
zhàn lüè hōnɡ zhà jī
  • Strategic bomber;strategic/long-range bomber
  1. 浅谈B-2隐身战略轰炸机

    Discussion on Generalities of " B-2 " Stealth Strategic Bomber

  2. 空军的20架B-2是唯一一种在国防部的库存里在高威胁环境下可用的可以很好生存的长距离战略轰炸机。

    The Air Force's20 B-2s are the only long-range strategic bombers available within the DoD inventory that are survivable in high threat environments .

  3. 是的,美国保持着核三位一体(指一国同时具备陆基洲际弹道导弹、潜射弹道导弹和战略轰炸机三种核打击方式的能力——译者注)。

    Yes , the US maintains a nuclear triad .

  4. 有更强的战略轰炸机、预警机、大运输机和加油机。

    More strategic bombers , airborne warning aircraft , large transport planes and tanker aircraft .

  5. 作为第二次世界大战战后的战略轰炸机,其多次被重新改造。

    Conceived as a strategic bomber after the Second World War , it has been recast many times .

  6. 普京说恢复战略轰炸机的巡逻是对某些军事大国威胁的回应。

    Putin said the resumption of flights was a response to security threats posed by other military powers .

  7. 作为对朝鲜各种动作及其挑衅论调的回应以及对其亚洲盟友的支持,美国已加强导弹防御系统并向韩国派遣了战略轰炸机。

    The U.S. is responding to North Korea 's actions and bellicose rhetoric by beefing up its missile defenses and flying bombers to South Korea in a display of support for its Asian ally .

  8. 熊式远程战略侦察轰炸机

    Bear-type long distance strategic reconnaissance bomber