and the Reasons of " Gentlemen " in The Strategies of the Warring States

  16. 狐假虎威是《战国策·楚策一》中的一篇寓言,用来比喻和讽刺假借别人的权势,威胁他人。

    Applications : This phrase is often used to describe people who oppress others , using the authority of their superiors .

  17. 这些主要的思想观点,被视为“战国策派”文化形态学理论的核心理念。

    These main thought and views are regarded as nuclear theories of the cultural morphology of the Zhanguoce School of thought .

  18. 关于《战国策》的书名和编著者,历来说法众多且各执一词。

    Different interpretations have been made by scholars about the title and compiler of The Strategies during the Warring States Period .

  19. 本文包括三个部分:第一部分,《史记》与《战国策》策士形象比较。

    This article including three parts : The first part , " Shihchi " and " Chankuots'e " the strategist image compares .

  20. 第二部分是《战国策》词语的切分,分为两部分内容。

    The second part is the processes of segmentation of words on the book Zhan guo ce , divided into two parts .

  21. 战国策派以权力意志为其文艺思想的内核,并由权力意志推演出尚力、尚武的思想主张。

    The school makes " the will of power " as its kernel thought , and deduces its force advocacy and martial idea .

  22. 《战国策》是先秦时期的一部历史散文著作,对后世许多种文体的影响都很大。

    Stratagems of the Warring States is a historic prose work in pre-Qin period and has big influence on later several literary styles .

  23. 儒士之辩与策士之辩&试比较《孟子》与《战国策》的辩辞

    Debate with the plotter one in the debating of Confucian scholar & compare between the excuse of Mencius and the Warring States scheme

  24. 其次,依据《战国策》原文,对其编著者进行简略考辨。

    Then based on The Strategies during the Warring States Period in the original , this paper makes a brief study of its compiler .

  25. 战国策派遭受批判的激烈程度之高,持续的时间之久在20世纪中国文学史的历次论争中都是少见的。

    The left-wing literature field animadverted on it to such an extent that it 's even rare in the Chinese literature history of20th century .

  26. 《战国策》中大多数策文都是单主体的或者单向的、作为结果的论证1或论证2。

    Most of the argumentation and persuasion in The Warring States Stratagems are single-subjective or unilateralism , Arguments 1 or Arguments 2 as the results .

  27. 《战国策》的论辩技巧对侦查讯问的影响这个讯息的对象,不止于新加坡人,还有外地人。

    Influence of the Argument Skill in Wisdom of Warring States on Investigation and Inquires It is meant for foreigners as well as for Singaporeans .

  28. 本文首先根据刘向《战国策书录》所述,对之进行分析辨缪。

    At first , this paper analyses and identifies the solecism on the basis of the recount of The Strategies during the Warring States Period Bibliography .

  29. 由于曾受到革命文艺界的批判,半个多世纪以来,对战国策派的研究,政治批判多,学术评价少。

    As was influenced by the " revolutionary literary and art circles ", during the half century , this school received more in political criticism than in academic evaluation .

  30. 他们对待来之不易的事业更加坚定执着,把游说当作一生的事业,已不是《战国策》中仅仅追求利益。

    They treat the cause of the hard-won more firmly dedicated to lobbying as the cause of life , instead of " war policy " simply the pursuit of interests .