
pǎi jī pào; pò jī pào
  • mortar;mine thrower
迫击炮 [pǎi jī pào]
  • [mortar] 用座钣承受后座力、发射尾翼弹的一种滑膛曲射炮

迫击炮[pǎi jī pào; pò jī pào]
  1. 口径为120毫米的迫击炮的射程是1.8万码。

    The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards

  2. 他死于迫击炮炮击。

    He was killed in a mortar attack .

  3. 火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。

    Rockets , mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings .

  4. 双方交火时动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。

    The two sides exchanged fire with artillery , mortars and small arms

  5. 双方使用火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。

    The two sides joined battle once again using artillery , mortars and heavy machine guns .

  6. 迫击炮的吼声似乎正在逼近。

    The sound of mortar fire seemed to be closing in .

  7. 琳达击发两次。三个正在组装迫击炮的咕噜人倒下了。

    Linda fired twice A trio of Grunts assembling one mortar fell .

  8. 新闻机构援引该炼油厂主管人员的说法称,Isis武装人员正使用迫击炮攻击炼油厂,并且已经攻下了工厂的数个重要据点。该炼油厂位于首都巴格达以北250公里。

    News agencies quoted officials at the refinery saying Isis fighters were shelling the facility with mortars and had taken over several of the important sites at the plant , 250km north of the capital Baghdad .

  9. 该系统在整体性能上非常接近于美国的C-RAM系统(即“反火箭炮、火炮和迫击炮”系统),但由于使用了天燕90导弹更使其防御范围扩大到了6公里。

    The system is likely to have a similar overall capability to the US C-RAM but with extended range thanks to the6km reach of the TY-90s .

  10. 某自动迫击炮动力学参数影响规律研究

    Study on the effects of dynamic parameters for an automatic mortar

  11. 迫击炮重复装弹保险器方案设想

    An assumptive plan of safety unit with duplication loading of mortar

  12. 大炮和迫击炮对准敌人的阵地。

    Artillery and mortars were zeroed in on the enemy position .

  13. 迫击炮落地上方的雨棚已经被掀掉。

    An awning is torn above where the mortar allegedly landed .

  14. 你开始使用地图上的迫击炮瞄准点。

    You get to use the mortar aimpoint on the map .

  15. 基于软后坐技术的某自动迫击炮动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of an Auto Mortar Based on the Soft Recoil Technology

  16. 这里是巨蝮蛇他们在发射迫击炮。

    This is bushmaster . they 're dropping mortar rounds .

  17. 迫击炮发射的炮兵射击。

    The sound of mortar-fire seemed to be closing in .

  18. 正进站的火车;刚来的邮件;正袭来的迫击炮。

    Incoming trains ; incoming mail ; incoming mortar fire .

  19. 我们刚好在迫击炮的射程之内。

    We were well within range of the mortar shells .

  20. 陆军必须依赖火炮和迫击炮来做这些事情。

    The Army must rely upon artillery and mortars to do that .

  21. 与其它炮兵相比迫击炮组要更加主动。

    Mortar teams need to take initiative more than most other players .

  22. 在夜间会有些照明弹和迫击炮。

    Expect some flares , a few mortars at night .

  23. 他们无法把重型迫击炮移过那片沼泽地。

    They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground .

  24. 下面是一些迫击炮组的基础操作指南。

    A few basic guidelines for mortar teams follow .

  25. 什么事件导致了贝特瑞伯恩的迫击炮练习的终止?

    What event contributed to the cessation of mortar practice from Battery Byrne ?

  26. 我们的迫击炮对付他们的大炮是完全无效的。

    Our mortars were completely ineffective against their artillery .

  27. 海军陆战队用迫击炮攻击他的阵地。

    The Marines fired on his position with mortars .

  28. 路面沾满了迫击炮轰炸后留下的又黑又厚的痕迹。

    The streets are blasted with the thick black residue of mortar attacks .

  29. 美国和德军迫击炮队,将不再改变头像就变成敌人。

    US and Wehrmacht mortar teams will no longer charge head on into enemies .

  30. 堑壕里的迫击炮早已开始了射击,声响愈来愈大。

    The trench mortars have begun to fire and the volume of sound increases .