
zhàn lüè jiā
  • strategist
  1. 我在IBM是相当成功的,特别是作为一名税务政策战略家。

    I had been quite successful at IBM , especially as a tax policy strategist .

  2. MarkChang是IntelTechnologySalesgroup的首席战略家,负责面向服务企业和高级客户端系统业务和全球技术战略。

    Mark Chang is a principal strategist in the Intel Technology Sales group specializing in Service-Oriented Enterprise and advanced client system business and technology strategies worldwide .

  3. 共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。

    Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators .

  4. 军事战略家们制订出的计划确保了一连串的辉煌胜利。

    Military strategists had devised a plan that guaranteed a series of stunning victories .

  5. MikeEdwards是SOA领域的新兴技术(特别是服务组件体系结构)战略家。

    Mike Edwards is a strategist working on emerging technologies in the area of SOA , particularly Service Component Architecture .

  6. 拿破仑·波拿巴(NapoleonBonaparte)是世界上最伟大的军事战略家和征服者之一。

    Napoleon Bonaparte was one of of the greatest military strategists and conquerors to ever walk the globe .

  7. “那些原本会将资金存入银行赚取利息或者投资于超安全资产的人,现在都在冒险。”法国巴黎投资管理公司(BNPParibasInvestmentPartners)全球信贷战略家马丁•弗里德森表示。

    " People who would otherwise be in CDs or ultra-safe assets are taking greater risks ," says Martin Fridson , Global Credit Strategist , BNP Paribas Investment Partners .

  8. PamelaCurr是墨尔本收容资源中心的活动战略家。

    Pamela Curr is a campaign strategist for the Asylum Resource Center in Melbourne .

  9. 民主党战略家与院外游说者史蒂夫·埃尔曼多夫(SteveElmendorf)同白宫有着密切的关系,十几年来一直都有参加白宫节日派对,他说,

    Steve Elmendorf , a Democratic strategist and lobbyist with close ties to the White House who has attended holiday parties there for decades , said ,

  10. ChrisKraus是一名测试专家和架构战略家,在计算软件开发、产品管理和扩展企业软件支持方面有17年的经验。

    Chris Kraus is an expert testing and architecture strategist with a 17-year background in computer software development , product management , and sales support for enterprise software .

  11. 一些军事战略家认为F-35所从事的任务可以由巡航导弹和远程控制无人机更好地完成。

    Some military strategists already think that the job the F-35 is meant to do can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones .

  12. 但此后,苏格兰国家党(snp)的实力不断增长,目前英国政府已指派财政大臣、头号战略家乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)领导一个委员会,研究苏格兰独立问题。

    Yet since then the Scottish National Party has grown in strength and the government in London has now appointed George Osborne , Chancellor and a leading strategist , to head up a committee to look at the issue .

  13. “欲占领客厅,苹果需要开创一项堪与iPhone媲美的创新,这项创新必须能让电视机发生脱胎换骨的改变,”媒体战略家本•昆兹在《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)的专栏文章中称。

    To " win the living room , Apple will need an innovation comparable to that of its iPhone & something that changes TV sets in a fundamental way , " argues media strategist Ben Kunz in a column for BusinessWeek .

  14. pillsbury解释到,中国的战略家们不能用一些方式来偏离这个基本观点,比如,认为单极的美国统治继续性存在不确定性,或者认为日本将不会再次走军事化道路。

    Chinese strategists , Pillsbury explained , cannot deviate from this basic picture by , for example , saying that unipolar u.s.domination will continue indefinitely or that Japan will not remilitarize .

  15. 这就是为什么现在有众多共和党战略家研究她的策略。

    This is why many Republican strategists are now studying her .

  16. 这一点已成为当代国际战略家们的共识。

    This has already become contemporary international strategists ' common understanding .

  17. 据说,诸葛亮是一位英明的战略家。

    It is said that Zhuge Liang was a wise strategist .

  18. 欧盟的战略家们已经准备好绝地大反击了。

    EU strategists are already drawing up plans for a counter-offensive .

  19. 许多日本人都认为他是中国现有的最有才干的战略家。

    Many Japanese regarded him as the ablest Chinese strategist alive .

  20. 他是一个伟大的战术家,但不是什么了不起的战略家。

    He is a great tactician , but an inadequate strategist .

  21. 共和党的战略家还知道从哪里把这一信息传递出去。

    GOP strategists knowswheresto turn to get the message out too .

  22. 李东生:跨国并购的战略家

    Li Dongsheng : A Strategist of Multinational Mergers & Acquisitions

  23. 这些变化都反映出两位伟人为了维护国家利益,因时而变的战略家眼光。

    All those changes reflected the two great men 's strategic foresight .

  24. 对许多西欧的战略家来说,这些武器至关重要。

    To many Western European strategists these weapons are crucial .

  25. 他不但是个勇敢的军人,还是个聪明的战略家。

    He is not only a brave soldier but also a clever strategist .

  26. 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。

    His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician .

  27. 核心强项:我是一位战略家吗?

    Core Strength : Am I a Strategist ?

  28. 一些战略家认为狭小的以色列会在第一轮攻击中丧失攻击力。

    Some strategists argue that tiny Israel could be disabled by a first strike .

  29. 资深选举战略家大卫-艾索洛通过邮件表示他感到非常开心。

    Senior campaign strategist David Axelrod said via email that he was feeling great .

  30. 基辛格逐渐树立了他作为外交政策专家和军事战略家的声誉。

    Henry gradually established a reputation as a foreign policy expert and military strategist .