
jiào tiáo
  • dogma;doctrine;dogmatism;creed;tenet
教条 [jiào tiáo]
  • (1) [dogma;creed;doctrine;tenet]∶要求教徒绝对遵从的宗教信条。泛指要求人盲目信奉的僵化的原则、原理

  • (2) [dogmatism]∶指教条主义

教条[jiào tiáo]
  1. 他主张将国家从教条的控制下解放出来。

    He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma .

  2. 这名记者力求不受思想教条的影响。

    The reporter sought to be independent of ideological dogma .

  3. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。

    His opponents viewed him as stubborn , dogmatic , and inflexible .

  4. 他很坚定但并不教条。

    He is firm but not doctrinaire .

  5. 那些将马克思列宁主义当宗教教条看待的人,就是这种蒙昧无知的人。

    It is precisely such ignorant people who take Marxism-Leninism as a religious dogma .

  6. 在陈腐的教条中吸取营养的异教徒(b威廉华兹华斯)

    A pagan suckled in a creed outworn ( bWilliam Wordsworth )

  7. 最初的建模工具在对待类似MDA和UML这类标准上都有些“教条化”。

    The first modeling tools where " dogmatic " with standards such as MDA and UML .

  8. 原因不仅仅是不存在imf永远正确这样的教条:与其他多数预测者一样,imf最终对经济复苏力度的预测过于乐观了。

    Not just because there can be no doctrine of IMF infallibility : like most other forecasters it has been proven over-optimistic on the strength of the recovery .

  9. 银行也许能够成功地把美国证交会(SEC)描述为具有政治动机,但要对IMF这么做就比较难,因为迄今该机构一直是市场机制正统教条的严格执行者。

    Banks might yet succeed in portraying the Securities and Exchange Commission as politically motivated , but it will be harder to perform the same trick on the IMF , hitherto a rigid enforcer of markets-based orthodoxy .

  10. 我们对这个教条的回应是:这是Anunnaki妄图以不同的方法控制人类的力量的事实。

    We responded to this dogma with the fact that several different methods for controlling humanity were tried by the Anunnaki before the present group was put in power .

  11. 它应当超越人格化的上帝,避免教条和神学。

    It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology .

  12. 信仰教条与教义的学派或体系。

    A particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings .

  13. 不信奉自由意志教条的人。

    Someone who does not believe the doctrine of free will .

  14. 他想多了解有关神学上不拘泥教条的自由主义。

    He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology .

  15. 教条较少的早期基督教。

    Christianity in the early days when there was less dogma .

  16. 许多现行的心理分析理论和古典弗洛伊德教条差别很大。

    Many current psychoanalytic theories diverge markedly from classical Freudian dogma .

  17. 体式的顺序是高度主观而没有固定教条的。

    Sequencing is highly subjective and does not follow dogmatic rules .

  18. 排斥一个宗教的保守教条的信仰。

    A belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion .

  19. 这就是老八股、老教条。

    That was the old stereotype and the old dogma .

  20. 我们需要一种不那么教条的方法来对待外资流动。

    The world needs a less doctrinaire approach to foreign capital flows .

  21. 伯麦的神秘主义神学教条影响了教友派。

    The mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers .

  22. 通过目的来解释其现象的教条。

    A doctrine explaining phenomena by their ends or purposes .

  23. 但是兰博反对已有的教条并且极端暴力。

    But Rambo rejected established rules and was extremely violent .

  24. 马克思主义理论从来不是教条,而是行动的指南。

    Marxist theory is not a dogma but a guide to action .

  25. 你知道教友派信徒吗,教友派教条?

    Do you know anything about the quakers , the Quaker religion ?

  26. 这些就都是新八股、新教条。

    These are the new stereotype and the new dogma .

  27. 教条33-谄媚老板没有坏处。

    It never hurts to suck up to the boss .

  28. 不愿意接受权威或者教条(特别是宗教的权威或者教条)。

    Unwilling to accept authority or dogma ( especially in religion ) .

  29. 严格忠于一个宗教及其教条的。

    Rigidly adhering to a particular sect or its doctrines .

  30. 被尊奉为权威的教条或信义守则。

    A doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative .