
  1. 随着战争规模的急剧扩张。

    As the battle reached heaven .

  2. 作为缅甸军政府主张缅军在缅甸东部区域的冲突升级,战争规模可能升级。

    As the Burmese regime bolsters its forces in the conflict zones of eastern Burma , the likelihood of disputes escalating increases .

  3. 19世纪中叶以前约200年里,战争规模和战争技术处于基本停滞状态。

    The scale of war and war technology were largely in stagnation in the 200 years be - fore the mid-19th century .

  4. 比前一部战争规模更大,怪物更吓人,这部新片打造了炫目的视觉效果,然而,一个值得注意的地方是人物个性的刻画不如第一部。

    With bigger battles and scarier monsters than its predecessor , the new movie flaunts grander visual effects , and , with one notable exception , a dash more individuality than the initial installment .

  5. 现代战争规模与复杂程度的提高,使得以灵活、机动著称的武装直升机受到更多的关注与需求。但同时也对参战武装直升机的飞行品质与战术技术性能提出了更高的要求。

    With the advance of the scales and complexity in the modern warfare , more and more concerns have be made to develop the armed helicopter , and highly fly quality and performance is needed .

  6. 逼真是虚拟战场追求的主要目标,然而随着现代战争规模的不断扩大、综合性的不断增强,战场环境日益复杂,从而给虚拟战场场景规模、仿真精度以及交互性能提出了更高的要求。

    Reality is the main target that virtual battlefield is seeking for . With the expansion of the modern war and the unceasing enhancement of comprehensive , however , the battlefield environment has become more and more complex .

  7. 现代战争规模日益扩大,和平时期非常规突发事件亦频频发生,再加上军事科技的进步使得侦察监视手段和武器装备越来越先进,这些都给军事运输提出了更高的要求。

    The scale of modern warfare is expanding , unconventional emergencies also occur frequently in peacetime , the surveillance means and the weapons become advanced increasingly which due to the progress of military science and technology . All these will give military transportation higher requirements .

  8. 历史上北方地区的少数民族军事活动较频繁,战争规模较大,对中国乃至世界战争史都产生过极为重要的影响。

    Since most of the central regimes founded by minorities were on the Central Plains and the northland of China military activities on northland were high in frequency and broad in scale , which have made great influence on the war history both of China and of the world .

  9. 这场战争的规模,不用问也不用说,

    This dimension of the war went without saying , and did not need talking about .

  10. 中国历史上的农民起义和农民战争的规模之大,是世界历史上所仅见的。

    The scale of peasant uprisings and peasant wars in Chinese history has no parallel anywhere else .

  11. 他的思想有了关键性的发展,而且随着战争的规模一起扩张。

    His ideas had been enmeshed with its critical developments , and they had been able to grow with the scale of the war itself .

  12. 根据现在战争的规模,这个第三次世界大战将导致我们人类的灭亡及绝种。

    According to the present scale of the war , this nuke war and World War III will lead to our destruction and the extinction of mankind .

  13. 肯定的是,现在美国介入伊拉克的战争其规模和战略部署都与2003至2011年间曾在这个国家的行动截然不同。

    To be sure , the scope and strategy of U.S. involvement in Iraq today is very different than during operation Iraqi Freedom from 2003 to 2011 .

  14. 我们预料会发生猛烈的战争,其规模之大是前所未有的。

    Terrific battles were to be expected , on a scale far greater than anything that we had experienced before .

  15. 人们永远不会忘记在库尔斯克战役中的辉煌胜利,这是战争史上规模最大的坦克战役。

    People will never forget the Great victory in the Battle of Kursk & the tanks'battle of the largest scale ever listed in the history .

  16. 在上述理论研究的墓础上,本文通过构建理论模型,对我国战争财力动员规模进行了实证研究。

    On the basis of theoretical studies mentioned above , the paper studied the financial scale needing to be mobilized in wartime by building theoretic models .

  17. 抗战前后征兵制的实施,为中国战争史上规模最大的一次兵员动员提供了制度保证。

    Around the Anti-Japanese war , the enforcement of conscription system has ensured the institutional guarantee of the most large-scaled military manpower mobilization in Chinese war history .

  18. 依靠核能很容易向一座座城市提供全部电力,然而那些占据支配地位的民族国家似乎更有可能发动人类战争史上规模空前的毁灭性战争。

    With nuclear energy whole cities can easily be powered , yet the dominant nation-states seem more likely to unleash destruction greater than that incurred in all wars of human history .

  19. 我国战争财力动员的规模与途径研究

    A Study on the Scale and Means of Military Financial Mobilization of China

  20. 英国陆军预计将缩减至仅8.2万人,这是自拿破仑战争以来的最小规模。

    The British army is scheduled to decline to just 82,000 troops & its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars .

  21. 随着战争形态不断的演变以及高技术装备的不断涌现,战争形式和战争规模都在不断的改变,使得带宽资源成为了制约超短波通信的瓶颈之一。

    The warfare style and scale are always changing with the constant evolution of war type and the emergence of high-tech equipment , and thus makes the bandwidth resource become one of the bottlenecks of ultra-short wave communication .

  22. 在任何战争中,所谓的“无辜者”总是不可避免地要遭到杀伤,并且战争的规模越大,“无辜的”牺牲品也就越多。

    In any war , so-called " innocents " are inevitably killed and maimed and the larger the war , the larger the number of " innocent " casualties .