
zhàn háo
  • trench;entrenchment
战壕 [zhàn háo]
  • [trench] 用于军事防御挖掘的狭长壕沟,通常将挖掘出来的泥土堆在它前面作为土方 [工事]

战壕[zhàn háo]
  1. 兵士夺回了战壕。

    The soldiers recaptured their trench .

  2. 我们为你呈上的本次更新的最后一样东西就是PAK战壕系统,也是跟一个碉堡连在一起的。

    The last object within this update we have for you is a PAK trench system , also with an attached bunker .

  3. 他在战壕里创作的那些诗歌被公认为是他找到了自己声音的作品。

    The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice .

  4. 他在战壕里战斗。

    He saw action in the trenches .

  5. 部队猛攻敌人的战壕,并在田野上呈扇形散开。

    The troops stormed the enemy 's trenches and fanned out across the fields .

  6. 近30年来,苹果公司(Apple)的联合创始人与微软公司(Microsoft)的联合创始人都称得上是个人计算领域内的泰斗,他们有时是不共戴天的竞争者,有时又是一个战壕里的盟友。

    For nearly three decades the co-founder of apple ( AAPL ) and the co-founder of Microsoft ( MSFT ) were the twin pillars of personal computing & at times fierce competitors , at times key allies .

  7. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  8. 先是德军士兵用德语唱《平安夜》(StilleNacht),然后英军士兵以英语的《平安夜》(SilentNight)回应。据说他们在两军战壕间的无人区进行了一场即兴足球比赛。

    What started with the singing of " Stille Nacht " on the German side , followed by a response of " Silent Night , " was said to have included an impromptu soccer game on the No Man 's Land between the opposing trenches .

  9. 它漂亮的尖肩是古奇(Gucci)设计师弗里达·贾尼尼(FridaGiannini)的特点,像很多广告一样简洁地传达这样一个事实:城里有一道新的非传统的战壕。

    Its pretty , peaked shoulders are the hallmarks of Gucci designer Frida Giannini , and communicate as succinctly as any advertisement the fact that there 's a new , non-classic , trench in town .

  10. 在9月的纽约时装周上,公司的设计师特尔法·克莱门斯(TelfarClemens)将展示可以适合所有人的新系列,包括露肩背心、战壕风衣和带花边的丹宁牛仔上衣及长裤,走秀的是一群中性风格的模特。

    At New York Fashion Week in September , its designer , Telfar Clemens , will show his one-look-fits-all collection of off-the-shoulder tank tops , trench coats and lacelike denim tops and trousers on a cast of androgynous models .

  11. “挖掘者”成员奥莱尔·塞尔居(AurelSercu)最近来到战壕,向大家解释了这条沟渠如何把战壕与地下泵房、更衣区、工作间和军火库连通起来,而这些空间如今均已被水淹没。

    Aurel Sercu , one of the Diggers , walked the site recently , explaining how tunnels had led away from the trenches to an underground pump room , a changing area , a workroom and a stock of ammunition , all underwater now .

  12. 为了轻武器的传送而建造的战壕。

    A trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire .

  13. 在三角洲挖战壕有什么用?

    What is the use of digging trenches in the Delta ?

  14. 无需多时,机器姐就已身处“战壕”深处。

    Not much later , she 's deep in the trenches .

  15. 斯泰纳,我们怎样通过俄国人的战壕?

    Steiner , how do we get through the Russian trenches ?

  16. 他们还来不及挖战壕就受到了攻击。

    They were attacked before they had time to dig in .

  17. 他们在挖战壕以免受炮火的袭击。

    They were digging trenches to shelter the men from gunfire .

  18. 其余的人都在战壕里用轻机枪和冲锋枪射击。

    The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs .

  19. 是的,是从一位活着的德军士兵的战壕里得到的。

    Yes a live German soldier from his own trench .

  20. 通常是充满水的作为防御工事的战壕。

    A ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water .

  21. 步兵用来挖战壕的手铲。

    A hand shovel carried by infantrymen for digging trenches .

  22. 在坑坑洼洼的前线,将士们从泥泞的战壕中走出来。

    Along the jagged front , men emerged from their muddy trenches .

  23. 我们终于把敌人赶出战壕。

    We managed to expel the enemy from the trench .

  24. 我得押他们到最前线的战壕去。

    I was to take them to a frontline trench .

  25. 你说的“他们挖了战壕”是什么意思?

    What do you mean " they dug a trench "?

  26. 我们大部分时间都睡在战壕里。

    Throughout the whole war we slept in trenches ;

  27. 挖战壕之前,至少先谈一谈吧。

    At least let 's have a pow-wow before we start digging trenches .

  28. 以战壕为背景,拍了一部喜剧。

    He made a comedy set in the trenches .

  29. 法德战壕之间原本有座小教堂。

    There was a chapel between the two trenches .

  30. 战壕中的他将在夜暗前死去。

    In the trench he will die before nightfall .