
zhàn zhēnɡ shǒu duàn
  • means of warfare
  1. 关于希特勒准备和发动战争手段的思考

    Thinking of Means that Hitler Prepares and Launches the War

  2. 许多运动项目都是源于狩猎和战争手段,射箭和击剑运动便是如此。

    Many sports events are evolved from military and hunting skills , the sports of archery and fencing are two of them .

  3. 现代军事科学技术迅猛发展和军事战争手段的剧烈变革,对航空发动机提出更高的要求。

    The rapid development of modern military science and technology , military warfare means radical changes to the aircraft engine higher demands .

  4. 我多年来一直在想,找个什么办法,不用战争手段而用和平方式,来解决这种问题。

    Over the years I have been considering how those disputes could be solved by peaceful means , rather than by war .

  5. 但是一百万掌握战争手段的武装自由人永不可能被一个外来敌人所征服。

    But a million of armed freemen , possessed of the means of war , can never be conquered by a foreign foe .

  6. 本文通过对美国新经济的分析,认为美国必将使用种种手段包括战争手段来维持其政治霸权。

    This article , through analysis of American new economy , thinks America will maintain its hegemony in politics by all means including war .

  7. 细菌战是日本军国主义分子在其所侵略的中国等亚洲国家和地区所使用的一种灭绝人性的战争手段,它惨无人道、骇人听闻。

    The biological warfare is a war method implied by the Japanese army in the Asian region including China , which is brutal and appalling .

  8. 在核时代,任何国家要想靠战争手段削弱别人,扩展自己的战略利益都是不可理喻的。

    Furthermore , at the times of nuclear might , it would be unsensible of any nation seeking to neutralize others and expand its own strategic interests .

  9. 在安全上相互信任、加强合作,坚持用和平方式而不是战争手段解决国际争端,共同维护世界和平稳定;

    In the area of security , we should build mutual trust , strengthen cooperation , settle international disputes by peaceful means , and work together to safeguard world peace and stability .

  10. 我们也许会遭到局部的伤害和偶尔的损坏,但是一百万掌握战争手段的武装自由人永不可能被一个外来敌人所征服。

    Partial injuries and occasional mortifications we may be subjected to , but a million of armed freemen , possessed of the means of war , can never be conquered by a foreign foe .

  11. 第二,历史上大国的兴替是在战争手段及其毁伤力相对有限的条件下发生的,而当代中国的发展是在核时代展开的。

    Secondly , historical powers replaced one another under circumstances where the means of war and the destructive power were relatively limited , whereas the development of China came at a time of nuclear power .

  12. 目标识别是指挥自动化系统的一个重要组成部分,针对现代战争对抗手段不断增强的特点,运用BP神经网络和D-S证据理论探索作战飞机机型的识别方法。

    Target Recognition is important part in C ~ 3I system . According to the peculiarity of continuing promoted counterwork of modern wars , Target Recognition is base on BP Neural Networks and D-S Evidence Theory to quest for the identification method to the type of aircraft .

  13. 所以,是的,战争的手段确实在保卫和平中具有作用。

    So yes , the instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace .

  14. 上古时期作为战争主要手段的中国摔跤,在兵器发展之后,逐渐的向将士身体练习的方向转变。

    China Wrestling was used as the major strategy for the war in the ancient times , after developing the weapons , it turned to the direction of officers and soldiers ' taking exercises .

  15. 采用战争和征服手段,是其失败的加速器;

    The adoption of war and conquest speeds up the failure .

  16. 对面攻击是现代战争的主要手段

    Air Attack is the most Important Pattern of Modern War

  17. 普通装备是武装力量的基础,是进行武装战争的技术手段。

    The military equipment is the foundation , the armed forces are armed war .

  18. 兵棋是分析战争的重要手段,是一种研究战争的利器。

    Wargames is the simulation of war , it is an edge tool to research on war .

  19. 使用战争或暴力手段

    Resort to war or violence

  20. 在黑山,猎首是战争的辅助手段,在袭击中只起了次要作用,尤其是人们住得近,经常发生摩擦是。

    In Montenegro , head-hunting was an adjunct in warfare and played only a minor role in raiding , especially when the people lived close enough for feuds .

  21. 信息化战争研究需要新型的战争模拟手段。

    The study on war in the information age requires a new methodology with respect to war gaming and simulation .

  22. 太平洋战争爆发前后,日本通过扩大侵略战争及各种手段,使鼓浪屿成为其独占租界时期的鼓浪屿之研究的殖民地,到抗战胜利,整整达4年之久。

    Before and after the Pacific War Japan managed to turn the island into its colony by expanding its invasive war .

  23. 信息化战争研究需要系统理论的指导,需要新型的战争模拟手段。

    War problem 's research in the information age needs system theory and new methodology of war gaming & simulation .

  24. 其次,论述了马克思战争哲学思想中如何控制战争的几个因素,包括政治手段与战争手段的结合,防御与进攻的把握,时间与空间的控制和科学技术对战争的影响等方面。

    Second , this thesis discusses how control several factors in the Marxist war philosophical theory , of which the combination of both political and war way , the assurance of defense and attack , the management between time and room the effect of scientific technology on war are included .

  25. 航空母舰已有80多年的发展历史,特别是在近年来的几次现代化局部战争中,航空母舰及舰载飞机成为取得战争胜利的关键手段。

    Aircraft carrier has a developing history of more than 80 years . Aircraft carrier and carrier-based airplane have become a key factor of winning especially in recent years ' several modern local war .

  26. 春秋战争是服人向兼并的过渡期。第二,战争手段上的重人道与重实力。

    The aim of the wars in the Spring and Autumn Period was the transition from convincing people to annexing territory . Secondly , the means of war put stress on the humanity and strength .

  27. 战略战争需要较强的综合实力,并在较长时间内、在所有领域综合运用战争与非战争手段,努力达成不战而屈人之兵的效果。

    Strategic warfare demands great comprehensive strength , and the use of war and non-war means synthetically in all fields over a long period of time so as to " subjugate the enemy 's army without fighting " .