
zhàn lüè fánɡ yù
  • strategic defense
  1. 环境影响评价(EIA)是用于建设项目环境管理的一种战略防御手段。

    Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) is an efficient strategic defense tool in environmental management .

  2. 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)在战略防御、反卫星、战术武器以及航天技术中都有重要应用价值。

    As an all-weather and all-time working sensor , inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) has found many applications . It has been widely used in strategic defense , anti-satellite weapon , tactical weapon and spaceflight .

  3. 空间预警系统(SEWS)是美国弹道导弹战略防御体系(BMD)中不可缺少的组成部分,是一个高度集成、高精度的光机电一体化系统。

    As an indispensable part of the Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense ( BMD ) System , the Space Early Warning System ( SEWS ) is a highly integrated and high-precision optical-mechatronic system .

  4. 1983年3月23日晚,美国总统里根通过电视向全国发表了战略防御倡议(SDI)的电视讲话,该倡议后来被人们形象地称为星球大战计划。

    American president Reagan announced his " strategic defense initiative " to all his peoples through the TV on the night of March 23 , 1983 , which later was called " Star wars " speech .

  5. 逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)能够对飞机、舰艇、天体等非合作运动目标进行全天时、全天候、远距离成像,在战略防御、反卫星、战术武器以及雷达天文学中都有重要应用价值。

    Inverse Aperture Radar ( ISAR ) can image non-cooperative moving targets such as aircrafts , ships and celestial objects over a long distance under all weather and all day . It is of particular interest for strategic defense , anti-submarine warfare and radar astronomy .

  6. 从战略防御转向战区防御的激光武器

    The laser weapons of shifting from strategic defense to theatre defense

  7. 第七章游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻

    Chapter VII the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive in guerrilla war

  8. 由於战略防御措施,人类斗志消散。

    Human decisions are removed from strategic defense .

  9. 加速发展并计划部署战略防御系统。

    And stepping up the development and planning the initial deployment of strategic defence systems .

  10. 这不但在战略防御时不对,就是在战略进攻时也是不对的。

    This is wrong not only for the strategic defensive but even for the strategic offensive .

  11. 第一节游击战争的战略防御

    The strategic defensive in guerrilla war

  12. (四)战略防御和战略进攻;基于HLA/CGF的防空攻防作战模拟

    The strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ; Simulation of Attack-Defense Warfare Based on HLA / CGF

  13. 虽然是一个不大的战役,却同时是说的战略防御的原则。

    Though the battle was not a big one , it illustrates the principles of the strategic defensive .

  14. 从战略防御中争取胜利,基本上靠了集中兵力的一着。

    The winning of victory in the strategic defensive depends basically on this measure & concentration of troops .

  15. 论现代篮球攻击性防守的技战术特点(四)战略防御和战略进攻;

    Characteristics of Defense Strategy in Modern Basketball ; ( 4 ) the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ;

  16. 于是战略防御和战略进攻等等一全套的东西都发生了。

    Hence the emergence of a whole series of problems , such as the strategic defensive , the strategic offensive , etc.

  17. 所以,战略防御问题成为红军作战中最复杂和最重要的问题。

    Therefore , the strategic defensive is the most complicated and most important problem facing the Red Army in its operations .

  18. 只要迫使希特勒转入了战略防御,法西斯的命运就算完结了。

    Once Hitler is compelled to go over to the strategic defensive , the fate of fascism is as good as sealed .

  19. 许多波塞迪亚人感到恐惧和无能为力,议会最终批准卫星成为一个“战略防御武器”。

    Many of the Poseidans felt intimidated and powerless as the governing council allowed for the satellite to become a'strategic defense weapon ' .

  20. 该技术在军事上的应用已涉及海上监视、空&空和地-空防御、战场侦察、监视和目标捕获、战略防御与告警等领域。

    The technology involves nautical surveillance , air-air and ground-air defense , battlefields probation , surveillance and target catching , strategy defense and warning etc.

  21. 战略防御是指企业在竞争中预防和反击竞争对手反攻的战略行为。(3)建筑施工企业管理。

    Strategy defense means strategy behavior of preventing and anti-attack in the enterprises competition . ( 3 ) The management of the building construction enterprise .

  22. 第二,美国从战略防御到战略进攻的转变,分析了战略转变的原因,描述了战略进攻的实施情况;

    Second , American change from strategic defensive to strategic counter offensive , analyzing the reasons of the change , describing how the strategy carried out .

  23. 这个阶段,战争已不是战略防御,而将变为战略反攻了,在现象上,并将表现为战略进攻;

    In the third stage , our war will no longer be one of strategic defensive , but will turn into a strategic counter-offensive manifesting itself in strategic offensives ;

  24. 本仿真工作的完成将对调度机器人可靠地进入在线实际环境运行,符合电力系统安全战略防御的思想。

    In the end the work will insure our subject run reliably in on-line environment which is accorded with thought of the safe strategic defense of the power system .

  25. 从国内战争说,假如红军的力量超过了敌人时,那末,一般地就用不着战略防御了。

    In our civil war , when the strength of the Red Army surpasses that of the enemy , we shall , in general , no longer need the strategic defensive .

  26. 许多资产阶级军事家都主张慎重初战,不论在战略防御或战略进攻皆然,而以防御为尤甚。

    Many bourgeois military experts advise caution in the initial battle , whether one is on the strategic defensive or on the strategic offensive , but more especially when on the defensive .

  27. 在我们的十年战争中,对于战略防御问题,常常发生两种偏向,一种是轻视敌人,又一种是为敌人所吓倒。

    In our ten years of war two deviations often arose with regard to the strategic defensive ; one was to belittle the enemy , the other was to be terrified of him .

  28. 福克斯认为给出国防部的预算的数值范围不容易,战略防御与安全评估有许多细节仍然需要充实且具体化。

    Dr Fox argued that given the scale of the MoD 's budgetary crisis there were no easy options and that the SDSR was a work in progress with many details still to be fleshed out .

  29. 目前,多传感器信息融合技术已广泛应用于军事系统及民用领域中,如战场情报、战略防御、海上监控、遥感、气象预报和智能交通等诸多领域。

    The information fusion technology has been widely applied in military system and in the civil field , such as battlefield intelligence , strategic defense , marine monitoring , remote sensing , weather forecast and intelligent transportation .

  30. 我们历来主张诱敌深入,就是因为这是战略防御中弱军对强军作战的最有效的军事政策。

    We have always advocated the policy of " luring the enemy in deep ", precisely because it is the most effective military policy for a weak army strategically on the defensive to employ against a strong army .