
zhàn liè jiàn
  • battleship
战列舰[zhàn liè jiàn]
  1. 甚至他们战列舰电子游戏也是星球大战的品种。

    Even their Electronic Battleship game is of the Star Wars variety .

  2. 不能说飞机的攻击淘汰了战列舰。

    It cannot be said that air attack has rendered the battleship obsolete .

  3. 和这两艘袖珍战列舰一样的还有重巡洋舰希佩海军上将号,赛德利兹号以及德尔福林格号

    So were the two pocket battleships and the big cruisers Admiral Hipper , Seydlitz and Derfflinger .

  4. 这条船列入战列舰级。

    The ship rates as a ship of the line .

  5. 八艘战列舰全都遭到破坏

    All eight battleships are put out of action .

  6. 和战列舰分享海洋的是巡洋舰,驱逐舰,护卫舰。

    Sharing the sea with the Battleship are cruisers , destroyers , and frigates .

  7. 该战列舰遭到了鱼雷的袭击。

    The battle ship was torpedoed .

  8. 那个人在遭雷击之后居然幸存下来,这简直是一个奇迹。该战列舰遭到了鱼雷的袭击。

    That the thunder-hit man was able to survive was contrary to nature . The battle ship was torpedoed .

  9. 这种能力使得掠夺者极好支援战斗机,以帮助保护较慢的飞船,如战列舰。

    This ability makes the Predator an excellent support fighter to help defend slower capital ships , such as the Battlecruiser .

  10. 福特岛一起燃烧战列舰在珍珠港对1941年12月7日日本偷袭后的战舰行。

    Battleships aflame on Battleship Row alongside Ford Island in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December7th , 1941 .

  11. 鸟瞰战列舰排在珍珠港,夏威夷1941年12月7日日本偷袭的开幕时刻。

    Aerial view of Battleship Row in the opening moments of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor , Hawaii on December7th , 1941 .

  12. 事后,空中侦察表明,该战列舰受伤颇重。事故发生后,受伤者被急忙送往医院。

    Later air reconnaissance showed that the battleship was heavily damaged . After the accident the man who was hurt was rushed to hospital .

  13. 她和新型战列舰威尔士亲王号一同出发,希望能够赶在德国人冲散英国船队之前拦截并摧毁他们。

    Hood and the brand new battleship the prince of Wales were dispatched to intercept and destroy the German ships before they broke loose on the British convoy routes .

  14. 由于舰队大多数新型战列舰已经烧油,或计划改成烧油,木星号成了一个累赘。

    The Jupiter was now redundant as the majority of the fleet 's newer battleships were either oil fired or planned to change over from oil . This cream is good for burns .

  15. 战列舰绝对不是海战终结者:它更像超级炮台,对于特定的目标超级强大但是仍然需要保护。

    No , the Battleship isn 't the end-all of naval warfare : it 's more like the ultimate artillery piece , super-powerful against certain targets but something you still need to protect .

  16. 因此,9月2日,在停泊于东京湾的美国密苏里号战列舰上,日本代表同中国及其他八个同盟国的代表签署了日本降伏文书。

    So , on September 2nd , representatives from Japan , China and eight other Allied powers gathered on the deck of the USS " Missouri " in Tokyo Bay . They signed on the Japanese instrument of surrender .

  17. 他们是将军的私人卫队,极度的忠诚和有纪律,这时他们成为无可匹敌的最强部队。如果需要与之周旋的单是战列舰第七分舰队那类型的军舰,那么它们可能是无敌的。

    These warriors are the general 's personal guard , fiercely loyal and disciplined there is little this unit cannot take on and not come out on top . Reckoning only with Bat Div Seven types they might have been invincible .

  18. 要是他掉转头回来的话,战列舰队就可以狠狠地揍他一顿。继续拉远镜头,可以看到海岸线了,海面上停着一艘战列舰。

    If he turns around and comes back , the Battle Line will fix him . As you keep panning out , a shoreline becomes visible , and just offshore sits a battleship .